Mariana Giovino

Garden of Eden – Desert or Steppe


Historical Context: The concept of the Garden of Eden has been a subject of extensive interpretation and scholarly debate, particularly in relation to ancient Near Eastern texts and traditions. Scholars like Sayce and Smith have explored its connections to Mesopotamian locations and mythologies.

Eden and Eridu: One significant theory posits that the Biblical Eden can be identified with the Sumerian city of Eridu. This theory suggests that the “plain” of Babylonia, known as “Edin” in Sumerian, is the geographical reference for Eden. Eridu, a prominent city in southern Mesopotamia, is believed to have been considered a type of paradise or holy place, featuring prominently in ancient traditions.

Sacred Trees and the Tree of Life: The kiskänu tree, often identified as a cedar or date palm, is suggested to be the prototype of the Biblical Tree of Life. This tree appears frequently in Assyrian iconography and is associated with the deity Ea. It is described as having roots of bright lapis lazuli planted in the cosmic abyss and is depicted with cherub-like figures standing beside it, reminiscent of the guardians of Eden in the Bible​.

Etymological Connections: The term “Edin” in Sumerian, meaning “desert” or “steppe,” is argued to be etymologically related to the Hebrew “Eden.” This connection is supported by Akkadian texts, where “edin” is translated as “plain” or “steppe,” reinforcing the geographical and linguistic ties between the Biblical Eden and Mesopotamian locations​.

Iconographic and Textual Interpretations: The iconography of the Assyrian Sacred Tree (AST) and its connection to the Garden of Eden has been explored through various scholarly works. The AST is often depicted in scenes involving deities and mythological beings, emphasizing its role as a divine symbol. Sayce’s interpretations of the AST and its connections to the Biblical Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge have influenced subsequent research, although these interpretations have evolved and been debated over time​.

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