The divine stone
Messianic Kingdom: Many Christian interpretations see the stone as representing Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God.
The story of Osiris, as told through ancient Egyptian texts, mirrors many elements found in later religious traditions, including the resurrection story of Jesus Christ.
Atlantis in the Old Testament
Messianic Kingdom: Many Christian interpretations see the stone as representing Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God.
The vailx, powered by currents derived from the Night-Side of Nature
Thousands of years later, in the time of Jesus of Nazareth, these were called "Essenes." But Atla, which possessed such a wealth of literature, had, with a single exception, no books on the subject.
This verse is often interpreted as pointing to Jesus Christ in Christian theology.
This aspect makes his priesthood unique and significant, serving as a model for understanding the eternal priesthood of Jesus.
The New Testament book of Hebrews draws parallels between Melchizedek's eternal priesthood and that of Jesus.
Melchizedek's brief but impactful appearance in the Bible has led to significant theological discussion and interpretation, particularly regarding the nature of Jesus' priesthood and the understanding of divine kingship and righteousness.
He is sometimes equated with Jesus or viewed as a prefiguration of Christ, emphasizing his role as a mediator of divine knowledge and truth.
This connection highlights the Gnostic view of Melchizedek as a precursor to Jesus, sharing in the divine mission to redeem and enlighten humanity.
Foreshadowing of Christ: In Christian interpretations, Melchizedek's portrayal in these texts often serves as a typological precursor to Jesus Christ, especially concerning themes of priesthood, sacrifice, and redemption.
Jesus – Pleiadian consciousness
Starseed Beliefs: The idea of Jesus being a Pleiadian aligns with the broader New Age belief in starseeds—individuals whose souls originated from extraterrestrial civilizations like the Pleiades.
Channeling and New Age Lore: Various New Age channels and authors, including those contributing to the "Family of Taygeta" site, claim that Jesus (often referred to as Sananda in these contexts) was a Pleiadian who came to Earth with a mission to teach love and enlightenment.
Mainstream theologians and historians view Jesus as a historical figure rooted in the context of 1st-century Judea, with no credible links to extraterrestrial origins.
Family of Taygeta website: This site offers detailed narratives about Jesus' Pleiadian origins and mission (Family of Taygeta).
These sources provide a comprehensive look at the intersection of New Age spirituality and the reinterpretation of religious figures like Jesus.
The name “Jesus” is derived from Greek, aligning Yeshua with Zeus to merge pagan and Christian beliefs.
Teachings of Yeshua: Yeshua emphasized that God is an abstract concept of love within everyone, not a person or deity requiring sacrifices.
Sananda of Merope: Yeshua is said to be an incarnation of Sananda, a Pleiadian soul from the Galactic Federation.
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene had children and were part of a lineage with extraterrestrial genetics, blending Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Andromedan, and Orion traits.
True Life of Yeshua:
Yeshua spent time in India learning from spiritual masters.
Yeshua survived the crucifixion and continued to live for many years.
Many of Yeshua’s teachings were altered to fit pagan beliefs, creating a deity-centric doctrine.
Yeshua prophesied the “Shift,” a future event where humanity ascends to a higher plane of existence.
The concept of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) is seen as a later addition, originally Yeshua taught about the spiritual connection within everyone.
Leanna addresses the question regarding what the Atlanteans knew about Jesus.
Jesus is described as a Pleiadian being, one of many who embodied this Christ Consciousness.
Leanna emphasizes that many beings held this Christ Consciousness, but humanity often attributes it to one individual, such as Jesus, and then creates divisions and conflicts over these figures.
Christ Consciousness Technology
Leanna addresses the question regarding what the Atlanteans knew about Jesus.
Jesus is described as a Pleiadian being, one of many who embodied this Christ Consciousness.
Leanna emphasizes that many beings held this Christ Consciousness, but humanity often attributes it to one individual, such as Jesus, and then creates divisions and conflicts over these figures.
Leanna, the Atlantean Ambassador
Many beings, including Jesus, embodied this consciousness, often misunderstood and attributed to one person.
Leanna answers various questions about Atlantean involvement in ancient civilizations, their view on Jesus, and the Christ Consciousness.
Their 3 Abodes
Jesus Christ is from us, for us, and they will worship and call on this name as we gave it to them.
So you have a name by name list from God to Adam and the Adamites all the way to Jesus, Luke 3:23-38.
Miracles of Elijah, Moses, and Jesus
The notable miracles performed by Elijah, Moses, and Jesus, as described in the Bible.
Turning Water into Wine: God of wine who could transform substances, similar to Jesus' miracle at Cana.
Jesus implies that John the Baptist fulfills the role of Elijah who is to come (Matthew 11:14, 17:12-13).
