
Ignatius Donnelly

Atlantis reconstructed

The Atlanteans built aquaducts, practiced irrigation, were skilled architects, sculptors, and engravers, and had a system of writing.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

Atlantean trading posts evolved into settlements, spreading into the interior regions and the highlands

Captains including voyages around the country of the Afrites, trading missions to Chimu and Khemi, and encounters with unknown vessels.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Over a million years, the Manu meticulously bred the new race, achieving the red-brown Toltec sub-race known for its splendor.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

The planets themselves were not believed to influence human affairs directly. Instead, the solar system was seen as one great being, with each part representing different aspects of it.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Atlantean Peruvian Civilization

In the thirteenth millennium B.C., the civilization of Peru closely resembled that of the Toltec Empire at its peak.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Mr. Scott-Elliot describes the famous City of the Golden Gates as surrounded by a beautiful, park-like landscape dotted with villas of the wealthy.

Whales are remarkable for several reasons, making them a study in various fields such as marine biology, conservation, and even cultural studies.

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca citadel located in the Andes Mountains of Peru, South America.

Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea.

Akhenaten, Kukulkan, and Manco Capac held significant roles in the religious beliefs of their cultures.


Our history

The Ubaid civilization (5900-4000 BCE) The Ubaid civilization was located in Mesopotamia, and it is considered to be the earliest known civilization in the region. The Ubaid people were known for their advanced agricultural practices, as well as their use of irrigation systems and pottery. The Indus Valley civilization (3300-1300 BCE) The Indus Valley civilization … Read more