
Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

Atlantean trading posts evolved into settlements, spreading into the interior regions and the highlands

The pervasive reverence for the Cross, the myth of the Garden of Eden, and the construction of pyramids across ancient civilizations point to a shared cultural memory and religious symbolism

Ignatius Donnelly

Ad-, Atl-, At-, Atlantis

In exploring the mythologies of ancient civilizations, we find recurrent references to a mysterious and ancient civilization, often interpreted as Atlantis.

the story of the Deluge plainly refers to the destruction of Atlantis and that it agrees in many important particulars with the account given by Plato.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Alfred Maury noted that American flood legends closely resemble those of the Bible and Chaldean records, suggesting a common origin from Atlantis rather than migration from Asia.

Ignatius L. Donnelly

Babel Story of Cholula

Immediately after the light and the sun arose in the east there appeared gigantic men of deformed stature and possessed the land

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) was an American politician, writer, and amateur scientist. He is known for his diverse interests and contributions in several fields, including politics and history

Creation, transgression, and the loss of an idyllic state, which are central to the story of Adam and Eve

Father Duran, in his MS. “Historia Antiqua de la Nueva Espana” A.D. 1585, quotes from the lips of a native of Cholula

The Great Pyramid of Cholula was built by the descendants of Atlantis to store a copy of the records of Atlantis.