
The Pleiadians, from the Pleiades star cluster, commonly known as the Seven Sisters, have influenced life on earth.



Chronos is one of the Titans and the father of Zeus. He is often associated with time, especially the destructive and all-consuming aspects of time.

Genesis mentions that the descendants of Japheth include the Ionians, Moreans, Cilicians, Cyprians, Dodoneans of Macedonia, Iberians, and Thracians, all of which are recognized as Aryans, except the Iberians.

In ancient Sanskrit, the magnet was known as “the precious stone beloved of Iron,” and early Hebrew texts refer to it as Kalamitah.

Not only were the gods of the Greeks the deified kings of Atlantis, but we also find that the mythology of the Phoenicians was drawn from the same source.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.



Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. It was the first planet found with the aid of a telescope.

There’re about 260 Creation stories found in cultures around the world that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.

Giants are a common theme in mythology and folklore from cultures around the world, often representing natural forces.



The term “Rephaite” or “Repha’im” from the Hebrew Bible and other ancient texts in the region refers to two distinct concepts. Firstly, in Deuteronomy 2:10-11, it denotes a people characterized by above-average height and stature.

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, a people who were “chosen by the Gods” 15,000 years ago. He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa