Ignatius Donnelly

Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis

In exploring the mythologies of ancient civilizations, we find recurrent references to a mysterious and ancient civilization, often interpreted as Atlantis. These references span across diverse cultures and geographies, suggesting a shared collective memory of a once-great civilization.

The Arabians and Adites

Among the Arabians, the earliest inhabitants are known as the Adites, named after their progenitor Ad, who is considered the grandson of Ham. These Adites, likely referring to the people of Atlantis, are depicted as a powerful and advanced race. According to the traditions:

  • Shedd-Ad-Ben-Ad: A great antediluvian king associated with Atlantis. Ad married many wives, had numerous descendants, and lived for 1200 years. His sons, Shadid and Shedad, succeeded him, with Shedad becoming a notable conqueror, said to have subdued all of Arabia and parts of Syria and Egypt.
  • Irem: Shedad built a magnificent palace and garden called Irem, reminiscent of the celestial Paradise, hinting at an attempt to replicate the grandeur of Atlantis.
  • Architecture and Civilization: The Adites are remembered as giants with great strength, capable of moving massive stone blocks and building grand structures. They are associated with the creation of “buildings of the Adites,” and the phrase “as old as Ad” signifies great antiquity.
  • Catastrophic End: A black cloud and a devastating hurricane wiped out the Adites, sparing only those who had renounced idolatry. This narrative aligns with the flood myths found in other cultures.

The Hindoos and Ad-ima

In the Indo-European traditions, particularly among the Hindoos, the first man is known as Ad-ima, who, along with his wife Heva, lived on an island (identified as Ceylon). They eventually reached the mainland, and a great natural convulsion severed their connection with the island. This story parallels the destruction of Atlantis:

  • Ad-ima and Heva: Their names are strikingly similar to the biblical Adam and Eve, hinting at a shared mythological origin.
  • Island Home: The island they left behind, now cut off, suggests a memory of a once-thriving land lost to a cataclysm.

Persians and Mashab-Ad

The Persians also possess traditions that echo the Atlantis narrative. Sir William Jones recounts the story of Mashab-Ad, who is considered the first monarch of Iran and the entire earth:

  • Mashab-Ad: Described as the father of the present world, surviving a great cycle and bringing forth numerous progeny. He introduced agriculture, commerce, and arts, and built cities and fortifications, much like the Atlantean kings.

Greek and Hindu Connections

Further connections to Atlantis are seen in the Greek and Hindu mythologies:

  • Aditya: In Hindu mythology, the Aditya are ancient solar deities, sons of Aditi, representing purity and righteousness. Their number, twelve, aligns with the twelve months of the year and the twelve Atlantean kings described by Plato.
  • Solar Worship: The Aditya’s solar association resonates with the sun-worshipping practices attributed to the Atlanteans.

Chaldean Legends

Chaldean legends, as deciphered from Babylonian tablets, mention an original race of men called Ad-mi or Ad-ami, who were distinct from a “light race.” This race’s fall and subsequent deluge echo the destruction of Atlantis:

  • Ad-mi (Ad-ami): Referred to as a fallen race, providing another instance where the prefix “Ad” suggests a link to Atlantis.
  • Babylonian Flood: The flood narrative parallels the Atlantean deluge, indicating a shared memory of a cataclysmic event.

Central American Myths

In the Americas, particularly among the people of Guatemala and Mexico, we find traditions hinting at a common origin:

  • At-tit: The Guatemalan deity associated with the worship of the true God, reminiscent of Atlantean religious practices.
  • Atl-tona-ti-uh: The Mexican calendar stone refers to the sun as Atl-tona-ti-uh, linking it to the deluge and again to Atlantis.
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