Elijah appears alongside Moses during the Transfiguration of Jesus, symbolizing the law and the prophets bearing witness to Jesus (Matthew 17:1-3).
Sparks references Jesus' statement that Elijah restores all things, emphasizing that the restoration of the word of God is a crucial aspect of this process.
They aimed to prepare for the arrival of a high celestial being, believed by some to be Jesus, to lead a revolution in human evolution.
Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish teacher, and his early followers were deeply rooted in Yahwistic traditions.
They viewed Jesus as the fulfillment of Yahwistic prophecies and the inaugurator of a new covenant.
YHWH A dessert pagan God
For example, Acts 7 mentions Jesus took the Jews to the promised land.
Obviously, it refers to Joshua, not our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Some people argue that we should use the language Jesus used when He spoke to the Father because He spoke Hebrew.
If you want to use the language Jesus used, look at Mark 14:35.
When Jesus prayed, He addressed God as "Abba".
When Jesus prayed to God, He mostly used "Father".
The Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit compel you to cry out "Father" in your spirit.
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He said, "Our Father".
Jesus instructed you to say "Our Father".
Oldest Calendars of the world
Ethiopian Calendar: The start year is 8 CE, commemorating the Annunciation of Jesus.
Revelation 12
17 The dragon was infuriated over the woman and went off to fight the rest of her children, those who obey God’s commands and bear witness to Yeshua.
Stars and Constellations
This verse refers to the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi to the birthplace of Jesus.
Jesus speaks of celestial signs accompanying the end times.
Jesus a reincarnation of the Buddha?
Father Seán ÓLaoire suggests some non-traditional ideas about Jesus, which include the following key points:
Father Seán proposes that Jesus of Nazareth might have been a reincarnation of the Buddha.
He believes that every era needs an infusion of advanced spirituality, and that great souls like Jesus and the Buddha return in different forms to provide this spiritual guidance.
He also suggests that great souls, like Jesus, may be living parallel lifetimes.
This allows for the possibility of Jesus and other great spiritual figures being present in multiple forms and eras.
Father Seán shares his experience of a life between lives session where he encountered Jesus.
In this session, he humorously asked Jesus to return because humanity is in "deep doo-doo," to which Jesus laughed.
This experience reinforces Father Seán’s belief in the continued presence and influence of Jesus.
He questions the traditional narrative that omits Jesus’s life from age 12 to 30, suggesting that during this time, Jesus was likely learning and growing just like anyone else.
Father Seán emphasizes that Jesus, like other avatars and enlightened beings, had an extraordinary understanding of cosmic laws.
He sees Jesus in this light, as a figure who embodied wisdom from multiple traditions and conveyed it to his followers.
A populated universe
But any preacher knows there are issues here; every preacher knows there’ll be dragons.[7:22] That’s part of my motivation in writing the Eden series—to say let’s get real, let’s talk about what’s in the texts, let’s talk about the problems of believing that God is the way Jesus says he is, and then trying to square that with what’s in the Old Testament.
It was from that footing that they then understood Jesus.[22:10] Whereas I had come into a church that believed that the Old Testament and this angry God was the footing on which we should understand Jesus, and that never quite worked.
The real name of that entity is Enlil.[45:50] It’s been made deliberately confusing in the 6th century BCE when they pasted the name over the whole of the Bible so that you wouldn’t see there are different kinds of entities—you’d think it’s all the same one.[46:03] Put all that together, and you will begin to realize this is why Jesus never talked about Yahweh.
If Jesus really was the continuation of the story of the Hebrew scriptures, he would have talked about Yahweh, wouldn’t he?
That’s Jesus’s concept of God.[46:27] He makes a very clear separation between him and the Yahweh stories in one moment in the Gospels when he says, "What kind of father?" Because that’s how he understands God.
You evil lot know how to give good things to your children—a father who gives a stone and a snake is no father."[46:48] That sounds like a really perverse scenario for Jesus to come up with—the father who gives a stone instead of food and drink, who gives snakes instead of food and drink.
Unless they kowtow to the image of the dragon or the serpent, they will die.[48:06] That is the story Jesus is identifying, and so he’s cutting himself off from the dragon stories, from the Yahweh stories, and talking instead about God who is our Father, God who is our source.
The only way they could come to that decision was because they realized that Jesus had distanced himself from that whole interpretation and translation of those books.[49:24] I think knowing that ought to give us the freedom to say the same thing.
I’m a fan of Jesus, and that’s precisely why I reject those stories as God stories and regard them as stories of other kinds of entities.
Had Jesus come to continue the Hebrew tradition and improve it or not?
The reason they had to have that council in Acts 15 was because he had said some things that sounded like he was affirming the Hebrew tradition, and they had to talk it through before they realized, "No, he wasn’t," and come to the decision they did in Acts 15.[50:33] There’s a moment where Jesus says that the law would remain until everything was fulfilled, until everything was accomplished.
