
Darryl Anka | Bashar

The Five Universal Laws

The only constant in the universe is change except for the first 4 postulates, which never change.So…..might as well get used to eternally-changing Creation.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Follow your intuition

The universe does not expect struggle and suffering but welcomes challenges as exciting activities.



They are considered celestial or god-like entities responsible for various aspects of the universe and are an integral part of Hindu religious beliefs.

He is often depicted with four faces and is responsible for creating the universe and all living beings.

At the end of each Kalpa, it is believed that Brahma sleeps and the universe is dissolved, only to be recreated by him when he awakens.

He is considered the sustainer of the universe and is often depicted with blue skin.

Vishnu, in particular, is seen as a transcendental entity, existing beyond the physical universe.

In the meantime, Iblis and his followers inhabit what can best be described as a ‘parallel universe’, from which they can pass over into the mortal world and where they devise sinful temptations for humankind.

Sheila Gillette

A new United Nations

The universe operates on fundamental laws, such as the law of electricity and the law of manifestation, which can be harnessed for the benefit of humanity.


7th Dimension

The sound resounded so hard, that covers the universe, that covers the entire universe.

The first structure that ever existed in the universe is the triangle (from there we get fractalization).



Thoth was believed to be the scribe of the gods, responsible for keeping the universe in balance.

In later periods, especially during the Hellenistic era, Thoth became associated with esoteric knowledge, alchemy, and the mysteries of the universe, contributing significantly to the Hermetic texts.

Thoth is portrayed as transcending his ego, serving from a place of neutrality and higher purpose, and sharing profound wisdom about the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.

Technological and Spiritual Advancements: The narrative hints at advanced technologies and contraptions used in Atlantis, along with a different perspective on the laws of the universe.

The teachings and laws from Atlantis, as shared by Thoth, are meant to elevate humanity and bring about a deeper understanding of the universe and one's place within it.

Matias de Stefano

Angelic Hierarchy

The Spiritual Hierarchy, comprising angels, archangels, and ascended masters, mediates evolutionary energies across dimensions, influencing the physical universe.

Guardianship extends through the eight dimensions of creation, with the Spiritual Hierarchy enveloping the physical universe.

Time Lords with the Creative "Pulse of Time": The Time Lords, equipped with the creative pulse of time, oversee the physical aspects of creation, shaping the universe according to divine plans.

Time Lords of Physical Creation: Their role involves the meticulous crafting of the physical universe, implementing the divine plan.

These energies then integrate into the 3rd-dimensional stellar energy patterns, forming the physical universe, including the solar system and Earth.

This system of guardianship involves various celestial beings, including angels and archangels, who distribute the love and light energy of creation throughout the universe.

This collaboration ensures the smooth functioning and evolution of the physical universe.

Medical surgery in such a universe would require opening the perimeter (outline) to access the inside, as there is no concept of 'above' or 'below' in a flat world.

Matias de Stefano

1st Dimension

There is nothing but consciousness in the universe.

Mind is the only spot from where every perspective is projected in the universe.

And the waves that the thinking, the thoughts are doing in the universe create this oceans of thinkings that then we call time and space and every other dimension.

That's why every being in the universe is telling us to go to unity, to remember that we are one.

So the beginning of the first dimension is when the only consciousness existent in the universe made a question.

So the universe was created from the self, from the one.

And you just are like floating in the universe and nothingness.

The reality of this universe is that there is no time and no space because everything is just one.

Graham Hancock

Elohim, The powerful ones

The biggest body in the universe

Wheel of the universe

Anthroposophical ContextIn the broader context of anthroposophy, the Elohim's activities are understood as part of a complex spiritual evolution that includes not just the physical universe but also the development of human consciousness and spirituality.

Architects were divided into different trinities, seeds of life, and seeds of the universe.


Yahweh YHWH

Elohim, God, the Covenant-keeper, and Lord of the Universe" .

