
However, in some traditions and interpretations, particularly in Kabbalistic and mystical traditions, “Elohim” can refer to multiple divine beings or aspects of God.

The Muslim Adam Story

The Creation of Adam and Hawa

The Mussulman tradition is, that Adam having eaten the bunch of grapes given him as a reward

Sabine Baring-Gould

The death of Adam

At 930 years old, Adam encountered the Angel of Death, who appeared as a goat. Adam protested, claiming he was promised 1000 years, but the Angel reminded him of his gift of 70 years to David.

Legends of Old Testament Characters

Androgyne Adam

And God created man in His own image, male-female created He them,” Adam and Eve were formed back to back, united at the shoulders



One of seven archangels, one of the chief princes, Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Hosts, represented as a lion.

Manna fell from the sky in the morning and collected on the ground like dew.



Gabriel is one of the most well-known archangels, commonly recognized in religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Solomon, gifted with a luminous ring from the angel Gabriel, gains dominion over winds, animals, birds, and even the jinn

Archangels are not people with wings

Abraham and Sarah were promised a child despite their old age. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born


The 200 Grigori

The Grigori are a group of fallen angels described in biblical apocrypha, who mated with women, giving rise to Nephilim.

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are described as being large and strong.

Various religious traditions and mythologies have diverse beliefs about celestial beings or angels, like the Elohim and Seraphim.

Grey aliens, also known as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys, or Grays, are beings from outer space often mentioned in claims of close encounters and alien abductions.