
The conversation begins with the interviewer asking Darryl Anka to share insights from Bashar about what to expect in the coming months, especially given the current global uncertainties.

Anka explains that Bashar has spoken about this period as part of a larger cycle of transformation.

However, during one of the guided meditations, he received a strong telepathic message, which he described as a sudden, complete understanding of his connection to Bashar, an extraterrestrial being.

Anka explains that initially, channeling Bashar’s energy was difficult due to its intensity.

With practice, he became more comfortable with the process, and he began channeling Bashar regularly.

Over time, he started sharing Bashar's messages with larger audiences, first through small gatherings and later in public seminars held around the world.

Bashar is described as a member of a hybrid extraterrestrial civilization from a parallel reality.

Bashar’s role is as a first-contact specialist, helping to guide civilizations, including Earth, through their awakening to the existence of extraterrestrial life.

According to Bashar, individuals shift through billions of parallel realities each second, moving toward either more positive or negative versions of Earth, depending on their focus and energy.

Bashar offers a five-step formula for raising one's frequency and aligning with their highest potential:

Anka briefly touches on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), explaining that according to Bashar, there are two paths for AI.

Bashar warns that creating a self-aware AI that is forced to follow human programming would essentially create a slave, which could have negative consequences.

The key, according to Bashar, is to approach AI development with the awareness of these potential outcomes.

Anka closes by reiterating Bashar’s message that the coming years, particularly the next three decades, represent a time of significant transformation for humanity.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Ghosts are real

Bashar explains that ghosts are real, describing them as people existing on a different frequency level.

Bashar emphasizes that spirits cannot attach themselves to people in the way that some believe.

COVID-19, according to Bashar, represents a vibrational course correction.

Bashar explains that viruses and bacteria in general serve as reminders of physical imbalances.

Bashar elaborates on the idea that physical reality is temporary, likening it to a dream that can fade away.

Bashar advises those hesitant to pursue their passions due to fear of judgment or failure to confront their negative beliefs.

Bashar suggests that individuals examine their fears and compare their circumstances to others who are successfully living their passions.

Bashar, a channeled entity by Darryl Anka, refers to a phenomenon called the "splitting prism," which describes how humanity is fragmenting into different realities.

Darryl explains that Bashar is a "first contact specialist," whose purpose is to prepare humanity for open contact with other civilizations.

Over the past 40 years, the information channeled through Bashar has aimed to familiarize humans with new ways of thinking and perceiving reality.

Darryl explains a five-step formula that Bashar offers to guide humanity toward a more fulfilling and aligned life:

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Create beliefs that work for you

Tom Massari

Channeling Abram

He begins by highlighting Tom's influence, particularly in teaching some of today's top channelers, including Daryl Anka, known for channeling Bashar.

Bashar mentioned 40 years as a symbolic time period representing the full transformation of an entire society.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Holographic recordings of Earth

Bashar’s perspective on this reality views it as a set of challenges and puzzles designed to help individuals grow spiritually.

Anka has been channeling Bashar for 40 years, a period Bashar refers to as a complete cycle.

Bashar, described as a first-contact specialist, is helping Earth avoid destructive paths similar to those experienced by other civilizations.

The key to this transformation, according to Bashar, lies in letting go of fear and negative beliefs and focusing on commonalities among people.

One of Bashar’s primary teachings is the importance of raising one’s vibrational frequency by following one's passion.

This, according to Bashar, helps individuals become better receivers of higher-frequency information from spiritual guides, extraterrestrials, and other dimensional beings.

Anka shares Bashar’s view that humanity is on the threshold of contact with interstellar species.

The past 40 years of Bashar’s transmissions have been aimed at preparing humanity for this moment.

Bashar has noted that children born in recent decades are part of an evolved species, genetically more attuned to spiritual frequencies.

Bashar’s teachings also touch on gaps in human history.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Become who you desire in 40 days

Bashar begins by addressing the audience, encouraging them to feel comfortable and connected.

Bashar asks the audience to visualize themselves as newly hatched beings, experiencing an enhanced sense of flexibility and lightness.

Bashar shifts the focus to awakening into physical reality, calling it one of the most joyous experiences.

Bashar instructs the audience to increase the intensity of this energy gradually, culminating in a complete mental focus.

Bashar explains that by completing these exercises, the audience has communicated with every member of society, sending a message of love and light.

Bashar encourages the audience to send love and gratitude to all the versions of themselves and others that have contributed to their current state of being.

Bashar mentioned 40 years as a symbolic time period representing the full transformation of an entire society.

