Gabriele Heikamp

Elohim: The 3 timelines

Gabriele introduces herself as a retired medium from Germany. She states her intention to channel the Elohim, who requested permission to come through. She welcomes the audience and proceeds to channel the message.

Identity and Purpose

The Elohim introduce themselves as the “Breath of God,” the form-giving forces in service to the infinite Creator and the entire universe. They describe themselves as a 12th-dimensional collective of angelic consciousness, responsible for maintaining balance in the universe.

The Role of Light and Darkness

The Elohim clarify that they are the ones who “stayed in heaven,” maintaining balance. They explain that another third of angelic beings descended to play the role of darkness, though they still work for the light. The final third are human souls who have descended by free will to incarnate in human bodies and assist with a shift in consciousness.

The Shift in Consciousness

The Elohim explain that humanity is at the end of a major cycle, which is why many people feel that time is accelerating. Much of what humanity has been taught is described as twisted and manipulated by the “dark ones,” though even they work within the greater plan of creation. The goal is for souls to reconnect with their inner divine essence, rather than external gods or beings.

Prayer and Internal Connection

The Elohim emphasize the importance of connecting with one’s own soul, the divine light within, rather than worshiping external sources. They warn that all external gods and religions are false, as there is only one source, which resides within the heart. They urge people to renew their connection with their inner light and break free from the societal programming imposed by dark forces.

The Three Timelines

The message reveals that humanity stands at a critical point, facing three potential timelines:

  1. A timeline where humans merge with technology, which leads them astray from their higher selves.
  2. A timeline that reconnects humans with their cosmic family and star relationships.
  3. A natural timeline, where humans live in harmony with nature and Mother Earth, who is also undergoing her own transformation.

The Elohim explain that humans have the free will to choose their path, but they caution against giving power to external forces, whether technological or otherwise.

Past Civilizations and Lessons

The Elohim reference past civilizations such as Hyperborea, Gondwana, Lemuria, and Atlantis. They state that humanity must learn from the past to avoid repeating cycles. The current moment is described as pivotal, where humanity can either repeat past mistakes or move forward in consciousness.

The Call to Action

The Elohim encourage individuals to take back their power, exercise their free will, and reconnect with their divine essence. They emphasize the need to discern truth from lies by listening to the inner voice of the soul. The Elohim remind the audience that they are always available to offer support, but they will never overstep free will. Humans must make the first move by calling upon the positive beings in higher realms for guidance.


The Elohim conclude by affirming their love and support for humanity. They encourage people to let their inner light shine and remind them that they are never alone. Despite the challenges faced, they have the power to choose their path and embrace the divine light within.

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