Tatunca Nara

The Chronicle of Akakor

600,002 BCE to 10,481 BCE

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, a people who were “chosen by the Gods” 15,000 years ago. He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa, a son of the Gods, who governed the South American continent, and of his relation to the Egyptians, the origin of the Incas, the arrival of the Goths, and an alliance of the Indians with 2,000 German soldiers. He spoke of giant stone cities and subterranean settlements of the divine ancestors. And he said that all these events had been written down in a document called the Chronicle of Akakor.


600,000 B.C. to 10,481 BC.

When humanity’s history began is a disputed question. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days for his own honor and for the good of mankind. He then fashioned man from dust and gave him the breath of life. But according to the Popol Vuh, the Book of the Maya, man first emerged only in the fourth divine creation, after three previous worlds had been destroyed by awesome catastrophes. Traditional historiography puts the actual start of human history at 600,000 B.C., with the first primitive humans, who knew neither tools nor the use of fire. Around 80,000 B.C. they were succeeded by Neanderthal man, who had advanced tremendously, and knew the use of fire and had developed burial rites. Prehistory, the early history of man, begins in 50,000 B.C.; according to archaeological findings, it has been divided into the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages. During the Stone Age, man was a hunter and gatherer; he hunted mammoth, wild horses, and reindeer. With the slow regression of the ice cap, he gradually followed the animals that were migrating to the north: Agriculture and domesticated animals were still unknown to him. However, his paintings on the walls of the sheltering caves are evidence of a surprisingly sophisticated art based on magical-religious hunting rites. It is assumed that around 25,000 B.C. the first central Asian tribes crossed the Bering Straits to America.


10,481 B.C.—10,468 B.C.

The old Indian epic Mahabhhrata relates how Gods and titans struggled for rule of the earth. According to Plato, the legendary empire of Atlantis reached its peak in this period. The German-Bolivian scientist Posnansky believes in the existence of an enormous empire in the region of the Bolivian city of ruins, Tiahuanaco. According to historians and ethnologists, the main racial divisions of Homo sapiens of the last ice age developed around 13,000 B.C.: Mongoloids in Asia, Negroids in Africa, Caucasoids in Europe. The main settlements on the European continent are in the coastal regions. Archaeological findings in Altamira and Amazonia confirmed the existence of humans on the South American continent for the first time.

In the hour zero (10,481 B.C. according to the calendar of the White Barbarians) the Gods left the earth. They gave the sign for a new chapter in the history of my people. But at that time not even ma, their most trusted servant and the first prince of the Ugha Mongulala, was aware of the terrible coming events. The Chosen People were distressed about the departure of the Former Masters and overwhelmed by discouragement.

“Only the image of the Gods remained in the hearts of the Chosen Servants. With burning eyes they gazed into the sky, but the golden ships did not return. The skies were empty—no breeze, no sound. Heaven remained empty.”

“This is the story. This is the history of the Chosen Servants. In the beginning all was chaos. Men lived like animals, without reason and without knowledge, without laws, and without tilling the soil, without clothing themselves or even covering their nakedness. They knew nothing of the secrets of nature. They lived in groups of two or three, as accident had brought them together, in caves or rock crevasses. They walked on all fours until the Gods arrived: They brought the light.”

We do not know when all this happened. Where the strangers came from is only dimly known. A dense mystery lies over the origin of our Former Masters which even the priests’ knowledge cannot disperse. According to tradition, the time must have been 3,000 years before the hour zero – 13,000 B.C. according to the calendar of the White Barbarians. Suddenly, glimmering golden ships appeared in the sky. Enormous blasts of fire illuminated the plain. The earth shook, and thunder echoed over the hills. Man bowed down in veneration before the powerful strangers who came to take possession of the earth.

The strangers said their home was called Schwerta, a world far distant in the depths of the universe where their ancestors lived and from where they had come to bring their knowledge to other worlds. Our priests say that it was a powerful empire made up of many planets, as numerous as grains of dust on the road. And they also say that both worlds, that of our Former Masters and the earth itself, meet one another every 6,000 years. Then the Gods return.

With the arrival of the strange visitors to our world, the Golden Age began. One hundred and thirty families of the Ancient Fathers came to the earth to free man from darkness. And the Gods recognized them as their own brothers. They settled the wandering tribes; they gave them fair shares of all things edible. They worked diligently to teach man their laws even though their teaching was met by opposition. For all this labor, and for the sake of everything they suffered for mankind and for what they brought and showed us, we venerate them as the bringers of our light. And our cleverest artisans have fashioned images of the Gods that bear witness throughout all eternity to their true greatness and wonderful power. Thus the image of the Former Masters has remained known to this day.

In appearance, the strangers from Schwerta hardly differed from man. They had graceful bodies and white skin. Their noble faces were framed with bluish black hair. A thick beard covered the upper lip and the chin. Like man, they were vulnerable creatures of flesh and blood. But the decisive sign that distinguished the Ancient Fathers from men were the six fingers on each of their hands and the six toes on each of their feet, the characteristic of their divine origin.


10,468 B.C.—3166 B.C.

