Election Predictions

Bold Election Predictions: Live Channeling with Pamela Aaralyn and the Galactic Council of 9!

Hello bright and shiny beacons of light! Welcome back. I’m Michael Sandler, your host on Inspire Nation. If you’ve ever wondered where humanity is going and what kind of a ride we’re in for, then do we have the Pamela Aaralyn show for you. Today, I’ll be talking with Pamela Aaralyn, who’s been channeling and working with angels, ascended masters, and adepts since age five. She channels humans from the past, humans from the future, and the Galactic Council of Nine. Hana Bear and I want to talk with her today about predictions for the future, your future, predictions that didn’t pan out, and what’s hard set in stone for you, me, and all of humanity.

So, welcome back to the show, Pamela. Are you ready to shine? Woohoo! It is so great to have you here. Hana Bear just came in and had to crash the party. We’re in a closed-off studio here in our beautiful new-to-us home in Quebec, where we’re staying for a while, and she heard your bright and shiny voice and had to come and say hi.

In a few minutes, we’re going to talk about the predictions that took place with Joe Biden. We are going to get some channeling from the Galactic Council of Nine, and maybe some other future beings, possibly even a future world leader. But before we do, the world has been changing so radically in the last few weeks. What have you been hearing from the other side, from the Galactic Council of Nine?

The first thing they said was, “We called it in 2021 when we told you that Trump was unsafe.” I went back to a couple of my humans from the future who also said, “Trump is unsafe, and if he continues to be unsafe, we have a complete shift in the timeline in a positive direction. Not that he’s going to be hurt, but he’s unsafe.”

They said that in 2021, the council clearly stated that if this continues, the other being running, Biden, may drop out due to illness, fears of his safety, or simply being done and ready to retire, seeking peace in his life. They also mentioned that at a certain point of awareness, along with everything happening, such as the near assassination of former President Trump, we must look at life differently in terms of politics being two wings of the same bird and consider options we’ve never considered before.

So, in 2021, they were already mentioning this potential shift.

We might end up in a situation where no one currently in the White House or aligned with the vice presidency is included in the final alignment. The future may involve a new candidate entirely.

Let’s jump in here. It sounds like, and let’s address the elephant in the room—the elephant in the room is that last time we had a beautiful teaser saying, “The winner will be Joe Biden.” But now, you and I both discuss and talk about simultaneous reality, alternate timelines, shifts, awakening, and all these things. Specifically, I watched the energy surrounding the assassination attempt on Trump, and there was so much focus from all across humanity on that event that it created a level of coherence that naturally shifted our current reality.

That’s why it may have been that Joe Biden was going to win the election, but everything changed after that event, leading to a completely new reality.

I feel like the U.S. hasn’t had a situation like that in a very long time, and it shifted our central point of awareness. It changed what we think about safety, our futures, the elections, fairness—so many things. We were all in this state of awe, wondering what just happened.

If we go back to 9/11, for instance, the Center for Noetic Sciences, Dr. Dean Radin, and others were studying random number generators, and during 9/11, these numbers were skewed because so many people were focused on the same event at the same time. What used to be random was anything but. I see that’s what happened here.

There’s an opening, an energy, a palpable difference because we’ve left timelines.

And that’s precisely what the council is saying—they wanted opportunities for us to hone in together and decide what our future looks like. They wanted an option to reconsider the entire system and what we want to do next.

This brings up a very interesting point. A few minutes ago, you mentioned that we may continue down this dangerous path, and there may be such a removal of the old guard that it could be someone entirely new in the White House.

There’s a potential that the new leader may not be anyone currently associated with the White House or the vice presidency.

We’re wide open right now, and as life would have it, from an astrological perspective, we’re headed into the Lion’s Gate, which is the most creative moment to manifest in the world. Even the stars are working with us here. Can you tell us more about the Lion’s Gate?

The Lion’s Gate is a unique portal of creativity that gives us an opportunity to direct our lives in alignment with Divine will. It’s where Free Will and Divine Will intersect, allowing us to fill out our power, our God-given sovereignty, and Free Will. It’s also a time for divine intervention, needed for the most peace and love on our planet. This moment is opening on August 8th, and we will be manifesting together collectively.

This is a moment for new candidates to step up—candidates we hadn’t considered would be part of the game.
There’s a potential for Kamala Harris, but it seems to be a smaller potential. The council is sharing today that there’s a huge Trump alignment potential as well, with a 50/50 chance between a new candidate and Trump.

Let’s clarify that a bit more. Are we talking about someone we don’t know yet, or someone we do know but aren’t really considering?

It’s someone we know but aren’t really considering—a male candidate.

We’re going to get into some channeling soon, but how do these potentialities come about? Is it all because of where we place our focus?

We’ve been in a state of confusion, wonder, and a palpable need for change since 2020, with some chaos in the mix. This chaos gives us an opportunity to move forward in shifts, but also to wonder where this ride is taking us.

We have an unknown candidate potential, a Kamala Harris potential (which is very slight), and a large Trump alignment potential. We’re right at that alignment, 50/50 between a new candidate and Trump.

Why do you think the Kamala Harris potential is so small?

People don’t know enough about what she brings to the table. If we did choose her, she could bring about interesting moments of sovereignty, including student loan forgiveness, new immigration reform, and a focus on working together rather than building walls. However, she also brings some negative potentials, such as pulling Ukraine into NATO, which could lead to a tough situation with Russia.

There’s a potential for a serious escalation with Russia if Kamala Harris were to pull Ukraine into NATO.

So, while she has positive aspects, there are also risks involved. But if someone new steps up, it could be a surprise, something brand new that we hadn’t considered. However, the majority is currently leaning towards Trump, with a potential for economic recovery.

If Trump returns to office, there’s a significant risk of an escalated situation between Taiwan and China. The council has been predicting for years that if Trump returns, China may invade Taiwan, leading to a serious situation and economic tensions between China and the U.S.

We’re going to jump to the council in just a few minutes, but I’m curious—is this part of the shift of humanity? Are we experiencing a positive shift, or could it go either way?

We get to choose how it feels. Whether it’s positive or negative depends on how we handle the growing pains and how we work together. No matter who we choose, we’re going to need to work together as a nation.

Thank you, Pamela. This is so important. It feels like we’re on the verge of something massive, where our choices matter more than ever before. I’m feeling empowered by the possibility that we have more power of choice than we’ve ever had before.

Expect the unexpected all the way around, but know that it’s for the best. We require change, and we are even excited for it.

It’s been a pleasure to have this conversation, and I look forward to what the council will share with us next.

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