Free will

Long stresses that free will plays a role, and people who find themselves in negative realms can leave if they choose.

Matias de Stefano

The 5th Dimension

Gabriele Heikamp

Elohim: The 3 timelines

The final third are human souls who have descended by free will to incarnate in human bodies and assist with a shift in consciousness.

The Elohim explain that humans have the free will to choose their path, but they caution against giving power to external forces, whether technological or otherwise.

The Elohim encourage individuals to take back their power, exercise their free will, and reconnect with their divine essence.

The Elohim remind the audience that they are always available to offer support, but they will never overstep free will.

Aaron Abke

Kundalini Awakening

Aaron discusses the importance of free will in the universe's design.

Rob Wergin

I am healed

He believes that healing is a collaborative process, requiring individuals to exercise their free will and choose whether or not to accept the healing energy.

Wergin encourages people to embrace their personal power and free will in the healing process.

In some esoteric traditions, they are seen as forces or energies that can be harnessed and directed by trained practitioners, while in others they are treated as conscious entities with free will.

The speaker explores the tension between free will and destiny.

People may resist their spiritual path, wanting something completely different, but free will allows for that.

Carla L. Rueckert

The Confederation of Planets

The free will of Galactic systems causes slight differences in the evolution of life forms, but the fundamental progression remains congruent.

Frederick S. Oliver


Thus we behold modern employers often doing of free will what the ancient Poseid did because of law, namely, sharing profits with their employees.

Cayce’s readings also highlight the role of free will in the spiritual evolution of individuals and societies.

The misuse of free will, leading to greed, corruption, and destruction, serves as a powerful lesson that with great power comes great responsibility.

Humanity today faces similar choices, and the spiritual lessons from Atlantis urge us to use our free will wisely, in alignment with higher spiritual principles.

Pamela Aaralyn

Election Predictions

It’s where Free Will and Divine Will intersect, allowing us to fill out our power, our God-given sovereignty, and Free Will.

Free Will and Polarity: Ra emphasizes the importance of free will, allowing beings to choose their path of evolution.

G.I. Gurdjieff

The world’s beginnings


Mashya and Mashyana

It underscores the belief in free will and the capacity of humans to impact the world positively through their actions.

This Christ Consciousness technology was developed to facilitate Free Will and sovereignty, critical aspects of spiritual growth and Ascension.

The Christ Consciousness is a universal state of being and technology that promotes spiritual sovereignty, free will, and unity.

This Christ Consciousness technology was developed to facilitate Free Will and sovereignty, critical aspects of spiritual growth and Ascension.

The Christ Consciousness is a universal state of being and technology that promotes spiritual sovereignty, free will, and unity.

Pamela Aaralyn

Hathorian Technologies

Christ Consciousness: Hathorians contributed to the development of Christ Consciousness, a state of being that promotes sovereignty, free will, and spiritual ascension.

The Christ Consciousness began during the Atlantean-Lemurian conflicts as a technology of Free Will and sovereignty.

Christ Consciousness: Hathorians contributed to the development of Christ Consciousness, a state of being that promotes sovereignty, free will, and spiritual ascension.

Christ Consciousness Technologies was developed to facilitate Free Will and sovereignty, critical aspects of spiritual growth and Ascension.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

The influence of a planet was believed to affect emotions and tendencies, but not to dominate free will.



Edgar Cayce reminds us of the influence of the planets as to our consciousness but again tells us that our free will is the decider—the choice-maker—of our lives.

Frank Ontario

The 12 Elohim

The Elohim meaning “Gods” in Hebrew are a demiurgic intelligence sent by Creation/God to assist in forming a series of planets across many galaxies where access to free will and higher states of consciousness could be achieved.

The Elohim helped form the physical or corporeal Earth, anchored the human vibration, and assisted in fostering free will as an access pathway to higher consciousness.

They have free will, can be good or evil, and are accountable to God on the Day of Judgment.

Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my Soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another.