Are Judaism and Christianity henotheistic?
In Judaism, these other gods are referenced explicitly to condemn them as false, and the practice of worshipping them was seen as a grave sin (idolatry).
Mount Hermon
This myth ties Hermon to ideas of rebellion, sin, and the boundary between the divine and human.
Adam & Eve – 13,000 BCE
The Adam and Eve story, with its theme of the first sin and loss of paradise, could be seen as a mythical reflection of humanity grappling with balance (Libra) and duality—such as good versus evil, and harmony versus disobedience.
Flood Stories from Around the World
This indolence led men astray, especially to the sins of wantonness and rapacity.
The people had turned to evil, so Kane punished their sin with a flood.
For their sins of adultery and constant quarreling, the gods expelled them by sending a wall of water from all directions.
The gods were displeased by their sins, though, and sent a wall of water upon them.
Zapotec (Oaxaca, southern Mexico):The Angel Gabriel warned Noéh that a flood was coming because of mankind's sins.
Paria Caca, a god born from five falcon eggs, heard about a man called Tamta Namca who called himself a god and had himself worshipped, and about other people's sins.
Defending the Book of Enoch and Explaining the Pre- and Post-Flood Nephilim
He elaborates on the significance of this in the Day of Atonement ritual, where the Israelites would lay their sins on a goat and send it into the wilderness, symbolically transferring their sins to Azazel.
This act aligns with the story in Enoch, where Azazel is blamed for leading humanity into sin.
Moses said the post-Flood Nephilim came from other Nephilim
He suggests that genetic mutations and the consequences of sin could be passed down through generations, supported by references to the Bible where sin is said to be passed down to future generations.
The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks
Sin was the goddess of the moon.
This is made the more evident when we read that this region of the gods, of Chronos and Uranos and Zeus, passed through, first, a Golden Age, then a Silver Age--these constituting a great period of peace and happiness; then it reached a Bronze Age; then an Iron Age, and finally perished by a great flood, sent upon these people by Zeus as a punishment for their sins.
Traditions of Atlantis
The Aditya represent an earlier and purer form of religion: "While in hymns to the other deities long: life, wealth, power, are the objects commonly prayed for, of the Aditya is craved purity, forgiveness of sin, freedom from guilt, and repentance." ("Oriental and Linguistic Studies," p.
Genesis contains a history of Atlantis
The people destroyed were, in both instances, the ancient race that had created civilization; they had formerly been in a happy and sinless condition; they had become great and wicked; they were destroyed for their sins--they were destroyed by water.
Confession of sin and sacrifice of atonement were common to both peoples.
The Jewish custom of laying the sins of the people upon the head of an animal, and turning him out into the wilderness, had its counterpart among the Mexicans, who, to cure a fever, formed a dog of maize paste and left it by the roadside, saying the first passer-by would carry away the illness.
Here we find many resemblances to the Christian ordinance of baptism: the pouring of the water on the head, the putting of the fingers in the mouth, the touching of the breast, the new birth, and the washing away of the original sin.
Hermeticism and Ancient Mysteries
"Sin" in this context refers to improper use of one's energy, which leads to a loss of spiritual potential.
Life in Caiphul (5-1)
I know it fell on fallow soil, when I compare my life now with the lives past; yet, for long, the seed lay dormant, and while it did so the bitter experiences of sin and error arose and swept my life outward on a wave of scorching fire, which required another incarnation to heal the scars it left.
Selestor’s Men of Atlantis
Yea, sandals covered feet that nature made so graceful ’twere a sin to hide in shapen casket that fair print of God on man form.
The priesthood punished as was best thought fit, each member of the order who did sin, the nation knowing naught of what befell "the Temple's children." Each was taught the law, and if it were broken by an act forbidden, the highest of the order spake the word of punishment and punishment was given.
And when afar the refugees did hear the fate befallen king and subjects, all, low spake they in their horror: "Thus the gods decree for violation of the marriage laws read from lips unseen by men of fleshly mood, but law imparted to such priest as sins not, fasts and peers into the higher world through eyes of soul alone.
“One shall come at last who in thy arms shall lie and down the line of history be absolved from sin, but her thou lovest never, for the tie of soul to soul is held between us, born on heights where Nature readeth Law at first, breathed from the lips of Majesty, the king God of the gods.”
"What need have warriors for the parting boon when war absolves from sin they who have died?
And scorn ye, too, its people who, born to war, in time of stress take to them deadly moods and harbor hate, and so demand what thou dost deem a sin—the eye for eye and tooth for tooth—adown their line for centuries.
The Story of Atlantis
Tertullian in his De Baptismo says that they were promised in consequence "regeneration and the pardon of all their perjuries." The Scandinavian nations practised baptism of new-born children; and when we turn to Mexico and Peru we find infant baptism there as a solemn ceremonial, consisting of water sprinkling, the sign of the cross, and prayers for the washing away of sin (see Humboldt's Mexican Researches and Prescott's Mexico).
