Sumerian King List

Sumerian King List

DynastyTotal Years
Antediluvian rulers241,200
First dynasty of Kish24,510
First rulers of Uruk2,310
First dynasty of Ur167
Dynasty of Awan356
Second dynasty of Kish368
Dynasty of Hamazi420
Second dynasty of Uruk108
Second dynasty of Ur222
Dynasty of Adab90
Dynasty of Mari136
Third dynasty of Kish100
Dynasty of Akshak276
Fourth dynasty of Kish506
Third dynasty of Uruk80
Dynasty of Akkad197
Fourth dynasty of Uruk25
Gutian rule124
Fifth dynasty of Uruk217
Third dynasty of Ur109
Dynasty of Isin225

9 Dynasties

DynastyTotal Years
Kish (4)25,484
Uruk (5)2,720
Ur (3)498


If the Aessir/Anunnaki arrived around 20,000 years ago. Could it be that the Antediluvian rulers ruled on other planets first?
Since Kish has a timespan of more than 24,510 Years (1st dynasty). And since the Aessir arrived on earth around 20,000 years ago (according to Mathias de Stefano’s past memories). Therefore could there be another planet (within our Milkyway) occupied by the Aessir? Maybe this explains why there was disagreement between Anu and Enlil? Where Enlil was the counselor/god of earth, Anu (and the spaceship) was somewhere else? (see Atrahasis)
It seems like the ‘mother spaceship could only have been in one place, however, the Aessir could have bases (dynasties) in many places (on Earth or on planets). In Atrhasis there is a mention of the Igigi who for 3,600 years worked for the Aessir. The mention of ‘day and night’ can refer to planet Earth.

