August 2024 Update

Shocking state of archaeology
Why is much of Ancient American history lost?
Why have we lost our ancient history in Europe?

1,000,000 Years Ago

Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades

In Greek stories, the Pleiades are seven sisters transformed into stars to escape Orion. In Japanese stories, they are known as Subaru, representing unity and togetherness.

According to the traditions of the Lamaic faith, the first men lived to the age of sixty thousand years. They were invisibly nourished and could raise themselves at will to the heavens.

Project Earth The overarching theme is that Earth’s development involves various extraterrestrial agendas, ranging from genetic hybridization to resource extraction and strategic positioning.

Quantum Entanglement is a concept from quantum physics where two or more particles become linked, such that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of the other, regardless of distance. This phenomenon suggests a form of connection that transcends physical space.

Kryon expands on this concept by suggesting that advanced civilizations, like the Pleiadians, utilize a form of entanglement involving consciousness rather than just particles. This allows them to traverse space instantly, without the need for physical movement or vehicles.

Pleiadeans in the bible

Polar Race and Hyperboreans

Polarians were androgynous beings in direct contact with their inner divinity.

200,000 Years Ago

The Lemurian Race

It was common for Lemurians to have their third eye open, giving them access to spiritual abilities and multi-dimensional consciousness from birth.

Change in DNA

Enclosed gardens to ‘upgrade’ humanity

First enclosed gardens in Africa

Garden of Eridu

Sumerian King List:
Antediluvian rulers – Total span of 241,200 Years
Kish has a timespan of more than 24,510 Years
First rulers of Uruk – Total span of 2,310 years

Anunnaki involved in human genetics

200,000 B.C.: Second great catastrophe leads to the fragmentation of Atlantis into the islands of Kuta and Daitya.

The Manu, a pivotal figure during this transition, was responsible for guiding the Atlantean race into what would become the Âryan race.

Gayomart (Lifespan of 3,000 years) body gave rise to the first human couple, Mashya and Mashyana, from whom all human beings are descended.

While female, Ilā marries Budha, the god of Mercury, and gives birth to Pururavas, the progenitor of the Lunar dynasty.

Manu – Select the best humans to bread

The Âryan race exhibited two main traits: a segment of the population was animated by higher ideals and spiritual power, while another segment prioritized personal interests and selfish goals.

Steiner suggests that this duality reflects the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and morality.

75,025 B.C.: Final catastrophe submerges the remnants of Atlantis, ending the Toltec civilization’s dominance.

Obartès Elbaratutu being dead, his son Xisuthros (Khasisatra) reigned eighteen sares (64,800 years). It was under him that the Great Deluge took place

80 – 60,000 Years Ago

Toba Supervolcano Eruption: Approximately 74,000 years ago

Genetic studies confirm that Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa around 60,000 to 80,000 years ago, spreading across the globe. When Africa ‘Colonised’ China

Mountains & Greek myths – Cosmic battles and Birth of Zeus

60,000 Years ago – A legendary king who fell in love with the celestial nymph(Pleiadean) Urvashi.

In 2014, the oldest permanent structure on Earth, dated to 70,000 years ago, was discovered in Sudan. Known as Afad 23Ta Seti

33,000 Years ago

By 33,000 years ago, the Last Glacial Maximum began, with large ice sheets covering Europe and North America, and sea levels 120 meters (394 feet) lower than today.

A The Brotherhood of Light sought to integrate advanced technology with higher spiritual truths. Initial experiments in Takla Makan Desert, Xinjiang, China, failed due to genetic corruption from intermarriage. Recognizing the potential for further evolution, the Manu selected individuals capable of development and led them to a secluded area in Central Asia. Experiments moved to Atlantis for better conditions to advance human evolution.

Atlantean & Lemurian Race

Lemuria and Atlantis represented two divergent paths of human evolution. Lemuria focused on spiritual harmony and healing, while Atlantis pursued technological and material growth.