The Oera Linda book (Fries)
Men sin ljuda dêdon mâr: bern wrdon to sok makad, nei vpsalândum wêibrocht, ånd sâhwersa hja vpbrocht wêron an sina vvla lêr, thån wrdon hja to bek sendon.
Tha bvrga Ljvdgârda, Lindahêm, ånd Stâvja send vnder sin hod.
Tha burga Bvda ånd Manna-gârda-forda send vnder sin hod.
Tha burga Aken, Ljvdburch ånd Kâtsburch send vnder sin hod.
Thiu Wâraburch, Mêdêasblik, Forâna ånd ald Fryasburch send vnder sin hod.
Thju burch Walhallagâra is vnder sin hod.
Hwâ mêi sin târa hwither to haldane.
Thrvch thêne kråft hjrar blikkar strêk thene lâwa to fara hjara fyt dål ånd held thene addur sin gif tobåk.
Sâhwersa thêr åmman among jo fvnden wårth, thêr sin åjn frydom vrsellath, tham-n is navt fon jvw folk: hi is en horning mith basterd blod.
Ik rêde jo that j him ånd sin måm to thåt lând utdriva, sêgs that to jvwa bårn, thes mornes, thes middêis ånd thes êwendes, til thju hja thêrof drâme thes nachtis.
Thach ik rêde jo vmbe sin lik ånd that sinera måm vpp êne kåle stêd to vrbarnande, åfternêi hjara aske fiftich fyt anda grvnd to dålvane, til hju thêr nênen gårshålm vp waxa ni mêi, hwand aldulkera gårs skolde jvw diaroste kvik dêja.
Alle setma thêr en êw, thåt is hvndred jêr, omhlâpa müge mith tha krodar ånd sin jol, thêra mügon vppa rêd thêre moder, ånd by mêna willa vppa wêgar thêra burgum writ hwertha; send hja uppa wêgar writ, thân send hja êwa, ånd thåt is vsa plicht vmbe altham an êra to haldande.
Tha nimman ne mêi en fardêl by sin hus nåva, fül min en ronddêl.
Ak mêi sin jongste svn that erva.
Ek thorp skil en hêmrik håva nêi sina bihof ånd thêne grêva skil njvda that alra ek sin dêl bidongth ånd god hald, til thju tha åfter kvmmande nên skåde navt ne lyda ne muge.
Is en boi twilif jer, sa mot-i tha sjvgunde dêi miste fon sin lêr-tid vmbe rêd to werthande mith-a wåpne.
Is hi thrê jêr wêrar, sâ wårth-i burch-hêr ånd mêi hi hêlpa sin hâwed-manna to kjasane.
Is-er vppa sin tid ofgvngen jeftha binna sin tid sturven, sâ ne mêi nên sibba him vpfolgja, thêr-im nêiar sy sa tha fjarde kny.
Sin wisdom mot sin wåpen wêsa ånd thju ljafte siura kåmpona mot sin skyld wêsa.
Nis thene kêning navt vppet pat, sâ mot mån sin folgar hêrich wêsa of tham-is folgar alont tha lesta.
Heth thene kêning en frêsalik folk ofslagen, sâ mügon sina after kvmande sin nâma åfter hjara åjne fora; wil thene kêning, sâ mêi-er vppen vnbibvwade stêd en plåk utkjasa to hus ånd erv.
Sin jongste svn mêi thåt god erva, åfte tham thamis jongste, thån skil mån that wither nimma.
Sahwersa orloch kvmt ånd thêr wrde husa homljat jeftha skêpa, hok that et sy, sy-et thrvch thene fyand, tha by mêna rêdum, sâ ach tha mêna mênta, thåt is al-et folk to sêmne that wither to hêlene; thêr vmbe that nåmman tha mêna sêka skil helpa vrljasa vmbe sin åjn god to bihaldane.
Willath hja him sin lif bihalda lêta ând thju wrêka ofkâpja lêta, sâ mêi mån thåt dâja.
Thach is then bona en kêning, grêvetman, grêva hwa thåt-et sy, tham ovira sêda mot wâka, sâ moton wi thåt kwad bêterja men ta bona mot sin straf hâ.
Kvmth thêr flâte to honk ånd sin thêr bâta, sâ moton tha stjurar thêr of en thrimene håva, althus to dêlande, thi witkêning twilf môn-is dêla, thi skolt by nacht sjugun dêla, tha bôtmônna ek twa dêla, thi skiprun ek thrê dêla, that ôra skip-is folk ek ên dêl.
Sin thêr svme vrlameth, sâ mot-a mêna mênte njvda far hjara lif, âk moton hja fôrana sitta by tha mêna fêrsta, by huslika fêrsta, jâ by alle fêrsta.[42]
Sin thêr vppa tocht vmkume, sâ moton hjara nêstun hjara dêl erva.
Sin thêr wêdven ånd wêson fon kvmen, sâ mot thju mênte hja vnderhalda; sin hja an ênre kase felth, sa mügon tha svna thi nôma hjarar tâta vppira skeldun fora.