First rulers of Uruk

324+420+1200+100+126+30+15+9+8+36+6+36 = 2,310 years

First dynasty of Ur

27th century BC

Total span of 167 Years


object composite text
surface a
1. nam-lugal an-ta e11-de3-a-ba
 en: After kingship from heaven descended,
2. eridu{ki} nam-lugal-la
 en: in Eridu was kingship.
3. eridu{ki} a2-lu-lim lugal
 en: In Eridu, Alulim was king,
4. mu 8(szar2) i3-ak
 en: 28,800 years he ruled;
5. a2-lal3-gar mu 1(szar’u) i3-ak
 en: Alalgar, 36,000 years he ruled;
6. ($blank space$) 2(disz) lugal
 en: 2 kings,
7. mu-bi 1(szar’u) 8(szar2) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 64,800 they ruled;
8. eridu{ki} ba-szub
 en: Eridu fell,
9. nam-lugal-bi bad3-tibira{ki}-sze3
 en: and the kingship to Bad-tibira
10. ba-de6
 en: was carried off.
11. bad3-tibira{ki} en-me-en-lu2-an-na
 en: In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana,
12. mu 1(szar’u) 2(szar2) i3-ak
 en: 43,200 years he ruled;
13. en-me-en-gal-an-na
 en: En-men-gal-ana,
14. mu 8(szar2) i3-ak
 en: 28,800 he ruled;
15. {d}dumu-zi sipa mu 1(szar’u) i3-ak
 en: Dumuzi, the shepherd, 36,000 years he ruled;
16. ($blank space$) 3(disz) lugal
 en: 3 kings,
17. mu-bi 3(szar’u) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 10,8000 they ruled;
18. bad3-tibira{ki} ba-szub-be2-en
 en: Bad-tibira, you fell,
19. nam-lugal-bi la-ra-ag{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: and the kingship to Larag was carried off.
20. la-ra-ag{ki} en-sipa-zi-an-na
 en: In Larag, En-sipa-zi-ana,
21. mu 8(szar2) i3-ak
 en: 28,800 years he ruled.
22. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
23. mu-bi 8(szar2) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 28,800 he ruled.
24. la-ra-ag{ki} ba-szub-be2-en
 en: Larag, you fell,
25. nam-lugal-bi zimbir{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: and the kingship to Sippar was carried off.
26. zimbir{ki} en-me-en-dur2-an-na
 en: In Sippar, En-men-dur-ana
27. lugal-am3 mu 5(szar2) 5(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: was king, 21,000 years he ruled;
28. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
29. mu-bi 5(szar2) 5(gesz’u) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 21,000 he ruled;
30. zimbir{ki} ba-szub-be2-en
 en: Sippar, you fell,
31. nam-lugal-bi szuruppak{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: and the kingship to Shuruppak was carried off.
32. szuruppak{ki} ubur-du-du
 en: In Shuruppak, Ubara-Tutu
33. lugal-am3 mu 5(szar2) 1(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: was king, 18,600 years he ruled,
34. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
35. mu-bi 5(szar2) 1(gesz’u) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 18,600 he ruled.
36. ($blank space$) 5(disz) iri{ki}-me-esz
 en: 5 cities,
37. ($blank space$) 8(disz) lugal
 en: 8 kings,
38. mu-bi 1(szargal){gal} 7(szar2) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 241,200 they ruled.
39. a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta
 en: Then the flood swept over.
40. egir a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta
 en: After the flood had swept over,
41. nam-lugal an-ta e11-de3-a-ba
 en: and kingship from heaven had descended,
42. kisz{ki} nam-lugal-la
 en: in Kish was kingship.
43. kisz{ki} gesz-ur3
 en: In Kish, Gešur
44. lugal-am3
 en: was king,
45. mu 2(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: 1200 years he ruled;
46. gul-la-si2?-na-be2?-el
 en: Gullasinabel(?),
47. mu 1(gesz’u) 6(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: 960 years he ruled;
48. na-an-gesz-li-isz-ma
 en: Nangešlisma,
49. 1(gesz’u) 1(gesz2) 1(u)? mu i3-ak
 en: 670(?) years he ruled;
50. en-dara4?-an-na-ke4
 en: Endara’ana(?),
51. 7(gesz2)? mu a-ra2 x x-am3 iti 3(disz) u4 3(disz) 1/2(disz) i3-ak
 en: 420 years … 3 months 3 1/2 days he ruled;
52. ba-bu-um x x
 en: Babum …,
53. 6(gesz2)? mu i3-ak
 en: 360(?) years he ruled;
54. pu-an-nu-um mu 1(gesz’u)? 4(gesz2)? i3-ak
 en: Pu’annum, 840(?) years he ruled;
55. ga-li2-bu-um
 en: Galibum,
56. mu 1(gesz’u) 6(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: 960 years he ruled;
57. ka-lu-mu-um mu 1(gesz’u) 4(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: Kalumum, 840 years he ruled;
58. zu2-qa2-qi4-ip
 en: Zuqaqip,
