
Pamela Aaralyn

Channeling Lyran ETs- Time Travel & Portal Technology

She describes that some of these beings, like Sasquatch, have their own unique agendas, either helping or harming humans, depending on their goals.



Regarding Bigfoot, the specific mention comes towards the end of the transcript, where Bashar suggests that those branches of early hominids, like Homo erectus, that were not altered by the Anunnaki, continued to evolve naturally on Earth and eventually became what we know today as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.

According to Bashar, if the ETs had not intervened and if all hominids had been allowed to evolve naturally, humans today would resemble Sasquatch.

The concept of "slip-walking" is introduced, indicating that Sasquatch has the ability to shift in and out of our dimension, which makes them difficult to find.

Bashar posits that Sasquatch views modern humans as too alien compared to their naturally evolved selves.

Moreover, Bashar suggests that Sasquatch, being the naturally evolved hominids of Earth, might hold a different perspective and may not be able to relate to humans due to the extraterrestrial alterations.

However, there is an implication that understanding and communication between humans and Sasquatch could be possible in the future as humans come to terms with their origins and nature.

In summary, according to Bashar's narrative, Bigfoot (Sasquatch) represents the natural evolutionary path of hominids on Earth that was diverged due to extraterrestrial intervention.

Sasquatch are described as elusive beings with the ability to phase between dimensions, maintaining their distance from Homo sapiens due to their different evolutionary paths.