Each wave has driven the structure of the universe to a higher level.[

Rather than the series ending with an Apocalypse he describes it as the completion of the creation process of the Universe.

He discusses the significant Mayan calendar date in 2012, explaining that it marked a synchronisation of nine creation waves, leading to a phase shift in the Universe.

Synchronisation of All Nine Waves: On October 28, 2011, all nine waves of creation synchronized, leading to a phase shift in the Universe.

They represent different aspects of the universe and the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction.

These deities represent the three fundamental aspects of the universe in Hindu cosmology.

They are sometimes used for personal growth, understanding life purposes, or making decisions, guided by the belief that this compendium holds the truth about oneself and the universe.

"Knowledge of the beginning of the creation, and also of the planets, and of the stars, as they were made known unto the fathers": Here, the passage refers to knowledge about the creation of the universe, including planets and stars, as understood or revealed to the ancestors or patriarchs.

SettingNúmenor: An island gifted to Men by the Valar, the god-like beings of Tolkien's universe, as a reward for their help against the first Dark Lord, Morgoth.

Edgar Cayce

Famous channelers

This includes discussions about the nature of the universe, the existence of otherworldly civilizations, and humanity's place in the cosmos.

The Nature of Consciousness: Seth spoke extensively about the nature of consciousness, suggesting that it is the fundamental basis of the universe.

Your scientists do not truly understand the nature of the universe.

You are about 500 years behind us in your understanding of the universe

It comes from an "air bubble" in the entire universe of .

(Our species also has advanced mental abilities compared to yours, but we cannot distort matter or change the “air bubbles” of the universe without the help of technology.

: The "Illohim" came from our universe, and on your map they say "Aldebaran They come from the solar system called ".Answer 30: Let's go back to your and our history.

Your current civilization is based on your true origins and true We know nothing about the past, the true world and the universe.

11 races are from this universe, 2 races are other "air bubblesAnswer 32: How many aliens are on Earth at this moment?

: To explain it accurately, you must first have a proper understanding of the universe, and teaching your mind this over several weeks would probably be a futile exercise (removing some mental barriers).

Let's give it a try…just a moment…you have to be able to mentally separate yourself from the illusion you see of the true nature of the universe.

Everything you see, every living thing, every planet and star in this universe has an "information-energy correspondence" value within the sphere of influence where the main field is located - on a general level {of all things}.

Located at the edge of the universe


Padma Purana

The primary aspects of the creation narrative include the emergence of the cosmic egg (Brahmanda) and the subsequent division of the egg into various elements, leading to the formation of the universe.

Creation by the CreatorThe first humans are often created by the supreme deity or creator of the universe.

Dharma and DutiesAlongside the creation of humans, the Puranas typically emphasize the concept of dharma (righteous duty) and the responsibilities of human beings in maintaining the balance of the universe.

BrahmaBrahma is often depicted as the creator of the universe in Hindu mythology.

However, the evil forces were trapped in the universe and could not retreat.

Mahat Kai - Doors of the universe

16,000 - 10,500 BC


Incal – The sun god, who represents the source of all life, energy, and divine order in Poseidii spirituality. Incal is the central figure in the religious practices of Atlantis, symbolizing the divine force that governs the universe.

The Atlantean educational system included the skills of psychic self-regulation, the knowledge about the structure of the multidimensional universe, ethics and different kinds of art, creativity in science and technology, which were developed to a high level.

Further questions address the humanoid form in the universe.

In summary, the speaker provides a detailed overview of extraterrestrial visitation, the diversity of UFOs and their civilizations, and the prevalence of humanoid forms in the universe, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life across different star systems.

It also underscores the role of the gods in the act of creation, transforming the void into a structured universe.

It underscores the initial state of chaos and ignorance before the gods brought order and structure to the universe.

The strangers said their home was called Schwerta, a world far distant in the depths of the universe where their ancestors lived and from where they had come to bring their knowledge to other worlds.