Pamela Aaralyn

Lyran Extraterestial

In this trance channeling of Lyran ETs from year 2033, we delve deep into parallel realms to explain multidimensionality, the use of portals such as Bermuda Triangle, Mt Shasta and more.

We will also touch on a story of the well known scientist from the Homestead Program who disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle portal along with the truth of Malaysian flight MH370 and it’s connection to a portal.

Antarctica and Species Variations

Pamela discusses that over 500 varieties of species are present in the area surrounding Antarctica, some by experiment, others by choice or survival. These beings, referred to as extraterrestrials, use Antarctica’s remote location to avoid human interference. Dimensional portals are employed by beings such as the Alp Chicone and governmental figures to hide spacecraft and maintain control. These portals are used to conceal extraterrestrial interventions and hold captured beings in time-space continuums.

Dimensional Portals and Government Involvement

The channeled entity mentions that certain beings, such as shape-shifters, work within governments to run hidden programs using these portals. These portals also allow for the concealment of captured beings, held in time-space distortions, not necessarily underground, but within different dimensional worlds.

Disclosures and Accidental Discoveries

The channeled entity touches upon the potential for disclosures in 2033, with humans accidentally discovering these portals in places like Antarctica and Mount Shasta. The portals in Mount Shasta are utilized by inner Earth beings, the Agarthans, who operate in collaboration with extraterrestrial entities. These portals, however, require one to raise their vibration to become aware of them.

Human Interaction with Portals

The channeled entity explains that certain beings in places like Alaska and Antarctica use these portals to interact with humans, sometimes with harmful intent. She describes that some of these beings, like Sasquatch, have their own unique agendas, either helping or harming humans, depending on their goals.

Government Disclosure Strategies

The channeled entity claims that between now and 2033, governments might allow public disclosures to distract people while maintaining control in other areas. She encourages people to remain aware of these events, train their mind, body, and soul, and hold their vibration in a space of service and love.

Portals and Parallel Worlds

The channeled entity gives examples of how portals lead to parallel worlds, where individuals may shift into different realities, unaware of changes. She describes instances where people, like a man involved in a government project in 2015, unintentionally enter a portal, escaping the timeline where they were murdered. These shifts can result in the creation of alternate timelines, where versions of individuals live different lives.

The Bermuda Triangle

The channeled entity confirms that the Bermuda Triangle is another portal where people can physically disappear into different realms. She explains that those who enter these portals may not return because they become conditioned by the new reality they encounter.


The channeled entity mentioned that the passengers of the Malaysian flight MH370, which disappeared, are still alive in another parallel realm. She explained that the flight went through a portal, causing the passengers to shift into a different dimension. In this parallel reality, they continue to live their lives, but in the original third-dimensional realm, the plane was found disintegrated, leading people to believe they had died. She emphasized that this phenomenon occurs because humans only perceive one reality, while other parallel versions of individuals can exist simultaneously in different realms.

Parallel Realities and Collective Disappearances

The channeled entity discusses how entire groups, such as the passengers of the Malaysian flight, may have entered portals and now live in parallel realms. She emphasizes that human consciousness struggles to understand these shifts, as people create stories to rationalize the disappearances.

Technologies and Extraterrestrial Influence

The channeled entity speaks about the technologies introduced by extraterrestrials, suggesting that many visionary inventors on Earth are actually extraterrestrial incarnations. She adds that extraterrestrials do not typically provide governments with advanced technologies directly due to mistrust. Instead, they subtly incorporate these innovations into human consciousness.

2033 and the Solar Flash Event

The channeled entity concludes by talking about a significant event in 2033 called “The Solar Flash.” This event will provide flashes of consciousness, awakening humanity to their true nature. The process is slow due to the density of human time, allowing individuals to absorb these truths safely and gradually.

Over 500 species, including extraterrestrials, exist in Antarctica, some of which are there by experiment or survival.
By 2033, disclosures will occur about people accidentally stumbling upon portals in places like Antarctica and Mount Shasta.
Governments will allow some disclosures to distract the public while maintaining control in other areas.
Between now and 2033, significant governmental disclosures will arise concerning extraterrestrial interactions and experiments.
A Solar Flash event in 2033 will gradually awaken humanity to their true nature and power.
Individuals who stumble into portals may find themselves living in parallel realities, where their lives continue with small differences.
The Bermuda Triangle is a portal where individuals can disappear and enter other realms.
Humans who enter portals may not return because they become conditioned by the new realities they encounter.
Some extraterrestrial beings, like those in Alaska, may use portals to interact with humans, sometimes for harmful purposes.
Parallel versions of people who disappeared, such as the passengers of the Malaysian flight, continue to live in other realms.
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