Table of Contents
Summary from Bashar
- The consciousnesses on other planets of the system are non fysical
- There is no other indigenous life physically in your reality (in your dimension of reality) that would have a physical civilization on any other planet in your system aside from temporary bases put there by other civilisations not native to your system.
- There is other indigenous life in your solar system but it’s not what we would call a technological civilisations.
- The Anunnaki are connected to our system in a variety of ways
- More about Anunnaki can be found in the work of Sitchin
- The Anunnaki did use some of their DNA to uplift both the saurian and the humanoid lines of evolution on our planet
- The Saurian line (the reptilian race) comes from our dimensional plane and actually comes from our planet.
- To some degree part of our soul family and as a physical species they represent the level of reptilian brain that exist still within your human species
- Saurians have their agenda, but we have nothing to fair from them.
- We both share some Anunnaki DNA, vibrationally we are like cousins.
- We both come from the same cradle
- We both have similar DNA
- Does it connect with the agenda of the occupation of Iraq -> Yes
- Connects with the old idea of Orion lifetimes where there was great oppression and suppression and warfare
- The Anunnaki never occupied or inhabited the earth for any length of time, but they were taken to another world and had a technology in that sense that allowed them to visit our world from time to time, in a sense of coming back to their old homestead. But for their own agenda and their own purposes for now
- No bloodline relation to the Illuminati