
Cosmology: Creation of the universe According to the Zoroastrian creation myth, Ahura Mazda existed in light and goodness above, while Angra Mainyu existed in darkness and ignorance below.

Ahura Mazda created the floating, egg-shaped universe in two parts: first the spiritual (menog) and 3,000 years later, the physical (getig).

Ahura Mazda created the universe and humankind

Angra Mainyu invaded the universe through the base of the sky, inflicting Gayomard and the bull with suffering and death.

However, the evil forces were trapped in the universe and could not retreat.

Humans thus struggle in a two-fold universe of the material and spiritual trapped and in long combat with evil.

The Milky Way is just one of the billions of galaxies in the observable universe.

In the context of the universe, Earth is a tiny speck.

The universe is vast, expanding, and incomprehensibly large.

Despite its small size compared to the universe, Earth is of immense significance to us, being our home and the only known place in the universe where life exists.

Let's bear in mind that Brahma is said to be the creator of the material universe, and yet he only gets a page in this book.



The Aztecs practiced polytheistic religion, with a pantheon of gods and elaborate ceremonies, including human sacrifices, believed to maintain the balance of the universe.

Dolores Cannon

The Arcturians

Edgar Cayce, a renowned psychic, referred to the Arcturians as the most advanced community in the universe, seeing them as the closest to the divine.

Lahmu and Lahamu - Twin deities who represented the chaos of the primordial universe

Anshar and Kishar are both considered to be primordial deities, who emerged from the chaos that existed before the creation of the universe.

According to the myth, they are the first of the primordial deities to emerge from the chaos of the universe, born from the union of the fresh waters of the Abzu and the salt waters of the Tiamat.

While Lahmu and Lahamu may not be as well-known or widely worshiped as some of the other deities in the Babylonian pantheon, their role in the creation myth is significant in establishing the emergence of the universe and the lineage of the gods.

This passage emphasizes the monstrous nature of these early deities and the chaotic state of the universe before order was established.

The first thing that came to mind was the creation of the universe, constellations, and planets.

Monster-serpents = Asteroids / universes

Hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men, And mighty tempests, and fish-men and rams = Constellations/universes

The destruction of Niflheim is said to have led to the creation of the first beings in the universe, including the giant Ymir.

The Aztecs believed that the universe was divided into several eras, each of which was associated with a particular god.