
The Anuki language is an Austronesian language spoken by the Gabobora people along Cape Vogel in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.

The Anunnaki were created as a hybrid race combining angelic and reptilian qualities. Their primary mission was to protect Earth by eliminating distortions and corruption.

Elohim, as architects, created life in the universe starting from the sixth dimension, representing the pattern of life.

Huna Flash

Anunnaki Overview

The Anunnaki were involved in genetic experiments during the times of Lemuria, particularly in the later stages

Sumarian King List

Dynasty of Uruk

The rulers of Uruk across its dynasties according to the Sumerian King List.

Sumerian King List

Antediluvian rulers

The duration of each reign is also given. In this first section, the reigns vary between 43,200 and 28,800 years for a total of 241,200 years

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

Mutwa explains that the mining of gold and other metals was an important activity in ancient South Africa, carried out by the indigenous people.

The Sumerian King List

Dynasties of Kish

After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish.


The Anasazi

The Anasazi were people who worshipped the darkness, as we are told. They made their prayer offerings to the darkness.

The Akitu festival was celebrated twice a year in ancient Mesopotamia, most notably at the beginning of the Babylonian calendar’s first month, Nisannu (March-April), and again in the seventh month, Tashritu (September-October).


King David

King David is a pivotal figure in the history and religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Ibn Wahshiyya claimed that he translated it from a 20,000-year-old Mesopotamian text.

Abel from the Bible and Osiris from ancient Egyptian mythology share several thematic and narrative similarities, even though they come from very different cultural and religious backgrounds



Seth died at the age of 912

Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the Kabbalah.
In the Abrahamic religions, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.

A statuette of a pantheistic deity with the face of the god Bes. It is made of bronze inlaid with gold, and is dated either to Late Period or Ptolemaic Period


Who is Enlil?

Enlil played a key role in the creation of humanity. According to Sumerian myths, Enlil helped to create humans.


Who is Enki?

Enki was associated with water and was often depicted as a god of rivers, oceans, and underground springs.

Anu was often associated with divine kingship, and was believed to have bestowed the right to rule on earthly kings and rulers.

Frank Ontario

The 12 Elohim

The Elohim, also referred to as the Anunnaki or Star Seeders, are credited with creating planets and star systems, essentially acting as the architects of our physical universe.



A comparison between the roles and characteristics of the Anunnaki and the diverse group of people involved in European colonization.

Harmonic convergence where the acoustic energy from the sound perfectly syncs with the magnetic field fluctuations. This harmonic convergence would need to create a stable levitation effect.

The Anunnaki did use some of their DNA to uplift both the saurian and the humanoid lines of evolution on our planet.