Sin thêr prentara2 forfaren, sa moton sina erva en êl mannis dêl håva.
Was hi forsêith, sâ mêi sin brud sjugun mannis dêlun aska vmbe hira fryadulf en stên to to wjande, mar thån mot hja for tha êre wêdve bilyva lêva lông.
Nil hy nên hus nach erv, sa mügon sin friundun hem tus nêma ånd thju mênte mot et bêtera nêi sina ståt, wara thåt sin friunda thene bâta wêigerja
Hi is bårn an tha Lindawrda, ånd nêi al sin witherfâra heth hi thåt luk noten umbe to Lindahêm to sterva.
Thêra hwam-his gâst that lestigoste sy ånd thêrtrvch sterik, tham-his hône krêjath kêning ånd tha ôra moton alwenna an sin weld vnderwurpen wêsa, til en ôther kvmth thêr-im fon-a sêtel drywet.
Ak is-er jet-en ôra sin an fåst.
Warth wêter vrstoren, sa warth-et vnêwa, vnrjucht, men et nygt êvg vmbe wither êwa to werthande, that lêith an sin fonselvhêd, alsa tha nygung to rjucht ånd frydom in Fryas bern leith.
Is thêr eng kwâd dên, hwêrvr nên êwa tavlikt send, sa mot mån êne mêna acht bilidsa; thêr ordêlth mån nêi tha sin thêr Wr.aldas gâst an vs kêth vmbe over ella rjuchtfêrdich to birjuchtande, althus to dvande ne skil vs ordêl nåmmer fâlikant ut ne kvma.
Hellênia andere, heth thene hårder nên skêper vmbe sin kidde at sêmene to haldande?
Thåt is âk vsa wille, thêrvmbe kjasth vs folk sin forsta, grêva, rêdjêvar ånd alle bâsa ånd mâstera ut-a wisesta thêra goda månniska, til thju allemånnalik sin best skil dva vmbe wis ånd god to werthande.
Nêan an stêde fon hja to bihluda gvngon hja allerwêikes, âk to tha hêinde Krêkalana til tha Alpa ut to kêthane, thåt et thene allervrste drochten hâgth hêde sin wisa toghater Min-erva, to nômth Nyhellênia êmong tha månniska to sendane in overa sê mith-en ulk, vmbe tha manniska gode rêd to jêvane ånd that allermannalik, thêr hja hêra wilde, rik ånd lukich skolde wertha, ånd ênis bâs skolde wertha ovir alle kêningkrik irtha.s.
Allera mannalik wêt, thåt i sin bihof mot, men wårth åmmon sin bihof vnthalden, sa nêt nên man hwat er skil dva vmbe sin lif to bihaldande.
Is hwa fif ånd twintich, ånd heth er nên êngâ, sa âch ek man him ut sin hus to wêrane.
Nil hi thåt navt ut ne stonda, sa mot-i him to sina burch-fâm wenda, jef-i inna yser jeftha tin lâna mêi werka til sin skeld an sy, nêi thêr mêne dom.
Tha stjurar skoldon sin måm ånd al sina sibba nêi en fêr êland mota brånga ånd thêr sin ask forstuva, til thju-r hyr nên feninige krûdon fon waxa ne müge.
Tha fâmna moton thån sin nâm utspêja in vr al vsa stâta, til thju nên bårn sin nâm ne krêje ånd tha alda him müge vrwerpa.[64]
Orloch was vrtigen, men nêd was kvmen an sin stêd.
Men thi thredde êjnhêr gvng nêi tha thjaf sin hus thâ.
Asser nw sach ho nêd thêr sin sêtel vpstålth hêde, thâ gvng hi to båk ånd kêrde wither mith en wêin fol nêdthreftum, thêr hi nêd mith fon thêre hêrd of driwe.
Fryas fâmna hêdon by him omme wârath ånd sin dêd an dat êvge bok skrêven, dahwile hja al sina lêka ut fâchth hêde.
Wy mügon Wr.alda êvg thank to wya thåt hi sin gâst sa herde in vr vsa êthla heth fâra lêtn.
Sterik was sin nôme ånd tha hrop vr sina dêda was grât.
Thisse alde rob hêde thrê nêva; Wodin thene aldeste hêmde to Lumka-mâkja5 bi thêre Ê-mude to Ast-flyland by sin eldrum t-us.
Tha stjurar gvngon thâ nêi tha Dênnemarka fâra, thêr nâmon hja Wodin mith sin wigandlika landwêr in. [76]Wînd was rum ånd alsa wêron hja an en âmerîng6 to Skên land.
Thâ tha northeska brothar ra selva by-m fogath hêde, dêlde Wodîn sin weldich hêr an thri wiga.
Thâ thene Mâgy fornôm ho sin ljvd al ombrocht wrdon, thâ sand hi bodon mith ståf ånd krone.
Hi wil sin hâved in hira skât del ledsa.
