By the late 1200s, estimates suggest that between 500,000 to 1 million people were killed, constituting about 0.26% of the world’s population at the time.
What Happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?
Wallis delves into the meaning of the name “El Shaddai,” often translated as “the Almighty” in many versions of the Bible.
El Elon divides lands among different “Elohim.” These Elohim take possession of the land, the minerals, the resources, and the human beings inhabiting the land.
According to Wallis, the Elohim arrive to restore the planet. He emphasizes that this is the first of three flood stories in the early chapters of Genesis.
History may bear marks of colonization and explores the practical consequences of discovering that humanity was engineered by extraterrestrials
Constantine, the Roman emperor, adopted the cross as a Christian symbol, blending it with pre-existing religious imagery.
Wallis points out the recurring motifs of abduction and hybridization in myths across various cultures from Greece to Africa to the Philippines.
Earlier humans were more intelligent
Earlier humans were more intelligent, with abilities such as future viewing, remote viewing, empathy, telepathic connection, and self-healing.
Bloodlines of Noah, Lake Van & the Anunnaki.
Paul Wallis and Matthew LaCroix explore the idea of a lost global civilization that connected ancient societies.
Yahweh was replaced by a human king
Ancient Hebrew scriptures depict Yahweh’s demand for absolute obedience from kings, punishing those who showed independent thought.
Pleiadeans in the Bible
Among these artifacts is a carving of a “naous,” or doorway, that appears to lead nowhere. Wallis suggests that this is a depiction of a portal.
Earth as a Project
Earth is a collaborative project involving various extraterrestrial stakeholders.
A populated universe
Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.