
Tom Massari

Channeling Abram

According to him, all humans are extraterrestrials from various parts of the universe.

He also mentions that many experiencers describe receiving "universal knowledge" during their NDEs, an instant and complete understanding of the universe and its mysteries, although most are unable to retain this knowledge upon returning to their physical lives.

The Kabbalah is seen as a fundamental system that describes the nature of the universe and the interconnection of all creation.

According to Dion Fortune, the Tree of Life is a diagrammatic representation of every force and factor in the universe and the soul of humanity, correlating them to reveal their interrelations.

The discussion concludes with references to mystical concepts, such as the "Nine Super Consciousnesses" and the "Council of Nine." Gabriele explains that these entities are believed to guide the universe and have been referenced by mediums and channelers.

Gabriele Heikamp

Elohim: The 3 timelines

The Elohim introduce themselves as the "Breath of God," the form-giving forces in service to the infinite Creator and the entire universe.

They describe themselves as a 12th-dimensional collective of angelic consciousness, responsible for maintaining balance in the universe.

Connection with the Universe: Exploring spiritual journeys deepens the understanding of the interconnectedness of everything, creating inner peace and unity.

Next Level Soul Podcast

Roger Burnley channeling Wilhelm

Energetic and Universal Connections: Wilhelm speaks about the interconnectedness of everything, from the stars to the energy that flows through the universe.

Aaron Abke

Kundalini Awakening

This led him to a realization of oneness and an understanding of the universe as a unified consciousness.

The host asks Aaron about the universe from the perspective of consciousness.

Aaron explains that the universe is an experiment in which the Creator learns about itself.

Aaron discusses the importance of free will in the universe's design.

She stated that the individual’s soul is not an extremely old one in the entire history of the universe.

Matias de Stefano


He emphasized that the universe does not understand suffering but recognizes it as part of the cycle of growth.

Debbie provides her perspective on the universe's creation, explaining that physical life began in the Andromeda galaxy before beings decided to create the Milky Way for lower-dimensional experiences.

Debbie discusses the Draconians, originating from another universe before being exiled to this one.

Similarly, she describes the role of elementals—beings representing elements such as fire, water, and earth—throughout the universe, explaining that they help maintain physical realities and have been present in many star systems, including Earth.

Haramein describes the universe as a fundamentally interconnected entity, suggesting that by accessing the knowledge of this unified field, individuals can realize their infinite potential.

The concept of a holographic universe is central to Haramein's theory.

He explains that each point in the universe contains the whole, using the term "holographic" to describe the idea that information is imprinted on the surface of black holes.

Haramein emphasizes that everything in the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest cosmic structures, is interconnected.

He explains that even the protons in our bodies are connected to the entire universe through wormholes, allowing for instantaneous information transfer across vast distances.

This connection, he argues, means that each proton contains the information of the entire universe.

Nassim Haramein elaborates on how individuals can access non-local information from the universe, much like the ancient Hermetic principle of "As Above, So Below." He explains that by understanding the mechanics of the universe, it becomes possible to harness and apply this knowledge for technological advancements, such as creating energy or controlling gravity.

Haramein believes that all matter is entangled with the universe, meaning that humans have the potential to access infinite information.

He suggests that throughout history, many great thinkers and scientists, such as Tesla and Einstein, have tapped into this inner knowing, which emerges from the same zero-point energy field that sustains the universe.

Haramein ties this profound realization to both scientific and spiritual practice, emphasizing that humans are not isolated beings but are intricately connected to the universe's energy field.

Nassim Haramein recalled a significant experience from his early years that greatly influenced his understanding of geometry and the nature of the universe.

This moment led him to question how mathematical abstractions were applied to describe the universe.

Although he didn’t yet know the term "fractal," Haramein began thinking of the universe as composed of different scales of complexity, each interconnected, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic structures.

By age 11, Haramein also learned to meditate, which helped him explore inward reflection and infinity within, complementing his outward observations of the universe.

This dual approach of looking both inward and outward had a profound influence on his journey to understand the universe's fundamental structure.

Despite the criticism, Haramein remained committed to sharing his work and contributing to humanity’s understanding of the universe.

He also touched on the convergence of science and spirituality, suggesting that advances in technology could help humanity realize its interconnectedness with the universe.

David elaborated on the interconnectedness of the universe, describing how planetary influences affect human consciousness.

He mentioned that the Earth has moved into a part of the universe where higher energies are impacting the planet, pushing humanity to evolve spiritually.

Betty Kovács

Changing Consiousness

Kovács pointed out that scientists, philosophers, and mystics are coming together to explore the interconnectedness of the universe, often aligning scientific discoveries with ancient spiritual insights.

Ervin Laszlo explains that the universe is a hologram, where all information is present everywhere, including within humans.

Quantum fields are the expression of the universe, and he emphasizes the importance of aligning with this reality.

The problems facing humanity, he notes, arise from diverging from the universe's evolutionary path.

The universe, as described by Dr.

