
A Dweller on Two Planets

The Mistake of a Life

Kiss me once as thou wouldst if I were thine own wife in the sight of the world, as I am in that of Incal, and having died, thou wert about to confide my clay to the Unfed Light."

A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

As for this, thy poor clay, over it we will say final words, for it hath done its work and is committed to Navazzamin.

"Unto Incal this soul, unto earth this clay."

A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid, 4340 years of peace

So, in that time, we transmuted clay, first raising its atomic speed so that it became white light of a pale illuminating power, and then reducing it to the, so to speak, chemical "mile-post" of aluminum, and this at a cost not nearly so great as in this modern day it takes to get iron from its ores.

But a metal which might be obtained from any ledge of slate-rock, or a bed of clay, was so inexpensive as to be the chief base metal in use.

Daniel 2

The divine stone

Feet partly of Iron and partly of Clay: Represents a divided kingdom, often interpreted as the later Roman Empire or subsequent divided nations.

It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them.

Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer.

Alternative: “Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were turned into one, and became as dust from the harvest floor, and the wind swept them away so that no trace of them was found.

A Dweller on Two Planets


In the work of altering the configuration of the surface of the great promontory from that of a plain to the more beautiful variations of hills and their intervening depressions, the scheme pursued had been to make keyed-shells of rock, of enormous strength, in the form of terraces, and leaving arched passages wherever the avenues intersected such elevations, to fill in the interiors then remaining with a concrete of clay, rubble, and cement carefully tamped.

Clay figurines were smashed, standing stones were knocked down, and altars were destroyed to centralize religious power in Jerusalem.

The Fall of Atlantis

Atlantis in the Old Testament

Feet partly of Iron and partly of Clay: Represents a divided kingdom, often interpreted as the later Roman Empire or subsequent divided nations.

It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them.

Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer.

Alternative: "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were turned into one, and became as dust from the harvest floor, and the wind swept them away so that no trace of them was found.

Sumerian legend attributes the invention of writing to him, with an ancient text stating that Enmerkar, finding his messenger unable to repeat a message, "patted some clay and put words on it, like a tablet." This is the earliest recorded story of writing's invention.

The messenger is instructed to deliver a lengthy message, inscribed on a clay tablet, to the ruler of Aratta, highlighting Enmerkar's divine right to rule and his connection with Inanna.

Philo, of Byblos

The Phoenician history

“These youths invented the method of making bricks by mixing straw with clay, then baking them in the sun.

Cylinder Seals: Mesopotamian cylinder seals, which were used to imprint images and texts onto clay, sometimes depict Apkallu figures and can offer insights into how these beings were envisioned.

Chinese: Pangu created the world by separating heaven and earth; Nuwa created the first humans from yellow clay.

African (Yoruba): Obatala, the creator god, fashioned the first humans from clay.

‘Gil’ means ‘clay,’ ‘Shah’ means ‘king,’ ‘Kyomurz’ means ‘First Man.’ Thus we have the first king; earth-king; king of the earth, and Adam.

Etymology: The names "Gil-Shah" and "Kyomurz" are explained, with "Gil" meaning "clay" and "Shah" meaning "king," which Randolph interprets as denoting Kyomarz as the "First Man" or "earth-king."

The Muslim Adam Story

The Creation of Adam and Hawa

God created Adam from clay or dust, fashioned him into shape, and breathed life into him.

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

For example, miners did not cook food in clay pots but used heated stones in water to cook their food.

They did not use a clay pot to cook food.17:43They filled a hole like this with water, then heated up round stones.

2:7) we are told, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." The Quiche legend says, "The first man was made of clay; but he had no intelligence, and was consumed in the water."


Yima and the Vara

Crush the earth with a stamp of thy heel, and then knead it with thy hands, as the potter does when kneading the potter's clay.'

[And Yima did as Ahura Mazda wished; he crushed the earth with a stamp of his heel, he kneaded it with his hands, as the potter does when kneading the potter's clay.

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Babel Story of Cholula

Having collected materials for the purpose, they found a very adhesive clay and bitumen, with which they speedily commenced to build the tower; and having reared it to the greatest possible altitude, so that they say it reached to the sky, the Lord of the Heavens, enraged, said to the inhabitants of the sky, 'Have you observed how they of the earth have built a high and haughty tower to mount hither, being enamored of the light of the sun and his beauty?

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

2:7) we are told, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." The Quiche legend says, "The first man was made of clay; but he had no intelligence, and was consumed in the water."


The Anasazi

The walls are about three feet thick, with an inner face and an outer face filled with rock and clay.

Namma then kneaded clay, placed it in her womb, and gave birth to the first humans.

Legends of Old Testament Characters

Androgyne Adam

"The Sire who rules the earth and sways the poleHad spoken; laughter filled his secret soul:He bade the crippled god his hest obey,And mould with tempering water plastic clay;With human nerve and human voice investThe limbs elastic, and the breathing breast;Fair as the blooming goddesses above,A virgin likeness with the looks of love.He bade Minerva teach the skill that shedsA thousand colours in the glittering threads;He called the magic of love's golden queenTo breathe around a witchery of mien,And eager passion's never-sated flame,And cares of dress that prey upon the frame;Bade Hermes last endue, with craft refinedOf treacherous manners, and a shameless mind."

They gave to Adam a wife, formed of clay, along with Adam, and called her Lilith; resting on the Scripture, 'male and female created He them:' but when this woman, on account of her simultaneous creation with him, became proud and a vexation to her husband, God expelled her from Paradise, and then said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.' 

This version of the story is known as the "Eridu Genesis" and is written in cuneiform on clay tablets.

Nintu shall mix clayWith his flesh and his blood.Then a god and a manWill be mixed together in clay.Let us hear the drumbeat forever after,Let a ghost come into existence from the god’s flesh,Let her proclaim it as his living sign,And let the ghost exist so as not to forget (theslain god).’

Because we can start to link the myths of the Nordic religions with the translations of the Sumerian Clay Tablets.

And the good thing is that thousands of clay tablets have been found in Iraq and their translations are key to understanding the most important part of our history.


Who is Enki?

According to some Sumerian myths, Enki was responsible for shaping human beings out of clay and imbuing them with the breath of life.

Humans are often crafted from materials of the earth, such as clay, wood, or from the body parts of gods.

He is created from fire (humans are created from clay)

(38:71) When your Lord said to the angels “Verily I am creating a human being from clay.

You created me from fire and created him from clay.”

As God relates in the Qur'an: ‘We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape; and the jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind’

Matias de Stefano

Angelic Hierarchy

His head and breast were made of clay from Mecca and Medina, from the spot where later were the Holy Kaaba and the tomb of Mohammed.

James Churchward

The Lost Continent of Mu

He recounted discovering ancient clay tablets in India, written in a mysterious "Naga-Maya language." These tablets, he claimed, originated from Mu.