That was the decision Jesus’s brother and the early apostles came to, and that’s a decision I affirm.
Jesus would often use the theology of his audience against them.
In that regard, we’re all hybrids—Jesus the same.
He was born because his mom, who was not going to have a baby because she was post-menopause, had a close encounter with the same entity, and then she’s pregnant with a very powerful and intelligent person, someone who Jesus described as the greatest human being who ever lived.[1:00:35] Those stories are not unique—the same thing happened to Abraham and Sarah.
Jesus’s story is part of a huge family of stories within the Bible.[1:03:08] It doesn’t stop there—go to the stories around the mother of the Yellow Emperor in China, or the Pasi Buddha, the 22nd incarnation of Buddha before Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, or to the stories around the mother of Laozi.[1:03:26] Again, close encounter, anomalous experience of light shining upon them from an object in space, and then they have a baby who’s very significant and highly intelligent.[1:03:40] Some people might say, "Look, these people needed a story like that.
The third one is different—highly intelligent, has always been advanced, very sensitive, pre-cognitive, telepathic ability.[1:04:23] There was something different about his conception and birth—it was an experience of light." It takes me back to years ago when I was a teenager studying Renaissance art at school, and we were shown a painting by Carlo Crivelli, which was supposed to be the Annunciation—that’s the moment when Mary is told she’s going to have a baby and the baby is going to be Jesus.
This suggests a whole layer of story about star children that says, "Yes, we’re all hybrids, but there is ongoing contact that is fine-tuning our progress as a human society and responsible for very particular people having heightened intelligence or heightened consciousness who then make a contribution that can move the whole experience of humanity forward."[1:05:14] That is the wider context into which the story of Jesus fits.
It’s been the world in which you’ve lived—you’ve had an idea of God, of Jesus, of our place in the cosmos.[1:06:07] I certainly can remember a couple of moments when I felt like the floor was falling away from me as I realized that story didn’t quite add up anymore, didn’t match with what’s really in the texts.[1:06:13] I would just want to encourage people that on the other side of the reframing is a far more exciting, intimate sense of connection with the source.[1:06:20] I have a better opinion of Jesus than ever before.
I still love Jesus and Jesus’s teachings, and I continually go back to re-understand what he was really about.
The most amazing invitation to explore what is real and to explore what is possible.[1:06:25] I believe that what the stories say about what Jesus did so amazingly with his life is told as a wonderful example of what a human life can look like when we take away all the aspects of fear that keep us limited, that keep us to our familiar scripts, and give ourselves the permission and encourage one another to explore what’s out there and what’s in here.
King David
In Christian tradition, David is an ancestor of Jesus, emphasizing his messianic significance.
The death of Adam
He is also an ancestor of Jesus in Christian tradition, emphasizing his enduring significance across various religions.
Epitaph:Gabriel Alvarez’s epitaph of Adam reflects on Adam’s creation, fall, penitence, and the redemption brought by Jesus Christ, the "Second Adam".
Paul notes that early Church Fathers such as Origen and Clement of Alexandria entertained the possibility of reincarnation, seeing it as compatible with the teachings of Jesus.
12 apostles of Jesus
Work in Progress - See Path of Initiation - Jesus initiation
Passion of Jesus Christ (40-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance)
Crucifixion of Jesus (1st day)
Jesus was raised from the dead (3rd day)
The Burial of Jesus (3rd day)
Easter (Pascha) - Resurrection of Jesus from the dead
Pentecost is a significant event in Christianity that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.
The name "Pentecost" comes from the Greek word "pentēkostē," which means "fiftieth." It marks the conclusion of the Easter season and is considered the birthday of the Christian Church, because it was the moment when the apostles went out into the streets to preach Jesus' message, which led to the spreading of Christianity.
According to the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:4), Jesus was raised from the dead ("on the third day" counting the day of crucifixion as the first)
The account given in Acts of the Apostles says that Jesus remained with the apostles for 40 days, whereas the account in the Gospel of Luke makes no clear distinction between the events of Easter Sunday and the Ascension.
In Mark, Jesus is crucified along with two rebels, and the sun goes dark or is obscured for three hours.
Jesus calls out to God, then gives a shout and dies.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe Michael to be another name for Jesus in heaven, in his pre-human and post-resurrection existence.
John 6:31-58: In the New Testament, manna is referred to in Jesus' discourse where he compares himself to the manna that was provided to the Israelites, calling himself the "true bread from heaven" that gives life to the world, contrasting the temporary sustenance of manna with the eternal life he brings.
Adam in Yaldabaoth’s Paradise
Jesus the Christ.Amen.