
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

In Lemuria, there were “Temples of Rejuvenation” where individuals could undergo processes to significantly extend their lifespans and maintain youthful vitality.

The traditional starting date of the Assyrian calendar is 4750 BCE. The year 3761 BCE is calculated based on the creation of the world according to Jewish tradition.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

Thus I recreated in Greece all the best from the culture of Atlantis — hoping to preserve it in the memory of people on the Earth for many centuries.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

The story is shared from the viewpoint of ancient Egyptian knowledge, contrasted with Mayan insights, although it incorporates global spiritual traditions

There’re about 260 Creation stories found in cultures around the world that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.

Bats represent one of the most unique and fascinating evolutionary paths in the animal kingdom, primarily due to their ability to fly and their specialized sensory adaptations.

Moloch is an ancient deity often associated with the Canaanites and Phoenicians, as well as related ancient Middle Eastern cultures.

19th-century explorer Augustus Le Plongeon proposed the lost continent of Mu, believed to be the cradle of ancient civilizations.

Waves represent distinct phases of evolution and consciousness. The Fifth Wave symbolizes a period of unity consciousness and spiritual awakening. The Sixth Wave introduces a dualistic pattern leading to ego dominance and societal structures like patriarchy.

Across five countries—Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico—there are numerous Maya sites, totaling in the hundreds.

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, a people who were “chosen by the Gods” 15,000 years ago. He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa