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Ella discusses different psychic abilities, noting that some individuals may experience connection through clairaudience or clairvoyance.
The Story of Atlantis
For anyone who will have the patience to study the published results of psychic investigation during the last fifty years, the reality of clairvoyance as an occasional phenomenon of human intelligence must establish itself on an immovable foundation.
For those who, without being occultists—students that is to say of Nature's loftier aspects, in a position to obtain better teaching than that which any written books can give—for those who merely avail themselves of recorded evidence, a declaration on the part of others of a disbelief in the possibility of clairvoyance, is on a level with the proverbial African's disbelief in ice.
But the experiences of clairvoyance that have accumulated on the hands of those who have studied it in connection with mesmerism, do no more than prove the existence in human nature of a capacity for cognizing physical phenomena distant either in space or time, in some way which has nothing to do with the physical senses.
Those who have studied the mysteries of clairvoyance in connection with theosophic teaching have been enabled to realize that the ultimate resources of that faculty range as far beyond its humbler manifestations, dealt with by unassisted enquirers, as the resources of the higher mathematics exceed those of the abacus.
Clairvoyance, indeed, is of many[v] kinds, all of which fall easily into their places when we appreciate the manner in which human consciousness functions on different planes of Nature.
That last is the kind of which it is necessary to say something here, in order that the true character of the present treatise on Atlantis may be understood, but I allude to the others merely that the explanation I have to give may not be mistaken for a complete theory of clairvoyance in all its varieties.
We may best be helped to a comprehension of clairvoyance as related to past events, by considering in the first instance the phenomena of memory.
Such a person has begun, however slightly,[viii] to exercise the faculty of astral clairvoyance.
That term may be conveniently used to denote the kind of clairvoyance I am now endeavouring to elucidate, the kind which, in some of its more magnificent developments, has been employed to carry out the investigations on the basis of which the present account of Atlantis has been compiled.
There is no limit really to the resources of astral clairvoyance in investigations concerning the past history of the earth, whether we are concerned with the events that have befallen the human race in prehistoric epochs, or with the growth of the planet itself through geological periods which antedated the advent of man, or with more recent events, current narrations of which have been distorted by careless or perverse historians.
People among us who are capable of exercising astral clairvoyance in full perfection—but have not yet been called away to higher functions in connexion with the promotion of human progress, of which ordinary humanity at present knows even less than an Indian ryot knows of cabinet councils—are still very few.
Those who know what the few can do, and through what processes of training and self-discipline they have passed in pursuit of interior ideals, of which when attained astral clairvoyance is but an individual circumstance, are many, but still a small minority as compared with[ix] the modern cultivated world.
But as time goes on, and within a measurable future, some of us have reason to feel sure that the numbers of those who are competent to exercise astral clairvoyance will increase sufficiently to extend the circle of those who are aware of their capacities, till it comes to embrace all the intelligence and culture of civilised mankind only a few generations hence.
For the benefit of others who may be more intuitive it may be well to say a word or two that may guard them from supposing that because historical research by means of astral clairvoyance is not impeded by having to deal with periods removed from our own by hundreds of thousands of years, it is on that account a process which involves no trouble.
The Lemurian Era
These places were akin to high schools of willpower and clairvoyance, where knowledge of natural forces was transformed into human willpower.
Our Hidden Connections to Atlantis, Lemuria & Beyond
They had fully developed Clairvoyance and Clairaudience and were also androgynous.
Bishop Leadbeater
Leadbeater was a prolific writer, and his works covered a wide range of esoteric topics, including clairvoyance, reincarnation, and the afterlife.
"Clairvoyance" (1899)
Clairvoyance is a book by Leadbeater originally published in 1899 in London.
The author mainly appeals readers "convinced of the existence of clairvoyance and familiar with theosophical terms." Leadbeater claims that the "power to see what is hidden from ordinary physical sight" is an extension of common reception, and "describes a wide range of phenomena."
Professor Robert Ellwood wrote that from 1884 to 1888, Leadbeater engaged in a meditation practice that "awakened his clairvoyance." During this period, the Master Kuthumi visited him and inquired if Leadbeater had ever tried a specific type of meditation linked to the mysterious power known as kundalini.
In the chapter "Simple Clairvoyance: Full," the author argues that an occultist-clairvoyant can "see" the smallest particles of matter, such as a molecule or atom, magnifying them "as though by a microscope." This suggests that a clairvoyant could potentially observe and study microscopic structures in detail without the use of physical instruments.
In the chapter "Clairvoyance in Time: The Past," Leadbeater claims that a historian with full possession of this clairvoyant power would encounter remarkable possibilities:
Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.
This evidently aided in the development of the power of divination, of clairvoyance and of intuition ; and it was evident that the particular colour of light used depended not only upon the object sought, but upon the planet or type to which the priest belonged.
The Civilisation of Atlantis
Clairvoyance and Scientific Knowledge:
Clairvoyance: The use of clairvoyance was common, allowing the observation of natural processes that are invisible to most.
Science was carried far, for the use of clairvoyance being habitual, the processes of nature, now invisible to most, were readily observed.
Seven Levels of Existence
Psychic Body: Realm of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and other psychic phenomena.
Jesus’ Initiation
Atlanteans had a dim clairvoyance and could perceive the spiritual world more directly, though less clearly, than we do today.
Steiner’s Atlantis and Mu
Spiritual Science and Clairvoyance: Steiner claimed to have clairvoyant abilities and based much of his spiritual teaching on what he described as direct observations of the spiritual world.
Famous channelers
These include intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance.
My people also have strong limbs enabling us to break trees, run fast and jump high and far; keen eyesight and clairvoyance to see in the darkness even in the deepest caves of the underworld; huge lungs to swim underwater over long distances and be perfectly autonomous and self-sufficient without need for any external material support.