
The site contains symbols of the crescent moon and stars, which Wallis interprets as a star map pointing to the Taurus constellation and the Pleiades.

Pleiades and Orion

Pleiades and Orion

This table highlights the various cultural connections between the Taurus constellation and the Pleiades, reflecting their importance in mythology and agriculture across different societies.


The bull

One of the most prominent representations of the bull in cosmology is the constellation Taurus.

Taurus, Latin for "bull," is depicted in the night sky with its prominent V-shaped cluster of stars, known as the Hyades, forming the bull's face.

Mesopotamian Cosmology: In ancient Mesopotamia, Taurus was associated with the Bull of Heaven, Gugalanna, featured in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Egyptian Astronomy: In ancient Egypt, the bull was linked to the god Osiris and the constellation Taurus was associated with the bull-god Apis.

The heliacal rising of Taurus heralded the inundation of the Nile, a critical event for Egyptian agriculture.

Greek and Roman Influence: The Greeks adopted the Mesopotamian constellation and mythology, integrating Taurus into their own star lore.

The Romans continued this tradition, associating Taurus with their own myths and agricultural cycles.

In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty.

Taurus season, which spans from late April to mid-May, corresponds with the height of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, a time of growth and fertility.

In modern astronomy, Taurus remains a significant constellation.

Through my study of the ancient Dendera, I discovered that I have two Sun Signs: Taurus and Aries.

For example, someone born in the season of Taurus in the Northern Hemisphere is actually born in the season of Scorpio in the Southern Hemisphere.

The cherubim on the Ark had four faces: a man (Aquarius), a bull (Taurus), a lion (Leo), and an eagle (Scorpio).

Symbolism: The cherubim on the Ark had four faces: a man (Aquarius), a bull (Taurus), a lion (Leo), and an eagle (Scorpio).

Star Cluster within Taurus Constellation

Siva rides a bull - surely this means Taurus.

He has a son who is taken up into the sky to become the 7th star in the Pleiades - the Pleiades are part of Taurus.

Taurus constellation

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is a prominent star cluster in the Taurus constellation, containing hot B-type stars.