Laura mentions that time for Atlanteans was not linear, making it challenging to pin them down in a specific timespan. She suggests that they existed thousands of years before our written history but explains that their perception of time differed significantly from ours.

J.J. Hurtak Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth’s structure.

These anomalies allow for the manipulation and transcendence of conventional time, enabling the synchronization of various spiritual and cosmic activities.

Deutsch explains the ability to manifest thoughts into reality in Atlantis, as evidenced by her desire for food or a place to live, and these things would materialize.

She also touches upon the idea of Atlanteans having the ability to change their appearance, turning into animals or humans, which was a skill developed over centuries. 

Scorpion People at Mount Mashu Centaurs at Mount Erymanthos The god Panwas often depicted as a half-man, half-goat figure.

Oannes is often associated with the Apkallu, a group of wise beings or demigods believed to have imparted knowledge to humanity. The body of a fish but underneath having the form of a man.

Hea or Ea, the god of the Nineveh tablets, was a fish-god: he was represented in the Chaldean monuments as half man and half fish; he was described as the god, not of the rivers and seas, but of “the abyss”–to wit, the ocean.

Atlantis’s aggressive and forceful approach affected Lemuria, grounding the once spiritually elevated Lemurians in fear and third-dimensional reality. Eluna

Matias describes how ancient builders, like those who constructed the pyramids, were not just architects but also musicians, mathematicians, and spiritual leaders.

The downfall of Atlantis, according to Matias, was due to multiple factors including political and economic conflicts, climate changes caused by a comet, and internal divisions.

Regarding the fall of Atlantis, Deutsch mentions that it is shrouded in myths, including tales of priests escaping the fall and helping establish civilizations in places like Egypt and Mesoamerica.

Deutsch clarifies that those who escaped were not priests but evolved humans who carried the knowledge and genetics of Atlantis into new civilizations. She also suggests that many myths around the world, including those with half-animal figures, stem from Atlantean influences.

Turin King List The list begins with mythological rulers, including gods and demi-gods, who are said to have ruled Egypt for thousands of years.

From Menes to Sethos, was a period of 341 generations. The calculation is made by the Egyptians themselves.

10,835 BCE – Great Flood

Second and final destruction of the Atlantis Empire

“In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.”

Isaiah 11:11

Taurid Meteor Shower – Great Flood

The divine stone eventually destroyed the successive empires. Daniel 2:31-45

12,000 Years ago

Atlantean survivors

12,000 -7,500 Years ago

Climate changes made it difficult to restart humanity again

7,500 Years ago to Present

7,500 – 3,100 years ago: The era of the first cities and civilizations, such as Sumer, where the Anunnaki are worshipped as gods. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki imparted agricultural, technological, and civil knowledge to humanity.

Shift from matrimonial to patrimonial cultures

The Baal Cycle Goddess Asherah

YHWH (The Lord God) the new order

King Joshiah of Judah undertook significant religious reforms aimed at centralizing worship exclusively around YHWH.

Merging the Gods in the Bible Beni Elohim The Elohim YHWH Elohim

Possible Atlantean connections

Bull fights – The significance of the Bull

The book of Mormon

The 10 commands, derived from the 7 laws

Atlantis in the Old Testament


In the envisioned future, the new Atlantean centers will play a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual landscape of Earth. They will serve as key interaction points between humanity and higher realms, providing guidance and support for those seeking to align with divine consciousness.

The 3rd dimension

Reality is a fractal experience where all lives happen simultaneously.
Fear is seen as a virus infecting human consciousness, and overcoming it is essential for evolution. Eluna

We are in the fourth cosmic day of the Great Cosmic Day. Previous cosmic days: Saturnian, Solar, Lunar; current: Terrestrial Round. Matter and energy condensed from subtle forms in earlier rounds to the physical in the Terrestrial Round.

Home > August 2024 Update

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