The Lemurian Era
According to Steiner, the Lemurians inhabited the continent of Lemuria, which, in Theosophical literature, is said to have been located in the south of Asia, extending from Ceylon to Madagascar, including parts of modern southern Asia and Africa.
Ad-ima and Heva
According to some interpretations, Ad-ima and Heva are seen as the first human couple who lived on an island, often identified with Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lanka).
Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis
In the Indo-European traditions, particularly among the Hindoos, the first man is known as Ad-ima, who, along with his wife Heva, lived on an island (identified as Ceylon).
Atlantean Peruvian Civilization
A great deal of the land was hilly and could not be cultivated to any advantage in its natural state; but these ancient inhabitants carefully laid it out in terraces, much as is done now in the hill country of Ceylon.
The death of Adam
Traditions differ on Adam’s burial site, citing locations like India, Mount Kubeis, Jerusalem, Mecca, Ceylon, or the cave of Machpelah.
When Adam, expelled the earthly Paradise, established himself in the Isle of Ceylon, the flat-heads submitted to him.
The peacock
Adam fell into the island Serendib (Ceylon), Eve at Jedda, the Serpent into the desert of Sahara, the Peacock into Persia, and Eblis into the river Eila.
Ceylon (route)