Ignatius Donnelly

The Aryan Colonies from Atlantis

Did the Aryan or Japhetic Race Come from Atlantis?

If we accept the tradition of Genesis, where Japheth is one of the sons of Noah who survived the Deluge, then the Aryan or Japhetic race likely originated from Atlantis.

Genesis mentions that the descendants of Japheth include the Ionians, Moreans, Cilicians, Cyprians, Dodoneans of Macedonia, Iberians, and Thracians, all of which are recognized as Aryans, except the Iberians.

Winchell states that the early dispersal of the Japhethites or Indo-Europeans is consistent with the Biblical narrative, placing the Hamites, Semites, and Japhethites in a common homeland, possibly Atlantis.

Evidence of a Common Homeland

The Aryans are believed to have migrated from Armenia, where Mount Ararat is located. If the ships of Atlantis reached the shores of Syria, only 200 miles (321.87 kilometers) away from Armenia, it is plausible that the population of Armenia could have been colonists from Atlantis.

This theory is supported by the existence of an ancient Aryan population in Ireland, which migrated from Iberian Spain, suggesting a western origin.

The Mediterranean Aryans

The Mediterranean Aryans, including the Greeks and other ancient European civilizations, appear to have been influenced by the Atlantean culture. The Kelts, an Aryan race, are believed to have been part of the population of Atlantis. Mercury, an Atlantean god, was revered by the Celtæ.

Greek mythology, which includes the Flood narrative and the Titans’ rebellion, also points to a shared origin with Atlantis.

Aryan Civilization

Max Müller and other scholars have reconstructed the civilization of the ancient Aryans through comparative philology.

The Aryans had a sophisticated society with organized marriage, family structures, governance, agriculture, metallurgy, and religious practices. They were familiar with the decimal system and had terms for boats, ships, and salt-water, indicating a seafaring culture.

Relationship to Atlantis

The Aryans’ advanced civilization and their decimal system suggest a connection to the Atlanteans, who also used a decimal system in their administration.

The Aryans’ homeland is hypothesized to be a peaceful, civilized land, free from wild beasts and barbarian threats, characteristics that fit the description of Atlantis.

Religious Connections

The religious practices of the Aryans also suggest Atlantean influence. The Greek god Zeus, associated with Atlantis, parallels the Hindoo god Dyaus, indicating a shared origin. The Hindoo god Deva-Nahusha, identified with Dionysos, was a king of Meru, which Theopompus described as the land of the Meropes, or the people of Atlantis.

The Spread of Atlantean Influence

The civilization and influence of Atlantis extended to Europe, Africa, and America. The legends of kings like Deva-Nahusha and the mythological connections suggest that the Aryan migration was part of a broader dispersion of Atlantean culture.

Aryan Populations in Europe and Asia

While Europe is predominantly Aryan, only a small part of Asia is Aryan, indicating that the Aryans in Asia were intrusive races that moved from the west. The Aryan presence in Europe dates back to the close of the Stone Age, suggesting an ancient settlement. The Aryans in India are believed to have migrated from the west, further supporting the theory of a western origin, possibly Atlantis.

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