
Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.

Mankind is actually the successor of other intelligent creatures such as jinn and hinn



One of seven archangels, one of the chief princes, Supreme Commander of the Heavenly Hosts, represented as a lion.

Anu mixed their genes with the natural humanoid, known as Homo Erectus or Homo Habilis, on Earth. This happened around 500,000 years ago.



The Canaanites were a group of ancient people who lived in the land of Canaan, an area which according to the Bible encompassed parts of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria

The little people would eventually integrate into other African races such as the Bergdama and the Bushman

The first race was the Reptilian Race who were the ‘Slave Masters’ of the thousands of Hybrid Humans.

Dead Sea Scrolls

Book of Giants

The “Book of Giants” is an ancient Jewish pseudepigraphal work, which is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls.



Goliath was a giant warrior from the Philistine army. He was described as being over nine feet tall and wore heavy armor.

The Anakim are a significant group mentioned in the Bible, known for their size and strength.


The 200 Grigori

The Grigori are a group of fallen angels described in biblical apocrypha, who mated with women, giving rise to Nephilim.

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are described as being large and strong.

Book of Mormon


The text of The Book of Mormon is a religious record of ancient peoples in the Americas, primarily the Nephites and the Lamanites.

Adam traditionally is the first human in Judeo-Christian scripture. Adam is a symbolic figure representing the beginnings of the human race

The Genesis Apocryphon (1Q20), also called the Tales of the Patriarchs or the Apocalypse of Lamech is one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Aessir landed on planet Earth in search of gold. The Aessir were similar to humans, while advanced, in many ways, they were still tribal.

The Nephilim were on the earth in the earliest days, and also afterward when the Aessir came into the daughters of humans and they bore children to them