As Wodin nw to båk kêm, jav thene Mâgy him sin toghater to-n wîf.
Afternei wårth-i mith krûdon birêkad, men thêr wêron tawerkrûdon mong, hwand Wodin warth bi grâdum alsa sêr vrmêten, that-i Frya ånd Wraldas gâst miskåna ând spota thvrade, thawyla hi sin frya hals bog to fâra falska drochten-likande byldum. Sin rik hilde sjvgun jêr, thâ vrdwind-ir. Thene Mâgy sêide that-er mong hjara godon8 vpnimeth wêre, ånd that hi fon thêr over hjam welda, men vs folk lakton vmbe tin tâl.
Buta ånd bihalva thissa twist, sa was thêr jet-ên emong sin Mâgjara ånd Finna, thêr Frya ner Wodin êra navt nilde, men thi Mâgy dêde as-t im sinde, hwand sin toghater hêde en svn bi Wodin wvnen, ând nw wilde thene Mâgy that thisse fon en hâge kom-of wêsa skolde.
Nw kvmath tha skêdnese fon nêf Tünis ånd sin nêf Inka êrost rjucht vppet pat.
Tünis wilde thrvch thju strête fon tha middelsê vmbe to fârane fâr tha rika kåning fon Egiptalandum, lik hi wel êr dên hêde, men Inka sêide, that-i sin nocht hêde fon al et Findas folk.
Thêrvmbe wilde hi thêr en gode hâve kjasa ånd fon thêr ut fara [82]rikka forsta fâra, men thrvchdam sine flâte ånd sin folk sa wanhâven utsagon, mêndon tha Kâdhêmer that hja râwera wêron, ånd thêrvmbe wrdon hja vral wêrath.
Was thêr hwa fon vs folk thêr-et alsa årg vrbrud hêde, that sin lif in frêse kêm, than lênadon tha gola him hul ånd foradon him nêi Phonisia, that is palmland.
Thene hvnd sêide hju wâkt ovir sin hêr ånd ovira kidda ånd thene nachtul wâkt ovira fjelda til thju hja thrvch tha musa navt vrdên ne wrde.
Men thene hôna neth far nimman frjundskip, ånd thrvch sin vntocht ånd hâchfârenhêd is er vaken thene bâna sinra nêista sibba wrden.
Thâ hju thi lerste worda ut hêde, spode hju hira selva nêi hira burch tha, men thåt vrdrvnken folk was althus dênera bigâstered, that et vr sin rêde navt mocht to wâkane.
Men thrvch sin skelta bi nacht ånd svme sinra ljudum wårth thju foddik ånd tha fåmna hret.
Thåt strydande land folk wårth al fat, men Jon burch hin selva mith sin ljud vppa sina flâte, mith nimand bêda tha foddika, byonka Minerva ånd tha fâmna fon bêdar burchum.
Sin ljud ånd fêlo fon vs folk namon wif ånd bern skêp, ånd as Jon nw sach that mån hin ånd sin ljud lik misdêdar strafja wilde, brudon hi stolkes hinne.
Alsa gvng Jon thêr forth wilde mith sin spêr ånd fône thåt jongk folk to hropande, hwa willinglik bi-m skâra wilde.
As hju thêran to stemad hêde, frêjath tha ljuda jef tha Fryas sêda to Athenia ånd tha ôra Krêkalanda bloja skolde, thju Moder andere, jef tha fêre Krêkalanda to tha erva Fryas hêra, alsa skilum hja thêr bloja, ne hêrath hja navt thêr to, alsa skil thêr lang over kåmpad wrda mote, hwand thene kroder skil jeva fifthusand jêr mith sin Jol ommehlâpa, bifara thåt Findas folk rip to fâra frydom sy.3
Thach hwat bêrde, an Êgiptalanda thêr wêre en overprester, hel fon âgnum, klâr fon bryn ånd licht fon gâst, sin nâm wêre Sêkrops,1 hy kêm vmb rêd to jêvane.
Thene kêning fon Thyrhis åfternêi sjande that sin alderbesta stjurar wei brit wêren sand al sin skipa mith sina wilde saltâtha vmb-er dâd jefta lêvand to fâtane.
Sin nôme wêre Ulysus ånd tha hrop ovir sin wisdom grât.
Nêi thêra fâmna hrop heth er to lesta en foddik fon hir krêjen, tha hja heth im navt ne bât, hwand as er in sê kêm is sin skip vrgvngon ånd hy nâked ånd blât vpnimth thrvch tha ôthera skêpa.
Alsa is Athênia wrdon êlik en brokland anda hête landa, fol blodsûgar, pogga ånd feniniga snâka, hwêrin nên månniske fon herde sêdum sin fot navt wâga ne mêi.[110]
Wi ne mügan thêrvr nên ordêl to fellande, men wi willath jo tohropa, ne lên navt to sêre vppa wisdom ånd düged ni fon jvwa Forsta, ni fon jowa fâmna, hwand skel et halda sa mot allera mannalik wâka ovir sin ajna tochta ånd for-t mêna held.
