
Adam, the first humans


  • Adam was the result of genetic modification
  • Adam evolved from Homo Erectus or Homo Habulus
  • Early humans considered Anu Gods, which is the origin of religion.
  • See Saklas


  • 300,000 to 500,000 years ago
  • Or 20,000 BCE

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, many view Adam, as described in the Bible’s Book of Genesis, as the first human whom God created. This narrative presents Adam as being formed from the earth’s dust, with life breathed into him by God, symbolizing a unique bond between humanity and the divine, and highlighting the special role of humans in the world.

However, the term “Adam” also broadly signifies not just an individual, but humanity in its entirety. This interpretation arises from the Hebrew usage of the name “Adam,” which can mean “man,” “mankind,” or “humanity” generally. Thus, the creation story of Adam often serves as a symbolic account of the origins of all humans.

In modern theological and scholarly discussions, these ancient texts often undergo examination within the context of contemporary knowledge about human evolution and historical cultural contexts. Many theologians and scholars interpret the Genesis narrative metaphorically or allegorically, aligning it with scientific understanding of human origins, rather than viewing it as a literal historical account.

Therefore, while traditionally Adam is seen as the first individual human in Judeo-Christian scriptures, there’s also a wider interpretation that regards Adam as a symbolic figure representing the beginnings of the human race. Interpretations of Adam vary significantly based on theological, cultural, and personal viewpoints.

It was conferred upon me from the fathers; it came down from the fathers, from the beginning of time, yea, even from the beginning, or before the foundation of the earth, down to the present time, even the right of the firstborn, or the first man, who is Adam, or first father, through the fathers unto me.

Abraham 1:3

Adam, in this merged interpretation, symbolizes the origin and essence of humanity. In the Bible, God creates Adam as the first human, forming him from the earth’s dust and breathing life into him. This creation story highlights the special relationship between humanity and God, and the unique role humans have in the world. Adam, in this sense, is not just an individual but a prototype of all human beings, embodying the qualities and potential of humanity.

Extending this to the first human race, Adam becomes a metaphorical figure representing the dawn of humanity. In this broader context, Adam’s creation mirrors the emergence of the human species, reflecting themes of life, consciousness, and the beginning of human existence. This interpretation aligns with the name “Adam” in Hebrew, which can be understood as “humanity” in a general sense.

Therefore, Adam, as the first human race, encapsulates both the theological dimensions of a divinely created being and the anthropological view of the emergence of the human species. This combined interpretation sees Adam as a foundational figure, both in a spiritual sense as the first man created by God and in a symbolic sense as the representative of the early stages of human evolution and development.

Genesis 2 First humans

Bashar channeling

  • Adama, Eva & Eden
  • The male line, the female line of the first humans created by the Anu
  • Anu decided to infuse their genetic material into the natural humanoid that evolved on your planet that you refer to as Homo Erectus Homo Habulus.
  • 300,000 to 500,000 years ago
  • Genetic manipulation created homo sapien
  • Snake represents the knowledge and the wisdom regarding the DNA
  • The Anunnaki, didn’t want the humans to have that knowledge, they wanted them to remain somewhat subservent. Eating of the knowledge would be something that would be forbidden.
  • There were many gardens of Eden where the Anunnaki had these laboratories
  • The main was in Eden, an area of the Middle East, near the Euphrates river.
  • E-den is simply the name they gave to that base
  • The majority of the Anunnaki that had not come to the planet, recognized what the Anunnaki had done, it was against their laws.
  • They were recalled
  • The humans needed to be guided
  • Humans still had a lot of genetic markers turned off.
  • Some of their Anu become their tutors
  • That’s why the early humans considered Anu Gods, that’s the origin of religion.

Interpreting Adam as representing the early stages of human evolution

Interpreting Adam as representing the early stages of human evolution, rather than as a single historical individual, requires a metaphorical understanding of aspects like his age, offspring, and wife. Here’s how these elements could be viewed in this broader context:

Age of Adam

In the biblical narrative, Adam is depicted as living for many centuries. However, when considering Adam as a symbol for early humanity, his ‘age’ could represent the lengthy evolutionary process rather than a literal lifespan. This perspective acknowledges the gradual development of human traits and behaviors over thousands of years, rather than the existence of a single, extraordinarily long-lived individual.

Offspring of Adam

Biblically, Adam and Eve’s children signify the beginnings of the human population. In an allegorical sense, the ‘offspring’ of early humanity could represent the diversification and spread of human beings across the globe. This interpretation aligns with the scientific understanding of how early human populations expanded, diversified, and evolved into different groups and cultures over millennia.

