Pre-flood Nations and tribes
Adapa gets a shout-out in that Sumerian Kings List, reminding readers of Enoch ascending to heaven.
Noah’s Family
Lamech (Father) – Mentioned in the Bible, Book of Jubilees, 1 Enoch, and Genesis Apocryphon.
Methuselah (Paternal Grandfather) – Mentioned in the Bible and 1 Enoch.
Enoch (Great-Grandfather) – Mentioned in the Bible and 1 Enoch.
Enoch (Great-Grandfather) – A prominent figure in 1 Enoch and the Bible.
Nir (Noah's brother, mentioned in 2 Enoch) and any other unnamed siblings, as well as extended family members, did not survive the flood according to the biblical narrative and associated texts.
In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, Metatron is a significant and powerful figure who plays various roles in the cosmic and spiritual hierarchies.
Guide and Teacher: Metatron acts as a guide and teacher to various spiritual entities, including Enoch, providing them with the knowledge and insights needed to fulfill their roles in the cosmic order.
Atlantis and Time Warps
In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, the concept of time warps is intricately linked to the legacy of Atlantis.
Vision of New Atlantean Centers
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch presents a vision where new Atlantean centers will be activated in the future.
Altea Region
The Altea Region, as identified in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, is associated with the ancient Atlantis region and includes the Caribbean, Yucatan, and southeastern Mexico.
Experimentation in Atlantis
In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, the narrative surrounding Atlantis focuses on its role as an advanced civilization involved in significant experimentation, ultimately leading to its downfall.
Miraculous Birth: In 2 Enoch, Melchizedek is born from Sothonim, the wife of Nir (a brother of Noah).
Priesthood and Salvation History: The narrative in 2 Enoch emphasizes Melchizedek's role as a bridge between the antediluvian and postdiluvian worlds.
For more detailed studies on Melchizedek in 2 Enoch, you can refer to:
The Book of Enoch: New Translation by R.H.
Charles provides a comprehensive translation of 2 Enoch, including the sections on Melchizedek.
Charlesworth includes a translation and commentary on 2 Enoch, offering insights into Melchizedek's portrayal.
The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism provides contextual analysis and summaries of pseudepigraphal texts, including the role of Melchizedek in 2 Enoch.
Melchizedek is mentioned in several other pseudepigraphal texts beyond the Second Book of Enoch.
Heavenly Priesthood: In 3 Enoch, Melchizedek is associated with the heavenly realm.
The Ark of Nuu
Antediluvian rulers
A populated universe
Well, he’d know it from the Book of Enoch.
Disgusted by all this, "the Gods" decided to have a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim and other ghastly creatures (according to the Book of Enoch.
In the beginning, wheat-grains were the size of ostrich eggs, but under Edris (Enoch) they were no bigger than goose eggs; under Elias they were the size of hen's eggs; under Christ, when the Jews sought to slay him, they were no larger than grapes; it was in the time of Uzeir (Esdras) that they diminished to their present proportions.
He is the son of Enoch, the grandson of Cain, and the father of Mehujael.
He built a city and named it after his son, Enoch.
The geographical location of the city of Enoch, like many other places mentioned in the early chapters of Genesis, is not specified beyond its being in the land of Nod, and there is no known archaeological or historical evidence that clearly identifies its location.
18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.19 Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah.20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock.21 His brother’s name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes.22 Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron.
Some texts explicitly identify the Archons with the fallen angels described in the Enoch tradition in Judaic apocrypha.
Had a son named Enoch at age fifty and named him his executor.
Human lifespan declines
Enoch, Jared’s son, lived for 365 years.
Methuselah, Enoch’s son, lived for 969 years.
Book of Giants
The "Book of Giants" shares themes and ideas with the "Book of Enoch," particularly the first part of it (1 Enoch 1–36), known as the Book of the Watchers.
Angelic Hierarchy
Other significant celestial figures include Metatron, a high-ranking angel often associated with Enoch, Moroni, an angel central to the beliefs of the Latter-day Saints, and Melchizedek, a sage with a profound impact on religious thought.
The 200 Grigori
References to Grigori appear in the Book of Enoch and Book of Jubilees.
The Book of Enoch states that there were two-hundred Grigori, but only their leaders are identified and named:
In the Apocryphal Books of Enoch and Jubilees, the Watchers were sent to Earth to teach law and justice to humankind.
Disgusted by all this, "the Gods" decided to have a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim and other ghastly creatures (according to the Book of Enoch.
In 1 Enoch, they were "great giants, whose height was three hundred cubits".
In addition to Enoch, the Book of Jubilees (7:21–25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time.
This migration is part of the spiritual heritage of the Altea Region, contributing to the global spread of advanced spiritual knowledge and consciousness Source: The Keys Of Enoch Page 431
Known for his close walk with God and being taken away without dying, Enoch could represent a period of significant intellectual or spiritual development in human history.
Link: Astronomical Book (1 Enoch 72 - 82)
This passage is very fragmentary, but seems to contain the story of the Watchers (Heb: עירין) or Nephilim found in 1 Enoch 1-36, based on Gen 6:1-4.
In 1 Enoch, they were "great giants, whose height was three hundred cubits".
In addition to Enoch, the Book of Jubilees (7:21–25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time.