The German-Bolivian scientist Posnansky estimates that Tiahuanaco was destroyed around 10,000 B.C. Geologists speak of tremendous changes in climate that might have been caused by a shifting of the earth’s axis. The Neolithic age, starting around 5000 B.C., saw important cultural innovations and added a far-reaching economic upheaval: the transition to farming and to productive economic systems. Neolithic man cultivated wild cereals and bred sheep, goats, and pigs. Large families settled in villages and later on in fortified towns. Between 8,000 and 6,000 B.C., Jericho was considered the preliminary stage for urban high civilizations, although Egyptologists suspect an even older culture in the Nile valley. Archaeological findings in Eridu and Uruk point to the first sacred buildings. The earliest clay tablets with writing were found. Word and phonetic signs replaced the primitive pictorial script. Considerable care for the dead can be observed in all civilizations. Several floods and catastrophic volcanic eruptions, probably around 3000 B.C., are described in the Bible as the Great Flood. South America continues to be settled by waves of immigrants from Asia.

The Second Great Catastrophe

“Terrible is the tale. Terrible is the truth. The Chosen Servants were still living in the dwellings of the Gods—one hundred years, one thousand years. The sacred bequest had been forgotten. Its script had become illegible. Their servants had betrayed the covenant with the Gods. They lived beyond all bounds, like animals in the forest. They walked on all fours. Crimes were committed in the light of day. And the Gods were grieved. Their hearts were filled with sorrow for the wickedness of man. And they said: “We will punish the people. We will eradicate them from earth—man and cattle, the worms, and the birds in the sky—because they have rejected our bequest.” And the Gods began to destroy the people. They sent a powerful star whose red trail covered the whole sky. And they sent fire brighter than a thousand suns. The great judgment began. For thirteen moons, the rains fell. The waters of the oceans rose. The rivers flowed backward. The Great River changed into an enormous lake. And the people were destroyed. They drowned in the terrible flood.”

“Madus dared to take the road up to the earth’s surface. Fearing neither storm nor water, he went up. He gazed on the devastated country in awe. He saw no people and no plants-only frightened animals and birds which flew over the endless expanse of water until they grew tired and dropped to drown in the floods. This Madus saw. And he grew sad and angry at the same time. He tore tree stumps out of the flooded ground. He gathered driftwood. He built a raft to help the animals. He took a pair of each: two jaguars, two serpents, two tapirs, two falcons. And the rising waters drove his raft higher and higher, up the mountains to the top of Mount Akai, the mountain of destiny of the Chosen Tribes. Here Madus let the animals land and the birds take to the air. And when, after thirteen moons, the waters receded again and the sun dispersed the clouds, he returned to Akakor and told about the end of the terrible era of blood.


3166 B.C.—2981 B.C.

The Mayan calendar begins in 3113 B.C. and ends on A.D. December 24, 2011. Traditional historiography places the beginning of historical events around 3000 B.C. The period up to the Germanic migrations (A.D. 375) is antiquity, beginning with the rise of the high civilizations in the river oases of the lower Nile and between the Euphrates and Tigris where man develops into historical existence. The high points in Oriental history are marked by large empires ruled by forceful, aggressive monarchs. Spiritual life is restricted to organized religion. The Orient is the cradle of writing, the civil service, and an astonishingly efficient technology. In the meantime, man in Europe and Asia remains on the Neolithic level. Different dates are suggested for the beginning of American civilizations. The British explorer Niven estimates that the first urban settlements by the ancestors of the Aztecs were founded around 3500 B.C. According to the Peruvian archaeologist Daniel Ruiz, the mysterious city of ruins, Machu Picchu, in the high Andes, was founded prior to the worldwide catastrophe that is described as the Flood in the Bible. Traditional historiography rejects both dates.

Samon and the Empire in the East

“Lhasa was often absent with his flying disk. He visited his brother Samon. He flew to the mighty empire in the East. And he took a strange vessel with him that could pass over water and mountains.

The Chronicle of Akakor does not tell much about the empire of Samon, Lhasa’s brother, who had descended to earth with the Gods in the year 7315. According to the written history of my people, he settled on a large river beyond the eastern ocean. He chose wandering tribes and taught them his knowledge and wisdom. Under his leadership, they cultivated fields and constructed powerful stone cities. A mighty empire developed, a mirror image of Akakor, constructed according to the same bequest of the Gods, who also determined the lives of the Ugha Mongulala.

Lhasa, the prince of Akakor, regularly visited his brother Samon in his empire and stayed with him in the magnificent temple cities on the great river. To strengthen the link between the two nations, he commanded the construction of Ofir, a powerful harbor city at the mouth of the Great River, in the year 7425 (3056 B.C.). For almost a thousand years, ships from Samon’s empire docked here with their valuable cargoes. In exchange for gold and silver they brought scrolls with writing in the language of our Ancient Fathers, and they brought rare woods, finest fabrics, and green stones that were unfamiliar to my people. Soon Ofir had become one of the wealthiest cities of the empire and a target for the savage tribes in the East. They stormed against the city in repeated attacks, raided the ships at anchor, and disrupted the communications with the interior. When the empire disintegrated a thousand years after Lhasa’s departure, they succeeded in conquering Ofir in a mighty campaign. They ransacked the city and burned it down. The Ugha Mongulala yielded the coastal provinces at the eastern ocean and withdrew into the interior of the country. And the connection to Samon’s empire was severed.