Thi utkik thêr mênde thater awet hêrde ståk sin balle vp.
Thâ-r wither vpa bên wêre stek er sin swêrd to ir buk in segsande, nilst min kul navt sâ skilst min swêrd ha.
After im kêm en skiper fona Dênemarka, thisse nam sin swêrd ånd hif thêne Fin thrvch sina hole.
As er to lesta en skip al barnande nêi-t skip thes Mâgy dryf, bifel-er sin skiper hi skolde ofhâde, men thene skiper that wêre thene Dênemarker thêr thene Fin felad hêde, andere, thv hest vse Êremoder nêi tha bodem fona sê svnden to meldande thatste kvma skolde, thit skoste thrvch tha drokhêd wel vrjetta; nw wil ik njude thatste thin word jecht.
Thi Mâgy wild-im ofwêra; men thene skiper, en åfte Fryas ånd sterik lik en jokoxe, klipade bêda sinum hônda om sin hole ånd hif hini vr bord into thåt wellande hef.
Forth hês er sin brune skild an top ånd for rjucht to rjucht an nêi vsa flâte.
Tham navt ne fljuchte, werth afmakad, ånd thêr fljuchte fvnd sin ende into tha polum fon et Krylinger wald.
Heth wêre sin torn vmbe vppin eth grâte hof to Dok-hêm2 to hêmande, ånd bi thêre Moder-is lêva wrd-im ther grâte êr biwêsen, hwand et wêre immer sa ful mith bodon ånd riddarum fon hêinde ånd fêre as-m-å to fora na nêde sjan.
Elk forst wânde forth that-er enoch dêde as er wâkade ovir sin åjn stât; ånd thi ên ne jêf nawet tâ antha ôthera.
Ik ne skryw thus navt inna wân, thet ik thêrthrvch thet lånd skil winna jeftha bihaldane, that is minra achtne vndvalik, ik skryw allêna fâr et åfter kvmande slacht, til thju hja algâdur wêta müge vp hvdêna wisa wy vrlêren gvnge, ånd tha alra mannalik hyr ut lêra mêi that elk kwâd sin gêja têlath.
Twyia thritich dêga nêi måm hira dâd heth mån Adelbrost min brother vrslêjen fonden vppa wårf, sin hawed split ånd sina lithne ût ên hrêten.
After that tha Adela follistar ella hêde lêta overskryva elk in sin rik, hwat wryt was in vppa wâgarum thêra burgum, bisloton hja en Moder to kjasane.
Kirt åfter hêde annen vsera bodne sin makker fåleth.
In fenin was sin pint dipth ånd thêrof is hju sturven.
Al hwat wi fon him sja müge send tha skepsela thêr thrvch sin lêva kvme ånd wither henne ga, hwand inut Wr.alda kvmath alle thinga ånd kêrath alle thinga.
Thrvch ut Wr.aldas lêva warth tid ånd alle thinga bern, ånd sin lêva nimth tid ånd alle thinga wêi.
Thit ella send fljuchtiga thinga tham thrvch Wr.aldas lêva forskina, thach thêr thrvch sin wishêd sâdâne ånd navt owers navt ne forskina.
Men thrvchdam sin lêva stêdes forthga, alsa ne mêi thêr nawet vppa sin stêd navt bilywa.
Hy sêide vnwêder hêde sin hus wêi brocht.
Dâna is-t kvmen, thåt nimman nên sprêk vppa sin skild neth, men blât en mislikande dânte fon en diar, thåt er fålad [154]heth.
Nachtis wårth er in sin hus vrmorth.
Sin hef fêtere thene hringdik.
Anna helde fonna dik fond ik en stên. [160]vsa skriver hêd er sin nôm inwryten, thåt wêre my en bâken.
Hel fon hawed ånd klâr fon sin, êlle god, ånd thrvchdam hira burch allêna spârad was, sach alrik thêrut hira hropang.
Fryso reste mith sinâ ljudum to Stavere, that hja wither to êne sêstêde mâkade, sa god hja machte.
Fon ut sin dêibok håv ik thju skêdnese thêr hir åfter skil folgja.
Hi lêt tha skêpa hala thrvch sin svne.
Thêr mitha wilde hi sin folk nêi tha helge Gônga fâra, thêr hi to land navt hêde müge nâka.
Nw gvng er to ånd kâs altham ut sin folk ånd ut sina salt-atha thêr wenath wêron vvr-ne sê to fârane.
Nw wilder selva sêkêning wertha, ånd mith êl sin hêr thju Gonga vpfâra.
Men Alexander wêre wodin, hi wilde tha salt-atha thrvch sin ajn folk ombrensa lêta.
Men Nêarchus [168]tham navt allêna sin êroste forst men ak sin frjund wêre, rêde him owers to dvande.
Tha hi ne thvrade sin tocht navt vrfata.
Fon sin ajn folk lêt er wepned vmbe tha ôra to tåmma, ånd vmbe êne burch to bvwande.
