Bloodlines of Noah, Lake Van & the Anunnaki.

Ancient Civilizations – Bloodlines of Noah, Lake Van & the Anunnaki. Matthew LaCroix & Paul Wallis

Paul Wallis and Matthew LaCroix have a deep discussion about ancient civilizations, focusing on connections between lost cultures across the globe.

Their conversation spanned topics from ancient Sumer to the enigmatic sites in Turkey and beyond, linking these with civilizations in Atlantis, Peru, and Bolivia.

This interview explored a possible forgotten chapter of human history that ties together these seemingly disparate cultures through shared myths, construction techniques, and spiritual beliefs.

The Complexity of Ancient Flood Narratives

Paul Wallis began the discussion by addressing the complexity of flood narratives found across various ancient cultures, including the Biblical stories of Noah.

Wallis pointed out that even within the Bible, there are multiple flood narratives, which may represent different events or a series of planetary resets. These stories, according to Wallis, are far more intricate than typically acknowledged, hinting at a broader pattern of global cataclysms remembered in different cultures.

He emphasized the recurring theme of preserving bloodlines, as evident in the story of Noah and other similar myths.

Matthew LaCroix responded by highlighting how his research had been focused on connecting these ancient flood stories with other global narratives, particularly those of Atlantis, Peru, and the Sumerian civilization.

LaCroix mentioned that his work had been stuck on this point for some time, seeking to understand how these stories were linked across different cultures.

The Sumerian Connection and Ancient DNA

Wallis and LaCroix delved into the connections between the ancient Sumerian stories and other civilizations. Wallis noted that in the Sumerian texts, particularly the Atrahasis, there is a recurring motif of a family or bloodline surviving a catastrophe.

This story is paralleled in the Biblical narrative of Noah, where five bloodlines survive a global flood.

Wallis suggested that DNA research supports these ancient narratives, showing that our most recent shared male ancestor is far more recent than our most recent shared female ancestor, indicating a genetic bottleneck.

LaCroix added that these ancient stories of survival and rebuilding are not just limited to the Middle East but are found in cultures around the world.

He cited examples from Eastern Turkey, particularly the region around Lake Van, where recent discoveries have opened up new possibilities for understanding these ancient connections.

LaCroix emphasized the importance of sites like Zernaki Tepe and Kev Kalesi, where excavations have revealed evidence of a previously unknown civilization he refers to as the Ararat Civilization.

The Ararat Civilization: A Lost Chapter of History

LaCroix introduced the concept of the Ararat Civilization, a sophisticated society that predated the Urartu civilization in Eastern Turkey. He proposed that this civilization could be the missing link connecting the ancient cultures of Sumer, Egypt, and even the Americas.

According to LaCroix, the Ararat Civilization was centered around Lake Van and built massive megalithic structures, some of which have only recently been uncovered.

LaCroix discussed how he became aware of these sites through his research, which included studying photographs from universities in Istanbul and Van. He was particularly struck by the similarity of these structures to those found in Peru and Bolivia, such as Machu Picchu and Tiwanaku.

The precise stonework and the alignment of these structures with celestial bodies suggest a level of technological and spiritual sophistication that challenges our current understanding of ancient history.

The Legend of Etana and the Spread of Civilization

The conversation then turned to the Legend of Etana, a set of tablets that describe the rebuilding of civilization after a great flood.

LaCroix explained that according to this legend, Etana was a king who founded the city of Kish after the catastrophe, and this city became a center of learning and culture in the new world.

He connected this story to the Biblical narrative of Noah, suggesting that Kish was one of the cities founded by the descendants of Noah’s sons.

Wallis and LaCroix discussed how the knowledge and technology of these ancient civilizations could have spread across the globe. LaCroix proposed that the survivors of the flood, including the descendants of Noah, traveled to various parts of the world, bringing with them the knowledge of construction, astronomy, and spirituality.

This would explain the similarities between the megalithic structures in Turkey, the Middle East, and the Americas.

The Importance of Zernaki Tepe and Other Sites in Turkey

LaCroix focused on Zernaki Tepe, a site in Eastern Turkey that he believes is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of our time. He described how the site, which sits on a mountain overlooking Lake Van, contains massive megalithic stones arranged in a manner similar to those found in Peru.

LaCroix suggested that this site could be the earliest example of megalithic construction in the world, predating even Gobekli Tepe.

LaCroix also discussed Kev Kalesi, another site near Lake Van, where massive basalt blocks have been found. He explained that this site was likely the most sacred location for the Ararat Civilization, similar to how Eridu was considered the most sacred city in ancient Sumer.

LaCroix proposed that the Temple of Kev Kalesi was a place of great spiritual significance and that the ruins found there could rewrite our understanding of the origins of civilization.

The Global Connections: Peru, Bolivia, and Beyond

LaCroix and Wallis explored the global connections between the Ararat Civilization and other ancient cultures. LaCroix pointed out the similarities between the construction techniques used in Turkey and those found in Peru and Bolivia.

He suggested that the same civilization that built the megaliths in Turkey could have influenced the construction of Machu Picchu and other sites in South America.

LaCroix also mentioned genetic evidence that supports these connections. DNA tests on elongated skulls found in Peru and Bolivia have shown a genetic link to the region around Lake Van in Turkey.

This, according to LaCroix, is further evidence of a global civilization that spread across the world after the great flood.

The Temple of Ionis Kalesi: A Hidden Wonder

LaCroix concluded by discussing Ionis Kalesi, a site he believes to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries in history.

Discovered in 1989 and excavated over the last decade, this site features massive basalt columns and intricate carvings that suggest it was a major center of worship for the Ararat Civilization. LaCroix argued that the site has been deliberately kept hidden by the Turkish archaeological community due to its potential to change our understanding of ancient history.

He described how the temple at Ionis Kalesi, located near Lake Van, was likely aligned with other sacred sites in the region, forming a network of spiritual centers connected by shared knowledge and beliefs.

LaCroix emphasized that this site, along with others in the region, could provide the missing link between the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, Egypt, and the Americas.


The interview between Paul Wallis and Matthew LaCroix painted a picture of a lost chapter in human history, one that connects the ancient civilizations of Atlantis, Khem, Sumer, and the Americas.

Through their discussion, they highlighted the importance of re-examining our understanding of the past, considering the possibility that a global civilization once existed that spread its knowledge and influence across the world.

As more evidence comes to light, sites like those in Eastern Turkey may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of our ancient ancestors and the true origins of civilization.

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