Lake Van

He cited examples from Eastern Turkey, particularly the region around Lake Van, where recent discoveries have opened up new possibilities for understanding these ancient connections.

According to LaCroix, the Ararat Civilization was centered around Lake Van and built massive megalithic structures, some of which have only recently been uncovered.

He described how the site, which sits on a mountain overlooking Lake Van, contains massive megalithic stones arranged in a manner similar to those found in Peru.

LaCroix also discussed Kev Kalesi, another site near Lake Van, where massive basalt blocks have been found.

DNA tests on elongated skulls found in Peru and Bolivia have shown a genetic link to the region around Lake Van in Turkey.

He described how the temple at Ionis Kalesi, located near Lake Van, was likely aligned with other sacred sites in the region, forming a network of spiritual centers connected by shared knowledge and beliefs.