Hi selva gvng mith sin ôra folk allingen thêre kâd thrvch tha dorra wostêna, thåt is thrvch et land thåt Irtha vphêid hêde uta sê, tha hju thju strête after vsa êthela vphêide as hja inna Râde sê kêmon.
Tha wy to ny Gêrtmanja kêmon (ny Gêrtmanja is en hâva thêr wi selva makad hede, vmbe thêr to wêterja) mêton wi Alexandre mith sin hêr.
Tha wi bi thêre Êuphrat kêmon, gvng Nêarchus mith sina salt-atha ånd fêlo fon sin folk wal vp.
Thåt bisâwd-vs, ånd likt [170]vs bal to, men Nêarchus teld vs, sin kêning wilde tha ôthera kêninggar tâna that i weldiger wêre, sâ tha kêninggar fon Thyris êr wêsen hêde.
After sin dâd wrde thet rik dêlad thrvch sina forsta.
Elk wilde sin dêl bihalda ånd selva formâra.
Thit hêde wi dên thrvch athskip to fâra Nêarchus, hwand wi him far basterd blod bikånde thrvch sin friska hûd ånd blâwa âgon mith [172]wit hêr.
Men Friso n-andere navt bi fâra tha êroste pil del falde a sex fadema fon sin skip.
Tha irtha bêterad was, kêm er en hêrtoga fon Lindasburch wêi, mit sin folk ånd en fâm, thju fâm kêthe allomme: Thene Mâgy is skeldich an al-eth lêt thåt wi lêden håve.
Thene Mâgy fluchte hinne, mån fand sin lik, hi hêde sin self vrdên.
Ak forath hja mêst vrdvaliske ånd bikirte nôma, hwêran mån nên sin an hefta ne mêi.
Sont 100 ând 8 jêr is hi thene êroste fon sin folk, thêr frêdsum [182]sturven is, alle ôthera send vndera slêga swikt, thêrvr thåt alle kåmpade with ajn ånd fêrhêmande vmb rjucht ånd plicht.
Thêr werth en bern ebern, sin måm wêre thju toghater enis kêning ånd sin tât wêre-n hâvedprester.
Sin forstân wêre sâ grât thåt er ella forstânde hwat er sâ ånd hêrade.
Sin forme nôm wêre Jes-us3, thach tha prestera thêr-im sêralik håton hêton him Fo thåt is falx, thåt folk hête him Kris-en thåt is herder, ånd sin Fryaske frjund hêta him Bûda, vmbe that hi in sin hâvad en skåt fon wisdom hêde ånd in sin hirt en skåt fon ljavde.
Thahwila Jes-us lêre vr irtha for, gvngon tha falxe prestera nêi-t lând sinra berta sin dâd avbêra, hja sêidon thåt hja fon sinum frjundum wêron, hja bêradon grâte rowa, torennande hjara klâthar to flardum ånd to skêrande hjara hola kâl.
Inna hôla thêra berga gvngon hja hêma, thach thêrin hêdon hja hjara skåt brocht, thêr binna mâkadon hja byldon åfter Jes-us, thessa byldon jâvon hja antha vnårg thånkanda ljuda, to longa lersta sêidon hja thåt Jes-us en drochten wêre, thåt-i thåt selva an hjam bilêden hêde, ånd thåt alle thêr an him ånd an sina lêra lâwa wilde, nêimels in sin kêningkrik kvme skolde, hwêr frü is ånd nochta send.
Vrmites hja wiston thåt Jes-us åjen tha rika to fjelda tâgen hêde, sâ kêthon hja allerwêikes, that årmode hâ ånd ênfald sâ thju düre wêre vmbe in sin rik to kvmane, thåt thêra thêr hyr vp irtha thåt mâste lêden hêde, nêimels tha mâsta nochta håva skolde.
Thach sahwêrsa en toghater en misstap hêde, sâ wårth hja that ring forjân, tha wrakka sêidon hja most mån helpa and vmbe sin åjn [190]sêle to bihaldane most mån fül anda cherke jân.
Friso thêr al weldich wêre thrvch sin ljud, wårth âk to vrste grêve kêren thrvch Staverens ommelandar.
Thån ik lâv thåt i thåt dên heth vmb thåt jongk-folk an sin snôr to bindane.
Friso hêde hir-ne ôther wif nimth, thju toghater fon Wil-frêthe, bi sin lêve was-er vrste Grêva to Staveren wêst.
Thrvch sin bilêid is Kornêlja sin jongste toghater mith min brother mant.
Wêmod sin aldeste heth er an Kavch bonden.
Hir most nw letta ho Friso alle to bidobbe wiste to nocht fon bêde partja ånd to bâte fon sin åjn dol.
Witto, that is witte sin svn, sand hi mith vmb to to sjanande.
Witto heth Sjuchthirte bifrêjad ånd to sin wiv nomen.
Wilhem is kirt after sturven ånd Witto is in sin stêd koren.
