

Inner Earth

This channeling focuses on the concept of inner Earth, past lives, and the interconnectedness between inner and surface Earth.

Channelled during a Star-seed Activation Retreat: the Pleiadian Goddess, Satya, takes on a wonder-ful journey to the Temples of Alorah

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

In Lemuria, there were “Temples of Rejuvenation” where individuals could undergo processes to significantly extend their lifespans and maintain youthful vitality.

The stages of Lemuria and Atlantis, as explained by Huna Flash. Each stage is associated with distinct periods, locations, and key events.

Around 11,000 BC, a massive flood occurred, the consequences of the Atlantean-Lemurian war.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Over a million years, the Manu meticulously bred the new race, achieving the red-brown Toltec sub-race known for its splendor.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

Lord Vaivasvata Manu began selecting individuals for the fifth Root Race. This was the first step in a long process of choosing the best candidates for developing this race.

The Ahnenerbe was a Nazi research and teaching organization that operated from 1935 to 1945.

Mankind is actually the successor of other intelligent creatures such as jinn and hinn

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

Complex thoughts and emotions were conveyed through empathic telepathy. Before The Great Separation, physical death was a rarity.

The Ark of the Covenant is a biblical artifact described in the Book of Exodus. It is a sacred chest made of wood and covered with gold.

The first sub-race of the Atlanteans is called in Theosophical literature the Rmoahal. 

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are described as being large and strong.

Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

Helena Blavatsky discusses the concept of “root races” in her writings, particularly in “The Secret Doctrine”



Ramtha is a purported ancient entity channeled by JZ Knight. According to Knight, Ramtha was a Lemurian warrior who lived 35,000 years ago

Channelers profiles of Edgar Cayce, Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), Jane Roberts (Seth), Esther Hicks (Abraham), JZ Knight (Ramtha), Allison DuBois, Eileen Garrett, Paul Selig (The Guides), and Chico Xavier

The descriptions of Lemurians seem to be identical to the movie Avatar. The story matches many other Lemurian stories

In ancient times, the Mū culture, also known as Pre-Tahitian Hawaiian Culture, operated under the governance of the “Kapu” system

The Nephilim were on the earth in the earliest days, and also afterward when the Aessir came into the daughters of humans and they bore children to them



In ancient times, there was a race called the Atlanteans who lived in a land known as Atlantis.

Genesis 2

Enclosed garden

And the YHWH Elohiym established an enclosed garden eastward in Eden, and there they put the humans.