Paul Wallis

Pleiadeans in the Bible

In the video, Paul Wallis explores the idea of ancient contact with extraterrestrial beings and focuses on the Pleiadeans, a group of advanced beings said to have interacted with humanity in the distant past.

Paul Wallis – Pleiadeans in the Bible

Archaeological and Historical Context

Wallis discusses the archaeological site at Tel Al-Fara in Palestine, where artifacts from ancient Samaria have been found, including carvings, ornaments, and figurines. These finds give insight into the ancient Hebrews’ perception of “Elohim,” powerful beings from their past.

The Naous Carving: Among these artifacts is a carving of a “naous,” or doorway, that appears to lead nowhere. Wallis suggests that this is a depiction of a portal, a concept modernly understood as a gateway through which advanced beings might travel.

Ashera is highlighted as a significant female entity, represented in various cultures as a goddess of agriculture and fertility. Wallis discusses how Ashera was seen as a nurturing force, teaching ancient humans about farming and civilization.

Ancient Contact Theories

Wallis refers to humanity’s “Great Leap Forward” from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural civilizations. He suggests that this leap is credited in various ancient cultures to advanced beings who imparted knowledge from the stars.

Many ancient cultures, such as the Zulu, Sumerians, and Mesoamericans, have legends of beings from the stars who taught them agriculture and other advanced skills. Ashera is seen as the biblical equivalent of these nurturing extraterrestrial figures.

Wallis explains that the Hebrew term “Elohim” and “Sa Hashamayim” refer to a variety of celestial visitors, including nurturing and domineering figures. These beings, he suggests, are remembered across different cultures as having different influences on humanity.

The Pleiades Connection

The Book of Job, considered one of the oldest parts of the Bible, mentions regions of space, including Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades, as having a dynamic influence over Earth. Wallis points out that many cultures around the world reference these star systems in their ancient narratives about star visitors.

The site contains symbols of the crescent moon and stars, which Wallis interprets as a star map pointing to the Taurus constellation and the Pleiades. He argues that these symbols indicate where Ashera and other advanced beings originated.

Religious and Political Implications

Wallis discusses how the narratives of these advanced beings became obscured or altered in Jewish history, particularly under the reigns of Kings Hezekiah and Josiah. Josiah’s reforms, influenced by the Book of the Laws of Yahweh, aimed to centralize religious practices and eliminate other cults, including those of Ashera.

The reforms led to the creation of a monotheistic tradition focused on Yahweh, erasing the earlier polytheistic and extraterrestrial interpretations. Wallis suggests that this was a political move to consolidate power and control under a single deity.

Wallis argues that by examining the root meanings of biblical texts, one can uncover the earlier traditions of extraterrestrial contact and their influence on human civilization. He believes that this knowledge provides insights into human potential and our place in a larger cosmic family.

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