My people have retained only the memory of Samon’s empire and his gifts to Lhasa, the written scrolls and the green stones. Our priests have preserved them in the underground temple complex of Akakor, where Lhasa’s flying disk and the strange vessel that can pass over mountains and water are also kept. The flying disk has the color of glistening gold and is made of an unknown metal. It is shaped like a clay cylinder, and is as high as two men standing on top of each other and as broad. There is room for two people in the disk. It has neither sails nor oars. But our priests say that Lhasa could fly faster with it than the strongest eagle and could move through the clouds as lightly as a leaf in the wind. The strange vessel is equally mysterious. Seven long legs carry a large silver-plated bowl. Three legs point to the front, three to the back. They resemble bent bamboo stalks and are mobile; they terminate in rollers as large as water lilies.


The arrival of the Goths in the year 11,051 (A.D. 570) had a fateful significance for the Ugha Mongulala.

The arrival of the foreign warriors who called themselves Goths is one of the great mysteries in my people’s history. The Ugha Mongulala had probably been aware since the time of Lhasa of a great empire beyond the eastern ocean that had been ruled by his brother Samon. But since the destruction of the city of Ofir in the seventh millennium, the connection had been severed. Up to the arrival of the Goths, the priests believed that Samon’s empire had vanished. The foreign warriors from the East brought quite another message. There were many tribes and powerful nations beyond the eastern ocean. According to the tales of the Goths, their history as well derived from divine creatures. An old princely family had come down from the heavens and had taught them life and death. Many thousand years later, the Goths were forced by hunger and hostile tribes to wander into an alien land. And here their destiny was fulfilled.

The iron armor, the black sails, and the colored dragon heads from the ships of the Goths have been preserved to this day, and we have kept them in the Great Temple of the Sun. According to the drawings of our priests, their ships could carry up to sixty men and were propelled by a sail of fine cloth that was rigged to a high mast. More than 1,000 warriors reached Akakor on forty ships.


Ophir (/ˈoʊfər/;[1]Hebrew: אוֹפִיר‎, Modern:ʼŌfīrTiberian:ʼŌp̄īr) is a port or region mentioned in the Bible, famous for its wealth. Its existence is attested to by an inscribed pottery shard found at Tell Qasile (in modern-day Tel Aviv) in 1946, dating to the eighth century BC, which reads “gold of Ophir to/for Beth-Horon [..30 shekels” The location of Ophir is unknown, though the find confirms it as a real place from which gold was imported.

The Chronicle of Akakor

Lhasa, the prince of Akakor, regularly visited his brother Samon in his empire and stayed with him in the magnificent temple cities on the great river. To strengthen the link between the two nations, he commanded the construction of Ofir, a powerful harbor city at the mouth of the Great River, in the year 7425 (3056 B.C.). For almost a thousand years, ships from Samon’s empire docked here with their valuable cargoes. In exchange for gold and silver they brought scrolls with writing in the language of our Ancient Fathers, and they brought rare woods, finest fabrics, and green stones that were unfamiliar to my people. Soon Ofir had become one of the wealthiest cities of the empire and a target for the savage tribes in the East. They stormed against the city in repeated attacks, raided the ships at anchor, and disrupted the communications with the interior. When the empire disintegrated a thousand years after Lhasa’s departure, they succeeded in conquering Ofir in a mighty campaign. They ransacked the city and burned it down. The Ugha Mongulala yielded the coastal provinces at the eastern ocean and withdrew into the interior of the country. And the connection to Samon’s empire was severed.

Interesting parts:

In April 1973, FUNAI discovered a tribe of white Indians on the upper reaches of Rio Xingu, which Tatunca Nara had mentioned to me a year before. In May, during survey work at the Pico da Neblina, Brazilian frontier guards established contact with Indians who were led by women. They also had been thoroughly described by Tatunca Nara. And finally, in June 1973, several Indian tribes were sighted in the Acre region, previously assumed to be “free from Indians.”

They say that in the period before the hour zero, there also existed another nation of Gods that was hostile to our Former Masters. According to the images in the Great Temple of the Sun in Akakor, the strange creatures resembled men. They were very hairy and had reddish skin. Like men, they had five fingers and five toes. But out of their shoulders grew the heads of serpents, tigers, falcons, and other animals. Our priests say that these Gods also ruled over an enormous empire. They too possessed knowledge which made them superior to men and equals of our Former Masters. The two races of Gods, which are represented in the images of the Great Temple of the Sun in Akakor, began to quarrel. They burned the world with solar heat, and each tried to wrest power from the other. A tremendous war between planets started, which drove my people to perdition. Yet for the first time, the providence of the Gods saved the Ugha Mongulala. Recalling the last words of our Former Masters announcing the catastrophe, Ina commanded the withdrawal into the underground dwellings.

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