Erich von Daniken

Ancient Aliens at War: Disguised as God’s Servants

Ancient Aliens at War: Disguised as God’s Servants | Erich von Daniken

Ancient Indian Texts and Spacecraft

In ancient times, approximately 6,000 years ago, large spacecraft orbited Earth. Several Indian texts describe these events in detail. These spacecraft were referred to as cities in the sky, as there was no concept of spaceships at that time. Smaller vehicles, called Vimanas, descended to Earth from these cities.

Arjuna, a figure in Indian mythology, was taken up to these cities. He learned the language of the extraterrestrials and witnessed a war in the sky. Three cities were involved in this conflict, and two of them were destroyed. For those on Earth, it appeared as if thousands of shooting stars were falling. This account is detailed in the Indian text “Mahabharata.”

The Concept of Heaven and Space

The story of Arjuna connects to other ancient myths, such as the story of Lucifer. Lucifer, an angel, challenged God, leading to a conflict where the Archangel Michael fought him. This battle in heaven raises the question of how such conflicts could occur in a place of absolute happiness. Van Däniken argues that we should reinterpret “heaven” as “space” to make sense of these conflicts.

Figures like Elijah, Enoch, and Abraham are also said to have been taken to heaven and educated by extraterrestrials before returning to Earth. This suggests that heaven may have been space, and angels could be understood as extraterrestrial beings. Leaders of extraterrestrial groups could be viewed as archangels.

Extraterrestrial Encounters in Religious Texts

In the Bible, an angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. Similarly, Egyptian hieroglyphics describe a god in a winged vehicle who destroyed enemies from the air without being seen or heard. These accounts, Van Däniken argues, describe advanced technology used by extraterrestrial beings.

In many cultures, figures resembling gods or angels were depicted with helmets or halos, often represented in religious iconography. These beings, seen in ancient cave paintings and carvings around the world, may represent extraterrestrial visitors.

Global Similarities in Depictions of Gods

Across continents, ancient people depicted gods in similar ways, despite having no contact with one another. In locations such as Switzerland, Arizona, Peru, and Australia, prehistoric figures were carved or painted, often showing beings with helmets or halos. These beings were consistently shown descending from the sky, indicating possible extraterrestrial origins.

In the Maya city of Tulum, gods are depicted descending from the sky with wings. Similarly, in Japan, ancient figures called Dogu were placed on altars, possibly representing extraterrestrial beings. Van Däniken suggests that these consistent depictions across cultures point to encounters with extraterrestrials.

The Nazca Lines

In Peru, the Nazca Lines have puzzled researchers for decades. From the air, the lines resemble airstrips, though Van Däniken does not claim they were used for this purpose. These lines, which stretch over 3.8 kilometers (2.36 miles), were created by removing the surface stones to reveal a lighter ground beneath. Some lines stretch up to 23 kilometers (14.29 miles), running straight over mountains and valleys.

While various explanations have been proposed, such as astronomical calendars, water cults, or agricultural markers, none have satisfactorily explained their purpose. Van Däniken argues that these lines, visible only from the air, could be evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The construction of the Great Pyramid has been a subject of debate. Some suggest that a long ramp was used to transport stones, but this explanation seems unlikely given the technological limitations of the time. The pyramid’s alignment with the Orion constellation and the distances of the inner planets suggests advanced knowledge of astronomy.

Inside the pyramid, various shafts point to specific stars, and the structure’s proportions match certain astronomical distances. Van Däniken suggests that this knowledge could not have been acquired without extraterrestrial assistance.

Unexplored Chambers in the Pyramid

In 1952, an archaeological team discovered a hidden staircase beneath the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, Mexico. After years of excavation, they found an engraved stone lid depicting a figure, Pakal, positioned as if controlling a machine. Though many explanations have been proposed, Van Däniken interprets the image as a representation of a spacecraft.

In modern times, robotic exploration of the Great Pyramid has uncovered long, narrow shafts that lead to hidden chambers. A robot named “Jedi” drilled through a wall to reveal another chamber, though its contents remain unknown. This suggests that there are still undiscovered areas within the pyramid, possibly containing more evidence of advanced knowledge or technology.


Van Däniken concludes that many ancient structures and texts contain evidence of extraterrestrial encounters. From the pyramids of Egypt to the Nazca Lines in Peru, he suggests that advanced beings from space visited Earth in the distant past, sharing their knowledge with early civilizations.

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