Fon sin êrosta wif hêder twên sviaringa bihalda, thêr sêr klok wêron.
Hi hêde fon Friso mith krêjen sjugon horsa buta sin åjn, to lêden mith kestlika sêkum, thrvch tha sêkåmpar râwed.
Forth kêthon hja, alrek Fryasbern is frydom jêven, sin stem hêra to lêtane bi fara thêr bisloten wårth bi t kjasa ênre forste, men ast alsa wyd kvma machte thåt i jo wither ne kåning kjasa, sâ wil ik âk min mêne segse.
Tha Friso bi fjuwertich jêr et Stâveren hushalden hêde sturf-er.2 Thrvch sin bijelda hêde-r fêlo stâta wither to manlik ôtherum brocht, thach jef wi thêr thrvch bêter wrde thvr ik navt bijechta.
Sin êroste svnv thêr hi hir won by Swêthirte sin wif, heth-er bi stonda Adel hêten.
And afskên hi kåmpade mith alle sin weld, vmbe nêne burga to forstålane ner wither vp to bvwande, thach sand hi Adel nêi thêre burch et Texland til thju hi diger bi diger kvd wertha machta, mith ella hwat to vsa êwa, tâle ånd sedum hêreth.
Tha Adel twintich jêr tålde lêt Friso him to sin åjn skol kvma, ånd as er thêr utlêred was, lêt-er him thrvch ovir alle stâta fâra.
Adel was-ne minlika skalk, bi sin fâra heth-er fêlo âtha wnnen.
Dâna is-t kvmen thåt et folk him Atha-rik hêten heth, awet hwat him åfternêi sa wel to pase kêm, hwand as sin tât fallen was, bilêv er in sin stêd svnder that er vr-et kjasa êner ôthera Grêva sprêka kêm.
Adel hêde hja ljaf krêjen ånd hju hêde Adel ljaf, men sin tåt bêd-im hi skolde jet wachtja.
Adel was hêrich, men alsa ring sin tât fallen was ånd hi sêten, sand hi bistonda bodon nei Berth-holda hira tât hin, as-er sine toghter to wif håva machte.
sin wif sêid er thêr fâm wêst hêde to Texlând, hêde dâna en ovirskrift krêjen.
Nv stemlêth ner gelât hjara bosa tochta navt longer mar vrrêdon, nv is düged fon ut hjara midden wêken, wisdom is folgth ånd frydom is mith gvngen, êndracht is sok râkt ånd twispalt heth sin stêd innommen, ljafde is fljucht ånd hordom sith mith nyd an têfel, ånd thêr êr rjuchtfêrdichhêd welde, welth nv thåt swêrd.
Hwersa tha dêga vppa sin olderlôngste sind ånd thju svnne fon top skinth, then skinth se linrjucht vppa jow hole del.
Is mån then mith sin skip êl fêr sûdlik faren, ånd mån thes middêis mith sin gelât nêi-t âsten kêred, sâ skinth svnne åjen thine winstere syde lik se ôwers åjen thine fêre syde dvath.
My heth mån in sin stêd koren.
Nw wêt allera mannalik thåt-ne kêning navt ovir-ne waxdom [230]ne welth, ånd thåt im sin fêding thrvch thåt folk brocht warth, men thach wildon hja fvlherdja by hjara formêtenhêd.
As twist ånd tvyspalt åfternêi inna hûshaldne glupte ånd thêr-vr klâchta kêmon, thâ håvon hja sêid, ja-hweder mån is thêne fêder fon sin hûshalden, thêrvmbe skil-er thêr âk bâs ånd rjuchter ovir wêsa.
Bi sin jüged heth-er to Texland lêred, åfternêi heth-er to Stâveren lêred, ånd forth heth-er thrvch ovir alle stâta fâren.
Thâ thåt er fjuwer ånd tvintich jêr wêre, heth sin tât mâked thåt-er to Asega-âskar kêren is.
Alsa årg is-t kvmen thåt sin tât him nêi tha âgum sach.
Thâ sin tât fallen was, ând hy vppa tham-his sêtel klywed, thâ wild-er êvin god sin ambt bihalda, lik as tha keningar fon-t âsta plêgath.
Kening Askar lik-er immer hêten warth, wêre by sjugun irthfêt lônge, sâ grât sin tôl wêr, wêron âk sina krefta.
Hi hêde-n hel forstân, sâ thåt-er alles forstânde, hwêrwr that sprêken warth, thach in sin dvan ne macht mån nêne wisdom spêra.
Bi-n skên ônhlite hêd-er êne glade tonge, men jeta swarter as sin hêr is sine sêle fvnden.
Thâ that-er ên jêr kening wêre, nêdsêkte hi alle knâpa fon sin stât, hja skoldon jerlikis vppet kåmp kvma ånd thêr skin-orloch mâkja.
Thêra thêr åfterwêi bilêv warth bibot, kvn imman swêra that-er nêne midle navt nêde, alsa moston tha rika fon sin gâ-t bitalja.
