Ada Andromeda

Past Life Consciousness from Atlantis and Galactic Federation

Source: YouTube

Session Introduction

Ada initiates the session by connecting with a powerful energy, describing an experience of being one with the Earth. She feels surrounded by stone buildings, although she is unsure of the exact location. The feeling is described as a heightened state of consciousness where her body is guided by light, and her words flow automatically.

Masculine Energy and Organizing Energies

Ada describes feeling a strong masculine energy as she experiences a golden light. She senses herself as organizing energies in alignment with the light, though not giving orders, but guiding energies around her.

Observation of Earth from Space

Ada shifts to a state of floating in space, observing Earth from above. She watches the planet and feels proud of the work being done. She expresses that she is merely observing and recording, as part of a galactic team, specifically the Galactic Federation. Ada describes the team as comprising different species working together.

Energy Transmission and Body as a Portal

Ada then describes an experience where her body opens up, becoming a portal. One hand is connected to the core of the Earth, while the other receives transmissions from above. She feels her body is acting automatically, channeling the energies through her. This transmission is seen as anchoring galactic codes with the Earth.

Connection to Past Lives and Golden Light

Ada reflects on how the energy she is experiencing now is connected to past lives, including times when the energies were more supportive of such work. She explains that her soul is naturally aligned with these energies, and it has been part of her work throughout many lifetimes. She describes integrating this golden light and source energy, being in the right place at the right time, and allowing herself to embody this energy.

Visit to a Temple

Ada and Jane, another participant, express a desire to visit a temple together. Jane describes a shining, golden temple resembling the sun. The temple symbolizes masculine energy, and Ada finds herself holding a crystal that emanates golden light, aligning with the temple’s energy. The temple is not only connected to Earth but also sends out energy to the galaxy.

Harmonizing Masculine Energy

The session concludes with Jane describing the temple’s purpose as harmonizing masculine energy and bringing it into peace, sending this peaceful energy outward. Ada resonates with this experience, feeling the emanation of energy from the temple and describing it as connected to the sun’s energy.


The session ends with a series of chants and expressions of energy, marking the completion of the experience.

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