Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 part 3) Bobs Life

Date: July 30, 2016

Session: Three, Part Three

This session continues with a focus on Robert’s life experiences. Picking up from the previous session, the discussion covers various spiritual, personal, and supernatural topics.

Topic: Distinction Between Christ and Church Practices

Robert begins by addressing the distinction between “Christ-like” living and what he refers to as “churchianity.” He argues that true Christ-like behavior is about living the message of love and embodying Christ’s teachings. He contrasts this with what he describes as a judgmental approach often found in organized religion, where people rely on external teachings rather than seeking truth within their own hearts.

Clarification on the “Gay Issue”

In this segment, Robert reflects on the view of homosexuality, particularly as it relates to religious texts. He emphasizes that he did not address the issue of homosexuality during his life as Jesus, and notes that while homosexuality was present, it was not seen as a sin by him. He explains that Old Testament prohibitions against men lying with men were tied to historical contexts in which women were considered property, a view he rejects. He stresses that God cannot be contained within the rules of a book and that every individual is a complete incarnation of God.

Childhood Tornado Experiences

At the age of six, Robert had a memorable encounter with a tornado while on a beach in Florida. As a tornado approached, his family prayed for it to pass, and they witnessed the storm briefly darken the sky before moving away. He reflects on the intelligence behind natural phenomena like tornadoes, suggesting that they may express the Earth’s rage.

At ten years old, Robert experienced another storm-related event when he mentally envisioned bursts of light clearing clouds during a severe thunderstorm. After he concentrated on the weather, the storm unexpectedly cleared. The next morning, his mother expressed concern, linking Robert’s actions to two tornadoes that had killed six people in Florida that night. This left a lasting impact on Robert, leading him to become more cautious with his abilities.

ET Experiences and Psychic Abilities

At 15, Robert sought to distance himself from his extraterrestrial encounters, though they continued. During one abduction, Robert escaped with an alien device resembling a letter opener. He was confronted by military personnel who forced him to surrender it. His psychic abilities began to grow during this time, and he frequently experimented with ESP, telepathy, and psychokinesis.

He recounts a specific instance where he manipulated two teachers into believing they hadn’t assigned homework. While this gave his classmates a brief reprieve, it backfired when the teachers assigned double homework the next day, convinced they had already given the assignment.

Further Psychic Experiences

Robert continued to develop his psychic abilities, experimenting with controlling objects and influencing others’ minds. He describes how his dog, Tiger, exhibited strong ESP, able to wake Robert by staring at him. These and other phenomena became common in his household.

Fascination with Past Lives and Reincarnation

During his mid-teens, Robert became deeply interested in reincarnation and past lives. He recalls memories of a previous life in Germany during World War II, where he helped people escape from the Nazis. He also shares memories of another life as a sailor, during which his ship was destroyed, leading to his death. This life overlapped with his experiences in Germany, suggesting a split life.

Losses and Family Tragedies

In a difficult period, Robert experienced the loss of several loved ones within a single year. His beloved dog, Tiger, was also put to sleep due to cancer. Robert adopted a new dog, Buttons, who exhibited odd and aggressive behavior. Despite the dog’s challenges, humor helped the family cope with the difficult times.


The session closes with a humorous reflection on Buttons, describing his problematic behavior and the family’s attempts to manage him. The session pauses here, setting the stage for further discussions in future parts.

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