Kirt vrlêden was thêr tha vreste thêra Golum sêten vppa thêre burch, thêr is kêthen Kêrenåk that is herne, hwanath hi sin bifêla jef an alle ôra Gola.
Thissa bodon mosten frêja jêf Askar thes kåning his toghter Frêthogunsta to sin wif håve machte.
Askar hêde al thissa dwâshêde to sin bâta anwenth ånd thåt wildon wi nv âk to vsa bâta dva.
Thåt ôra folk, thåt mâra hêinde ommedwarelde, hêton hjara selva Franka, navt vmbe that hja fry wêron, men Frank alsa hêde thene êroste kåning hêten, tham him selva mith hulpe fon tha vrbrûda fâmna to ervlik kåning ovir sin folk mâkad hêde.
Nw stald-i hjam to fâra, hjâ skolde ênen hêrtoga fon sin folk kjasa vmbe that-er ang wêre seid-er that hja skolde mit manlik ôtherum skoldon twista ovir-et mâsterskip.
Askar thêr mênde thåt alles god gvng, lande mith sina skêpa anna tha ôre syde thêre Skelda, men thêr was was man long fon sin kvmste to ljucht ånd vppa sin hod.
The Oera Linda Book
Frya’s maidens came around him and wrote his deed in the eternal book, and wiped out all his sins.
KEYS 46: Timelessness
Death is reframed not as a punishment or consequence of sin, but as a natural shift in awareness, something not to be feared.
Birthright (#3 part 6) Bobs Life
He recalls how, in the past, being gay was considered a sin, illness, and even a criminal offense.
Birthright (#3 part 3) Bobs Life
He emphasizes that he did not address the issue of homosexuality during his life as Jesus, and notes that while homosexuality was present, it was not seen as a sin by him.
The Mistake of a Life
So I determined to be rid of Lolix, a determination that was late, for the fruit of our sin was come, and a home secretly provided, for I would do no murder.
Walking amidst such scenes by the side of her who was so dear, is it strange that my soul was at such times eased of something of its burden of sin and woe?
I scarcely propose to try and shall rest content if a realization of some part of it shall deter others from sin through the certitude that there is no vicarious expiation for evil done, and no escape from its penalty.
If in His Name ye are become free, if in that Way ye have overcome, and in place of being slaves to are masters over desire, ye have undone sin.
In expiation of my dark past I must needs return into the world, thy world of sin, sorrow, sickness and pain, and disappointed longings for the peace that passeth understanding.
I was even a little conscience-smitten, but very little, for the scales of sin were thick and numbing to the soul.
A nation of 85 million people
Moral lapses are the most frequent, those sins which are not strictly direct infractions of communal equities but rather of the Magdalen type.
I thought of Incal, and I said:"Incal, my God, if I am about to do wrong in Thy sight, in disregarding the laws of society and marriage, smite me dead ere I sin."
Pre-flood Nations and tribes
Description: The sons of Adam and Eve, where Cain, the elder, kills Abel, leading to the early depiction of sin and punishment.
Poseid highly honors women
No sin yet stained my fair fame, and I felt at that moment entirely deserving.
If ever it blotted my record, sin was yet to come; but with disquiet, I thought of the strange prophecy on that night of long ago; for an instant only, this feeling possessed me and then it fled.
A Grave Prophecy (8-1)
Zailm will fall in love but will suffer heartbreak, and he will also commit a significant sin that will haunt him.
When thou thinkest least to do sin, then shall thy foot stumble, and thou shalt commit a sin which shall be unto thee a pursuing fate, inexorable.
No Good Thing Can Ever Perish (6-1)
However much a soul may be steeped in sin or misery, synonymous terms, an inspiration breaks over it, and bears away a little of its sordidness, a little of its pain and fever.
Yahweh was replaced by a human king
This has shaped the concept of righteousness and sin throughout Christian history, where righteousness is seen as obedience to God's will, and sin is defiance.
The Last Days of Atlantis
Consequences of Sin: The downfall in both texts is directly linked to the moral decay of the people.
Mount Ekur
However, it was repeatedly restored, with significant rebuilding efforts by rulers like Naram-Sin, Ur-Nammu, Ishme-Dagan, and Esarhaddon.
The vailx, powered by currents derived from the Night-Side of Nature
Law says in regard to sin: 'Thou shalt not.' And the penalty lies alongside, inexorably, and is dealt out unsparingly for disobedience.
Nature makes no penalty easy, saying: 'When thou hast learned, then the punishment shall be more severe.' If a babe fell over a cliff, its death would be the result, though its innocence knew nothing of sin, just as surely as a knowing man might meet the same fate deliberately.
Now the Chaldean women needed to learn that conquest, bloodshed, and pillage is a sin.
Love is of twofold nature: love of God and of the Spirit, pure and undefiled, and love of sex, which may likewise be pure, though if the dominion of the animal in man be over it, and so not so that of the human, it shall cause the man to sin, for then it is lust.