Aligning with the universe's evolutionary impulse, according to him, is crucial for the survival of both humanity and the planet.

The quantum field acts as the Akashic field, a record of everything that has ever occurred in the universe.

Consciousness, Laszlo asserts, is as fundamental to the universe as physical forces like gravity and electricity.

Laszlo describes the universe's evolution as a movement from chaos toward a structured and coherent cosmos.

Humanity's role, he argues, is to foster this coherence on Earth by aligning with the universe's evolutionary trajectory.

Laszlo identifies love as the highest form of coherence and the ultimate expression of oneness with the universe.

He views love as a driving force in the universe's movement from chaos to coherence and believes that humanity's mission is to cultivate this coherence through love.

Laszlo concludes that humanity's sacred mission is to align with the universe's evolutionary impulse by fostering coherence and oneness.

He calls for a deeper understanding of our role in the quantum field and encourages individuals to cultivate love as a means of becoming more attuned to the universe.

After entering a deep meditation, her body dissolved, and her guides took her to the center of the universe, where she encountered beings called the Savak, the ancient ant people.


The Lens

The ability to perceive these dimensions will open new possibilities for understanding the world and the universe, suggesting a future where human perception of reality will be expanded in ways previously unimaginable.

This story often begins with a Creator or God forming the universe through sound, resonance, and frequency, known as the spoken word.

Michael Tellinger explains that the initial phrase of the Bible reveals an insight into quantum mechanics, suggesting that we live in a magnetoelectric universe, not an electromagnetic one.


A great solar flash

Kerry detailed her experiences in both the false and organic universes, emphasizing that the organic universe is filled with light, peace, and love, unlike the mimicry system of the false matrix.

She encouraged people to open their inner Stargate, connecting to the organic universe from within, rather than seeking it outside.

Daniel Scranton

The Order of Melchizedek

They emphasize the importance of embracing one’s true identity and communicating that to the universe.

Even everyday conversations are opportunities to announce one's unique presence in the universe.

Matias de Stefano

Time and Space

The concept of "Here and Now" is not confined to the present moment or location but encompasses all times and places in the universe.

Organized religion distorted the original spiritual teachings, disconnecting people from their connection to nature and the universe.

As the solar system moves, the universe, built on sacred geometry, facilitates changes in consciousness.

Frederick S. Oliver

Axte Incal – To Know God

The Poseid people had a profound understanding of the universe as a simple, unified system governed by two primal forces: matter and dynamic energy.

These technologies reflect a civilization with an advanced understanding of the universe's fundamental forces, enabling them to develop tools and methods far beyond what is known in modern times.

In their consideration of natural laws, the philosophers of Poseid had come to the conclusive hypothesis and working theory that the material universe was not a complex entity but, in its primality, extremely simple.

The glorious truth, "Incal malixetho," was clear to them, that is, that "Incal (God) is immanent in Nature." To this they appended, "Axte Incal, axtuce mun," "To know God is to know all worlds whatever." After centuries of experimentations, recording of phenomena, deductions, analyzing and synthesizing, these students had arrived at the final proposition that the universe—not here dwelling on their wondrous astronomical knowledge—was, with all its varied phenomena, created and continuously kept in operation by two primal force-principles.

Were the perpetual vis a tergo of divine creation to cease for one instant, in that instant the Universe would cease to exist.

If the dynamism operating the universe acts in circular progression, it follows that an infinity of increase in vibration possible to One Substance would be an untenable concept.

Frederick S. Oliver


Indeed, we had the deepest knowledge of this motor-force of the universe; we used it in countless ways which have yet to be rediscovered in this modern world of ours, and ways, too, which are every day coming more and more into recollection as men and women reincarnate in this era.

Role and Purpose of the 12 Archangels: Belinda explains that the 12 Archangels were birthed at the beginning of creation to assist in the caretaking of the universe.

These patterns, when analyzed, reveal codes that are the same as those running the universe, suggesting that reality itself is a programmed simulation.

Billy explains how each decision creates a new universe, and through quantum jumping, one can access knowledge from alternate versions of themselves.

This story, passed down through texts and myths, emphasizes the importance of understanding our connection to the universe and the continual fight for freedom—both individual and collective.

Philo, of Byblos

The Phoenician history

The Phoenician cosmogony describes the universe's origin from chaotic gas, leading to the birth of gods and the creation of the sun, moon, and stars.

He posits as the source of the universe a dark and windy gas, or a stream of dark gas, and turbid, gloomy chaos.

From this substance came every seed of creation and the genesis of the universe.

They considered them the greatest gods and the founders of the universe.

Frederick S. Oliver

1905 – A Dweller on Two Planets

The Poseidii believe that the universe is governed by spiritual laws, and that understanding and aligning oneself with these laws is key to personal and societal harmony.

Their ability to harness this energy reflects their understanding of the deeper laws of the universe, which they believe are governed by spiritual truths.

Incal is the central figure in the religious practices of Atlantis, symbolizing the divine force that governs the universe.