Rob Skiba

Moses said the post-Flood Nephilim came from other Nephilim

Noah’s Lineage and Giants

Rob Skiba discusses the lineage of Noah’s descendants and their connection to giants, emphasizing that Canaan’s descendants, specifically the Amorites, are associated with giants. According to biblical records, the Amorites are mentioned over 80 times in the Bible, described as being of great size, comparable to cedar trees. Skiba also notes that Canaan’s descendants, such as the Philistines, who are mentioned over 200 times in the Bible, are linked to giants, including Goliath and his brothers.

The lineage of other descendants of Noah’s sons is also explored:

  • Mizraim, son of Ham, is connected to the Philistines and possibly giants through his son Caphtor, who settled on the island of Crete.
  • Cush, another son of Ham, is associated with Nimrod, who Skiba suggests altered himself to become like a Nephilim, rather than being born as one.
  • Put, the fourth son of Ham, shows no evidence of giants in his lineage.
  • Shem and Japheth‘s lineages, with Shem leading to Jesus, do not contain giants. However, Japheth’s descendants, including Gog and Magog, have historical references to giants.

Genetic Corruption and the Nephilim

Skiba proposes that the wives of Noah’s sons may have carried corrupted genetics, which could explain the continuation of Nephilim after the flood. He suggests that genetic mutations and the consequences of sin could be passed down through generations, supported by references to the Bible where sin is said to be passed down to future generations. In contrast, obedience to God could alter these genetic outcomes, resulting in the preservation of a righteous lineage, as seen in Shem’s descendants.

Skiba draws on examples from epigenetics, where spiritual or moral actions might leave a genetic “mark” passed down through generations. He references Numbers 13:27–33, which describes the Nephilim descendants of Anak, and argues that the post-Flood Nephilim came from Nephilim before the flood, through a genetic inheritance rather than new fallen angelic incursions.

The Significance of Names

Skiba also highlights the importance of names in the Bible, suggesting that names often carry deeper meanings or codes. He cites the example of the pre-Flood patriarchs, whose names, when translated, form a coherent sentence that encapsulates a biblical message. He encourages further study of biblical names to uncover hidden messages in genealogies.

Multiple Incursions vs. Genetic Transmission

The presentation concludes with a discussion on how Nephilim genetics could have been preserved through Noah’s family. Skiba challenges the idea of multiple angelic incursions after the flood, arguing instead that the Nephilim reappeared due to the corrupted genetics passed through the wives of Noah’s sons. This genetic corruption, combined with disobedience, could explain the presence of giants in Canaan’s descendants.

The preservation of uncorrupted genetics in righteous individuals like Shem would result in a pure lineage, culminating in the birth of Jesus. This view contrasts with the idea that fallen angels continued to create Nephilim after the flood, suggesting that the genetic corruption present in Noah’s time was enough to account for the post-Flood giants.

Home > Moses said the post-Flood Nephilim came from other Nephilim

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