By tradition, Adam had 33 sons and 23 daughters. According to Genesis 4:25, Seth was born after the death of Abel and Eve believed that he was appointed by God to establish a new offspring, replacing Abel, killed by Cain.

Wife of Adam (Eve)

Eve’s creation from Adam’s rib in the Genesis account is rich in symbolic meaning. When Adam is seen as representing early humanity, Eve’s creation can symbolize the emergence of human social structures, relationships, and perhaps even the recognition of gender roles in early societies. In evolutionary terms, this could reflect the development of complex social behaviors and the establishment of family units, which were crucial for the survival and propagation of early human communities.

First wive of Adam (Lilith)

Lilith is a figure from Jewish mythology, often considered to be a demon, and has variously been depicted as a night creature, seductress, or a symbol of empowerment. The interpretations of Lilith have evolved significantly over time, and her image can vary widely depending on the cultural context and the artistic vision.

In art, Lilith is often portrayed with some distinguishing features, such as wings or an aura of mystery and darkness. She may appear seductive, powerful, or menacing, and her representation often includes elements of both human and supernatural characteristics.

Adam’s children

Interpreting the biblical names of Adam’s children as symbolic milestones in human evolution involves a creative, allegorical approach. Let’s consider some of the notable children of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Bible and how their names might metaphorically correspond to key stages or aspects of human development:


Traditionally seen as the firstborn, Cain’s story involves agriculture and the darker aspects of human nature, like jealousy and violence. In an evolutionary context, Cain could represent the transition from nomadic hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This shift to farming was a major milestone in human history, leading to more stable food sources and the eventual rise of cities and civilizations. However, it also brought new challenges, such as property disputes and social inequalities, reflecting the complexities of Cain’s story.



Abel, a shepherd, could symbolize the pastoralist stage of human society, where domestication of animals played a crucial role. This stage represents an evolution in human subsistence strategies, involving animal husbandry and a more nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle, contrasting with Cain’s agricultural focus.


As a replacement for Abel, Seth often symbolizes restoration and continuity in biblical narratives. In the context of human evolution, Seth could represent the resilience and adaptability of early humans, particularly how they overcame challenges and environmental changes. The lineage of Seth leading to Noah might symbolize the long journey of human evolution, marked by significant adaptations and survival through various climatic and environmental shifts.


Son Cain and Daughter Luluwa

Chapter LXXIV – The birth of Cain and Luluwa. Why they received those names.

1 And they lived on the earth working in order to keep their bodies in good health; and they continued so until the nine months of Eve’s pregnancy were over, and the time drew near when she must give birth.

2 Then she said to Adam, “The signs placed in this cave since we left the garden indicate that this is a pure place and we will be praying in it again some time. It is not appropriate then, that I should give birth in it. Let us instead go to the sheltering rock cave that was formed by the command of God when Satan threw a big rock down on us in an attempt to kill us with it.

3 Adam then took Eve to that cave. When the time came for her to give birth, she strained a lot. Adam felt sorry, and he was very worried about her because she was close to death and the words of God to her were being fulfilled: “In suffering shall you bear a child, and in sorrow shall you bring forth a child.”

4 But when Adam saw the distress in which Eve was, he got up and prayed to God, and said, “O Lord, look at me with the eye of Your mercy, and bring her out of her distress.”

5 And God looked at His maid-servant Eve, and delivered her, and she gave birth to her first-born son, and with him a daughter.

6 The Adam rejoiced at Eve’s deliverance, and also over the children she had borne him. And Adam ministered to Eve in the cave, until the end of eight days; when they named the son Cain, and the daughter Luluwa.

7 The meaning of Cain is “hater,” because he hated his sister in their mother’s womb; before they came out of it. Therefore Adam named him Cain.

8 But Luluwa means “beautiful,” because she was more beautiful than her mother.

9 Then Adam and Eve waited until Cain and his sister were forty days old, when Adam said to Eve, “We will make an offering and offer it up in behalf of the children.”

10 And Eve said, “We will make one offering for the first-born son and then later we shall make one for the daughter.”

The First Book of Adam and Eve

Son Abel and daughter Aklia

11 When the children were weaned, Eve again conceived, and when her pregnancy came to term, she gave birth to another son and daughter. They named the son Abel and the daughter Aklia.

The First Book of Adam and Eve


Known for his close walk with God and being taken away without dying, Enoch could represent a period of significant intellectual or spiritual development in human history. This might symbolize a time when humans developed more complex religious beliefs, social structures, and possibly the beginnings of written language and advanced tool-making.


The father of Noah, Lamech could symbolize a period of impending significant change, much like the biblical narrative of the Flood. This could be metaphorically linked to a major turning point in human history, such as the last Ice Age, which drastically changed human environments and living conditions, requiring significant adaptations.

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