Rudolf Steiner

The Lemurian Era

Steiner explores the Lemurian Era, focusing on the third human root race known as the Lemurians. According to Steiner, the Lemurians inhabited the continent of Lemuria, which, in Theosophical literature, is said to have been located in the south of Asia, extending from Ceylon to Madagascar, including parts of modern southern Asia and Africa.

Rudolf Steiner draws from the Âkâshic Records, emphasizing the challenges of interpreting ancient history through these spiritual insights.

Physical and Mental Characteristics of Lemurians

Steiner describes the Lemurians as having underdeveloped memory, lacking language as we understand it today.

They could form conceptions of things and events but could not retain these as memories. Instead, they produced natural sounds to express sensations like pleasure, joy, and pain.

Despite this, their mental conceptions had significant power, influencing their surroundings through mere thought-images.

Lemurians communicated through a form of thought-reading, drawing power directly from nature, such as the growth in plants and the vitality in animals.

Social Structure and Education

The Lemurians were masters of willpower, controlling their bodies with remarkable strength.

Education focused on developing willpower and conception, with boys undergoing rigorous training to face danger and endure pain.

Those unable to endure hardships were not considered valuable members of society.

Girls, on the other hand, were trained to develop powerful imaginations, facing natural forces like storms to foster admiration and calmness in the face of adversity.

Lifestyle and Dwellings

Lemurians lived in natural shelters, such as modified caves, and later built such caves in the earth, developing skill in construction.

They also erected artificial structures to mold nature into pleasing forms and serve practical purposes.

As the Lemurian era progressed, grand structures dedicated to divine wisdom and art emerged, functioning as places of worship, instruction, and scientific study.

These places were akin to high schools of willpower and clairvoyance, where knowledge of natural forces was transformed into human willpower.

Technological and Spiritual Developments

The Lemurians had a unique ability to manipulate natural forces, achieving what later generations would accomplish through reflection and combination.

Their achievements far surpassed what modern humanity could produce through memory, intellect, and imagination.

The Lemurian era was marked by a dense atmosphere and fluid water, with plant and animal life differing significantly from today’s forms.

Decline and Transition

Steiner notes that the majority of the Lemurian population fell into decadence, becoming a stunted race whose descendants are seen in certain modern “savage” tribes.

However, a small group of Lemurians, capable of further evolution, became the progenitors of the Atlantean race.

This transition marked the end of the Lemurian era and the beginning of the Atlantean civilization.

Influence on Future Races

The Lemurian legacy includes the first concepts of good and evil, the manipulation of nature’s forces, and the groundwork for human legal and ethical systems.

The imaginative life developed by Lemurian women laid the foundation for a moral life, with the feminine element introducing thought and imagination into human evolution.

This legacy influenced subsequent root races, including the Atlanteans and Âryans, contributing to the ongoing evolution of human consciousness and society.

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