Homo Sapiens

Elohim, as architects, created life in the universe starting from the sixth dimension, representing the pattern of life.

The people of Atlantis were not human. They came from various star systems and were part of an effort to cultivate and help the planet.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.

Saklas is a name often associated with Gnostic teachings, particularly within certain sects that describe the creation and structure of the universe in mythic terms.

Anu mixed their genes with the natural humanoid, known as Homo Erectus or Homo Habilis, on Earth. This happened around 500,000 years ago.

Introduction What do we know about human history? Those who have read “Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari might think it’s the most current portrayal of our past. Yet, something’s missing. Evolution moves slowly, and it’s taken us thousands of years to evolve. Yet, in just about 15,000 years, Homo Sapiens went from being hunter-gatherers to … Read more

Iblis worshipped from above for more than 70,000 years, until he was raised to the station of Ridwan. After he was the guardian of Paradise for 1000 years.

It is said that God created the demons from the semoum (burning wind); that from the demon he created his woman, as he created Eve from Adam; that the demon having had relations with his woman, she became pregnant from him and laid thirty eggs

The little people would eventually integrate into other African races such as the Bergdama and the Bushman

The Israelites were the descendants of twelve sons of the biblical patriarch Jacob. Jacob also had at least one daughter, Dinah, whose descendants were not recognized as a tribe.

Tatunca Nara told of the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala, a people who were “chosen by the Gods” 15,000 years ago. He described two great catastrophes that had devastated the earth and spoke of the ruler Lhasa

The Aessir landed on planet Earth in search of gold. The Aessir were similar to humans, while advanced, in many ways, they were still tribal.

The Nephilim were on the earth in the earliest days, and also afterward when the Aessir came into the daughters of humans and they bore children to them

Genesis 2

Enclosed garden

And the YHWH Elohiym established an enclosed garden eastward in Eden, and there they put the humans.

The Aessir started to have children with humans (or homo sapiens).