Praveen Mohan

Alien Reptile Gods, Giants & Super Machines

Ancient Hindu Texts: Alien Reptile Gods, Giants & Super Machines | Praveen Mohan

Danny Jones welcomed Praveen Mohan to the show. Praveen expressed his gratitude for being invited and mentioned he had been in the U.S. for about 25 days during this trip. He shared a story about almost losing his drone while filming ancient lines in California.

Filming Over the Blythe Intaglios

Praveen explained that he was filming over the Blythe Intaglios, located in a small town called Blythe, California. He compared the Blythe Intaglios to the Nazca Lines in Peru, which are famous for their geoglyphs. He had previously visited the Nazca Lines and noted that before the use of drones, it was only possible to view the lines from planes flying over the desert. He described his experience in Peru in 2010-2012, before drones became common.

Creating the Geoglyphs

Praveen discussed how the lines in both Peru and Blythe were made by removing the top layer of stones in the desert to reveal the lighter soil underneath. He emphasized that while it was not difficult to create the lines, the mystery lies in why they were made. He mentioned that estimates for the age of the Blythe Intaglios vary from 400 to 5,000 years, though no definitive method exists for dating them.

Theories and Skepticism

Some locals suggest the Blythe Intaglios could have been created more recently as a tourist attraction, but Praveen disagreed. He believes the geoglyphs are ancient, likely created as signals to the gods. From the ground, the designs are barely visible, and only from an altitude of at least 150 meters (492 feet) can their full shape be appreciated. He questioned how ancient civilizations could have created such large figures without the ability to view them from above.

Aerial Navigation in History

Praveen mentioned historical evidence of aerial navigation, such as large arrows used across the U.S. in the early 20th century for guiding pilots before the advent of GPS. He speculated that ancient humans might have had advanced flying technology, pointing to references in ancient texts, such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana from India, which describe flying machines known as vimanas. He suggested these texts could indicate that humans had either the ability to fly or communicated with gods.

The Blythe Intaglios Discovery

Praveen shared that the Blythe Intaglios were discovered in the 1930s by a pilot flying over the area. The large geoglyphs had remained unknown for centuries because they were not visible from the ground.

Visiting the Blythe Intaglios

Praveen described his visit to the Blythe Intaglios, noting how quickly dehydration set in while chasing his drone in the 38°C desert heat. He expressed skepticism that ancient people living in such harsh conditions would spend time creating designs that could not be seen from the ground, further supporting his theory that the geoglyphs were meant for the gods or created with some form of aerial perspective.

Ancient Machining

Praveen highlighted evidence of ancient machining in India, particularly through the precision of stone pillars in temples like the Hoysaleswara Temple, which date back over 800 years. These pillars exhibit clear signs of being made using advanced lathe machines, as they display turn marks that suggest the stones were rotated during their creation, a process that cannot be achieved with basic hand tools.

He emphasized that these pillars weigh several tons, and their uniform, cylindrical shapes, along with intricate designs, indicate that they were likely mass-produced using advanced technology. Praveen also mentioned that archaeologists generally agree that such pillars could not have been made without some form of lathe technology, though the exact mechanisms used remain unknown. He proposed that this points to the existence of ancient industrial-scale manufacturing techniques, which were far more advanced than what is typically acknowledged in historical accounts.

Praveen also shared an example of a potential lathe machine remnant found in Hampi, a structure that shows clear signs of having been used as a primitive vertical lathe setup, further supporting the theory that sophisticated machinery was employed in ancient Indian temple construction.

The Role of Nagas in Hinduism

Praveen explained that Nagas, serpent-like beings, are worshipped in Hinduism. He described them as shape-shifting reptilian gods and emphasized that the Nagas are considered the origin of human civilization in many cultures, including Cambodia. In Cambodian history, the first queen is believed to have been a Naga, and humans are said to have intermarried with the Nagas. Praveen noted that the word “Naga” denotes a serpent-like or reptilian being and highlighted that references to serpent-like figures appear across various cultures, including ancient Israel and the Bible, where the term “serpent” has similar connotations.

The Sacred Role of Cows in Hinduism

Praveen discussed the significance of cows in Hinduism, explaining that cows are considered sacred and worshipped. He mentioned that cows play a central role in Hindu culture due to their close relationship with human survival and civilization.

He shared the belief that humans exist because of cows and that without cows, humanity might not have thrived. This reverence for cows stems from their importance in providing resources like milk, and their association with agriculture and sustainability in ancient societies.

Archaeological Evidence for Giants

Praveen discussed the numerous historical accounts and newspaper clippings from the 19th and early 20th centuries that reported the discovery of giant human skeletons across the United States. These skeletons, often found in burial mounds, were described as belonging to humans much taller than average, some up to 16 feet (4.88 meters) in height. He referenced newspaper articles from cities like Pittsburgh, Texas, and California, many of which documented excavations overseen by state archaeologists at the time.

Praveen also mentioned that these findings were often dismissed or suppressed by mainstream archaeology. He pointed out that Abraham Lincoln himself once remarked on the existence of these “extinct giants,” claiming they once roamed America and marveled at the Niagara Falls. Despite the historical records, Praveen noted that there is little modern acknowledgment of these discoveries, as they are largely considered controversial or pseudoscientific by contemporary scholars.

Ancient Atomic Bomb

Praveen touched on the theory that ancient civilizations may have possessed advanced weapons, including something akin to a nuclear bomb. He referenced ancient Indian texts, particularly the Ramayana, which describes a weapon called the Brahmastra, capable of mass destruction. This weapon, according to mythology, was deployed in a region matching the modern location of Mohenjo-Daro, a city in the Indus Valley Civilization.

In Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists have discovered vitrified stones—rocks that were melted and turned into glass due to extremely high temperatures. Additionally, high levels of radiation were detected in the area, which some believe could be evidence of an ancient atomic blast. Human skeletons found in Mohenjo-Daro appeared to have died instantaneously, consistent with the effects of a powerful explosion.

Praveen mentioned that while this theory is widely debated, the presence of vitrification and radiation suggests that something catastrophic occurred thousands of years ago.

Dating Ancient Hindu Temples

Praveen explained that dating ancient Hindu temples is a complex challenge, as there are no straightforward ways to determine their exact age. Archaeologists typically rely on indirect methods to date these structures. One common technique is carbon dating organic materials, such as burnt bones or remnants of plants, found within the temples. However, this does not provide precise information about when the temples were built, only when those materials were left behind. The organic matter might be much younger than the temple itself.

Another method involves analyzing the paintings or carvings made from vegetable-based pigments on temple walls, though again, the paintings could have been added long after the temple was constructed. Without inscriptions stating the exact time of construction, the dating process remains speculative.

Many of the temples also lack inscriptions that would indicate who built them or when they were constructed. Therefore, experts often rely on stylistic comparisons with other known structures or historical references to estimate a temple’s age.

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