
A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

But at evening, when the sun was going down and the shadows were settling in the canyon, the vermilion gleams and roseate hues, blended with tints of green and gray, slowly changed to brown above, and black shadows crept over below—then it seemed the shadowy portal to a region of gloom.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Airship used for fast personal transport

We left the vailx and entered the unimposing but ample portal, and proceeded across the hall to the Holy Seat, in the back of the sanctuary.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid, 4340 years of peace

It is a great joy thus to have attained the eminences of the spirit which enable me to scan the history of lives from which I passed through the portal of the grave; lives which now I am returned to gaze upon through the eyes of a different personality, a personality strung, greatest one of a chain, like pearls upon a thread, teaching me I AM!

Wallis interprets this as a portal through which Asherah, an advanced being, entered the world.

The Fall of Atlantis

Atlantis in the Old Testament

Genesis 28:17: Jacob refers to the place where he had a divine vision as "the gate of heaven," suggesting a portal between heaven and earth.

The Lion’s Gate is a unique portal of creativity that gives us an opportunity to direct our lives in alignment with Divine will.

Wallis suggests that this is a depiction of a portal, a concept modernly understood as a gateway through which advanced beings might travel.

Canaanite Pantheon


A significant find was a carving of a naus (doorway) flanked by symbols of Asherah, suggesting a portal for advanced beings.

Portal Technologies: Hathorians used portals for interstellar travel and communication.

Portal Technologies: Hathorians used portals for interstellar travel and communication.

Note: Reference to a portal?


Inner Earth

Inner Earth Portals:

There are portals in the ocean that connect surface Earth to inner Earth.

These portals are guarded and can only be accessed by those with the right frequency and love energy.

The speaker expresses gratitude for being shown inner Earth and shares their personal experiences, including memories from Lemurian lives and escaping a tsunami through an inner Earth portal.

The Modoc conducted their most important ceremonies on or near Mount Shasta, believing that the mountain was a portal to the divine and a place of great power.

Portal in Mount Shasta:

The Lemurians discovered a portal in Mount Shasta that provided an overwhelming sense of calm and connection to their ancestors.

This portal guided them to dig deeper into the mountain for protection and spiritual connection.

These places are seen as portals to different realms and spiritual connections.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

How are you going to express something that’s described as being like a human being that’s piloting a Kavod, and so on?[56:42] We have language for these things—we know the word wormhole, we know the word portal, we know the word stargate.

Middle East was the main portal of the planet of that time.

This portal, the most important portal was where today is the Oman Peninsula, Musandam, that we call the portal of Ahura Mazda.

This portal was in charge of Poseidon - Thalan.

The narrative concludes with a fascinating glimpse into the mystical or metaphysical beliefs of Lemuria, highlighting the supposed ability to open portals and undertake transformative journeys, symbolizing their spiritual depth and metaphysical prowess.

Stone Henge - Portal

Genesis 11

Tower of Babel

Instead, the author proposes that the Tower of Babel was a "stargate"—a portal or technology enabling rapid access to outer space.

According to Hurtak's teachings, Arcturus serves as a gateway or portal through which higher spiritual knowledge and wisdom can be accessed.