Steiner’s Atlantis and Mu

Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, and esotericist. He is most well-known for founding Anthroposophy, a spiritual movement that grew out of Theosophy but incorporated a wide range of his unique ideas. Steiner’s work covered various fields, including education, agriculture, medicine, and the arts, and he had a profound influence on many practical areas as well as spiritual studies.

Key aspects of Rudolf Steiner’s life and work include:

Early Life and Education: Steiner was born in present-day Croatia and raised in Austria. He studied at the Technical University in Vienna and was particularly influenced by the works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Philosophical Works: Steiner initially made his mark through his work on Goethe’s scientific writings and his philosophical work, “The Philosophy of Freedom.” His early work was grounded in a philosophical approach that emphasized the importance of human cognition and consciousness.

Development of Anthroposophy: Steiner gradually developed Anthroposophy, a spiritual philosophy that emphasized the importance of developing a conscious connection to the spiritual world. Anthroposophy sought to bridge the gap between the material and spiritual realms, using a path of inner development and spiritual research.

Waldorf Education: Perhaps one of Steiner’s most enduring legacies is the Waldorf school movement. He founded the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1919. Waldorf education focuses on holistic and developmental approaches, emphasizing creativity, imagination, and hands-on learning.

Biodynamic Agriculture: Steiner also laid the foundations for biodynamic agriculture, which is a form of alternative agriculture very similar to organic farming but includes various esoteric concepts.

Rudolf Steiner Architecture (AI impression)

Architecture and the Arts: Steiner had a significant influence on architecture and the arts. He designed the Goetheanum in Switzerland, a building that serves as the center for the Anthroposophical Society and is notable for its unique architectural style.

Spiritual Science and Clairvoyance: Steiner claimed to have clairvoyant abilities and based much of his spiritual teaching on what he described as direct observations of the spiritual world. This aspect of his work includes detailed descriptions of the spiritual evolution of the Earth and humanity, reincarnation, and karma.

Anthroposophical Medicine: He also contributed to the field of medicine by developing a holistic approach known as Anthroposophical medicine, which considers spiritual and physical aspects of health.

Cultural and Social Impact: Steiner’s ideas had a significant cultural impact, especially in Europe, influencing various fields including education, agriculture, medicine, and the arts.

Atlantis and Mu


Pre-Physical Existence: Steiner described Lemuria as an early stage of Earth’s development where human beings were in a pre-physical state, quite different from our current physical form. This period predated the materialization of the physical Earth as we know it.

Spiritual Development: Inhabitants of Lemuria were said to have a dream-like consciousness and were deeply connected to the spiritual world. They did not have minds as we understand them today but were guided more by instincts and direct spiritual insights.

Location and Environment: Steiner placed Lemuria in what would now be the southern Indian Ocean. He described its environment as volatile, with a landscape deeply influenced by volcanic and other geological activities.

Transition to Atlantis: Lemuria was said to have met its end through a series of natural catastrophes, leading to the emergence of Atlantis. The transition marked a significant step in the spiritual and physical evolution of humanity.


Development of Consciousness: The Atlantean period, according to Steiner, was characterized by a shift from the dream-like consciousness of Lemuria to a more vivid, though still clairvoyant, consciousness. Atlanteans were described as having natural psychic abilities, allowing them to manipulate their environment and even control life forms through psychic means.

Social Structure

Spiritual Leadership: Steiner described Atlantean society as being guided by spiritually advanced individuals, often referred to as “initiates” or “priests.” These leaders were believed to have profound clairvoyant powers and a deep understanding of spiritual laws, which they used to guide society.

Class or Caste System: Atlantean society, according to Steiner, had a hierarchical structure, possibly resembling a caste system. This hierarchy was based more on spiritual and psychic development than on economic or political power.

Education and Development: Education in Atlantis was profoundly different from today’s systems. Steiner indicated that it was based on developing the innate psychic and spiritual abilities of individuals. Children were educated in a way that was aligned with their spiritual and karmic development.


Harnessing Natural Forces: Atlanteans were said to have had the ability to harness and control natural forces, which they used for various purposes, including transportation and construction. This control was not mechanical or technological in the modern sense but was based on psychic and spiritual powers.

Etheric Energy: Steiner described a form of energy called “etheric” or “life force” energy that Atlanteans could manipulate. This energy was fundamental to their technology, allowing them to influence the growth of plants, the movement of objects, and even the weather.

Use of Crystals: The use of crystals in Atlantean technology is a notable aspect of Steiner’s descriptions. He suggested that Atlanteans used crystals to harness and focus etheric energies for various purposes, including healing, energy transmission, and possibly even for power generation.

Airships and Transportation: Steiner mentioned the use of airships that were propelled by harnessing these natural forces. Unlike modern aircraft, these vehicles were controlled psychically and moved through the manipulation of etheric currents.

Cultural Aspects

Relationship with Nature: Steiner’s Atlantis had a deep connection with nature. Atlanteans were described as living in harmony with their environment, with a profound understanding of the living world.

Art and Creativity: Artistic expression in Atlantis was said to be highly developed and deeply connected with spiritual practices and rituals.

Decline of Atlantis

Moral Decline and Fall: The downfall of Atlantis, in Steiner’s view, was due to a moral and spiritual decline. He described how the misuse of psychic powers and a gradual loss of spiritual focus led to societal decay and eventually to natural catastrophes that destroyed the civilization.

The Decline of Atlantis: The fall of Atlantis, in Steiner’s account, was gradual and linked to the moral degradation and misuse of psychic powers by its inhabitants. This led to natural disasters and the eventual submersion of the continent.

Link to Modern Humanity: Steiner considered the Atlantean period critical for understanding the evolution of modern humans. He believed that the survivors of Atlantis laid the groundwork for subsequent civilizations and cultural epochs.

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