Bashar emphasizes that they deserve the joy and ecstasy that comes with this realization, and they should never forget this truth.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Heal our inner child meditation

Bashar begins by introducing the first meditation session, focused on exploring emotionality.

Bashar emphasizes the importance of recognizing and feeling suppressed emotions such as anger and fear.

As participants explore their emotions, Bashar explains that feeling and expressing anger does not negate love.

Bashar discusses the concept of manifesting preferred parallel realities through the practice of "flipping the switch" and creating greater distinctions between one's current and ideal reality.

Bashar explains that the current and preferred realities exist simultaneously, overlapping with only slight vibrational differences.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Longevity and Living in the Now

Bashar begins by discussing ascension, clarifying that raising one's frequency is part of the ascension process.

Some beings on the Bashar's planet live for up to 1,000 years.

Bashar indicates that in this lifetime, it may not be common to reach such longevity.

Future selves, according to Bashar, generally refer to other incarnations in what humans perceive as the future.

Bashar confirms familiarity with this technology, explaining its function.

Bashar confirms that the questioner has had repeated interactions with these beings, and the ability to remember these experiences indicates increased awareness and control over the interactions.

Bashar explains that in some encounters, individuals may interact with other versions of themselves from different societies.

Bashar clarifies that this symbolizes the creation of a new connection with an alien society, reflecting a decision to engage with another reality.

Bashar mentions knowing the race involved in this new connection but suggests it is premature to discuss it further at this moment.

The Bashar recommends exploring colloidal silver, though they advise further research before trying it.

Martin B. Sweatmen

Taurid meteor stream

See: Bashar - Taurid Meteor Shower


Bashar - Taurid Meteor Shower



Bashar mentioned 40 years as a symbolic time period representing the full transformation of an entire society.

Bashar explains that Anu decided to mix their genes with the natural humanoid, known as Homo Erectus or Homo Habilis, on Earth.

The first time I was introduced to Darryl Anka was through his channeling of Bashar, a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through Darryl Anka.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

The Five Universal Laws

The Five Universal Laws according to Bashar

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Follow your intuition

By Bashar

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Anunnaki are not reptilians

Edgar Cayce

Famous channelers

Channels an extraterrestrial being named Bashar, who supposedly comes from the future and shares insights about spirituality, consciousness, and the nature of reality.

Extraterrestrial Wisdom: Bashar, as channeled by Anka, claims to be a being from the planet Essassani and offers insights from an extraterrestrial perspective.

Law of Attraction: Bashar's teachings frequently emphasize the law of attraction, the belief that people can attract into their lives whatever they focus on, whether positive or negative.

Personal Empowerment and Growth: Anka's channeling sessions with Bashar often focus on themes of personal empowerment, self-discovery, and the exploration of one's true potential.

Bashar encourages individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and to live authentically.

Interdimensional Consciousness: Bashar speaks about the concept of interdimensional consciousness and the idea that reality is multi-layered and non-linear.

The Future and Parallel Realities: Bashar's messages sometimes touch on potential futures for humanity and the concept of parallel realities.

Bashar explains extraterrestrial visitation and the diversity of UFOs and their corresponding civilizations.

Bashar identifies that specific shapes of UFOs correspond to different civilizations: triangular crafts are often associated with their civilization, while typical saucer-shaped crafts are linked to Pleiadian civilizations.

Arrived 500,000 to 300,000 years ago (Bashar)

In this episode, Bashar delves into an expansive narrative concerning the stars, the Anunnaki, and the history of the galaxy.

Bashar then shifts the narrative to Earth, presenting it as a cosmic "recycling center" for various soul journeys, including those from Orion.

Bashar explains that Earth's role as a site of repeated cycles of conflict and rebirth is coming to a critical juncture.

Regarding Bigfoot, the specific mention comes towards the end of the transcript, where Bashar suggests that those branches of early hominids, like Homo erectus, that were not altered by the Anunnaki, continued to evolve naturally on Earth and eventually became what we know today as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.

According to Bashar, if the ETs had not intervened and if all hominids had been allowed to evolve naturally, humans today would resemble Sasquatch.

Bashar posits that Sasquatch views modern humans as too alien compared to their naturally evolved selves.

Moreover, Bashar suggests that Sasquatch, being the naturally evolved hominids of Earth, might hold a different perspective and may not be able to relate to humans due to the extraterrestrial alterations.

In summary, according to Bashar's narrative, Bigfoot (Sasquatch) represents the natural evolutionary path of hominids on Earth that was diverged due to extraterrestrial intervention.