59. mu 1(gesz’u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: 900 years he ruled;
60. a2-tab mu 1(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: Atab, 600 years he ruled;
61. masz-da3 dumu a2-tab-ba mu 1(gesz’u) 4(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: Mašda, son of Atab, 840 years he ruled;
62. ar-wi-um dumu masz-da3-ke4
 en: Arwi’um, son of Mašda,
63. mu 1(gesz’u) 2(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: 720 years he ruled;
64. e-ta-na sipa lu2 an-sze3
 en: Etana, shepherd, who to heaven
65. ba-e11-de3
 en: went up,
66. lu2 kur-kur mu-un-ge-na
 en: who the foreign lands firmed,
67. lugal-am3 mu 2(gesz’u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: was king, 1500 years he ruled;
68. ba-li-ih
 en: Baliḫ,
69. dumu e-ta-na-ke4
 en: son of Etana,
70. mu 6(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak
 en: 400 years he ruled;
71. en-me-nun-na mu 1(gesz’u) 1(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: Enmenuna, 660 years he ruled;
72. me-lam2-kisz{ki} dumu en-me-nun-na-ke4
 en: Melam-kish, son of Enmenuna,
73. mu 1(gesz’u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: 900 years he ruled;
74. bar-sal-nun-na dumu en-me-nun-na
 en: Barsalnuna, son of Enmenuna,
75. mu 2(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: 1200 years he ruled;
76. zamug{za-mug} dumu bar-sal-nun-na
 en: Zamug, son of Barsalnuna,
77. mu 2(gesz2) 2(u) i3-ak
 en: 140 years he ruled;
78. ti-iz-gar3 dumu zamug{za-mug}-ke4
 en: Tizgar, son of Zamug,
79. mu 5(disz) szu-szi 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 5 sixties and 6 years he ruled;
80. il-ku-u2 mu 1(gesz’u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: Ilkû, 900 years he ruled;
81. il-ta-sa-du-um
 en: Iltasadum,
82. mu 2(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: 1200 years he ruled;
83. en-me-en-bara2-ge-si
 en: Enmebaragesi,
84. lu2 ma-da elam{ki}-ma
 en: who the land of Elam
85. {gesz}tukul-bi ib2-ta-an-gam
 en: with weapons made submit,
86. lugal-am3 mu 1(gesz’u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: was king, 900 years he ruled;
87. ag-ga
 en: Aga,
88. dumu en-me-en-bara2-ge-si-ke4
 en: son of Enmebaragesi,
89. mu 1(gesz’u) 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: 625 years he ruled;
90. ($blank space$) 2(u) 3(disz) lugal
 en: 23 kings,
91.a. mu-bi 6(szar2) 4(gesz’u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) iti 3(disz)
 en: the years: 24510, 3 months,
92.b. u4 3(disz) u4 1/2(disz) ib2-ak
 en: 3 1/3 days they ruled;
93. kisz{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Kish with weapons was struck down,
94. nam-lugal-bi e2-an-na-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Eanna (=Uruk) was carried off.
95. e2-an-na-ka
 en: In Eanna
96. mes-ki-ag2-ga-sze-er
 en: Mes-kiag-gašer,
97. dumu {d}utu en-am3
 en: son of Utu, was lord,
98. lugal-am3 mu 5(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz)? i3-ak
 en: was king, 325(?) years he ruled;
99. mes-ki-ag2-ga-sze-er
 en: Mes-kiag-gašer
100. ab-ba ba-an-ku4
 en: the sea entered,
101. hur-sag-sze3 ba-e11
 en: went off to the mountains;
102. en-me-kar2 dumu mes-ki-ag2-ga-sze-er
 en: Enmerkar, son of Mes-kiag-gašer,
103. lugal unu{ki}-ga lu2 unu{ki}
 en: king of Uruk, who Uruk
104. mu-un-du3-a
 en: built,
105. lugal-am3
 en: was king,
106. mu 7(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: 420 years he ruled;
107. {d}lugal-banda3{da} sipa
 en: Lugalbanda, the shepherd,
108. mu 2(gesz’u) i3-ak
 en: 1200 years he ruled;
109. {d}dumu-zi szu-ku6
 en: Dumuzi, the fisherman,
110. iri{ki}-ni kuara{ki}
 en: his city: Kuara,
111. mu 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak
 en: 100 years he ruled;
112. {d}gilgamesz
 en: Gilgamesh,
113. ab-ba-ni lil2-la2
 en: his father: that of the wind,
114. en kul-ab-ba-ke4
 en: lord of Kulaba,
115. mu 2(gesz2) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 126 years he ruled;
116. ur-{d}nun-gal
 en: Ur-Nungal,
117. dumu {d}gilgamesz
 en: son of Gilgamesh,
118. mu 3(u) i3-ak
 en: 30 years he ruled;
119. u-dul3-kalam-ma
 en: Udul-kalama,
120. dumu ur-{d}nun-gal-ke4
 en: son of Ur-Nungal,
121. mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: 15 years he ruled;
122. la-ba-sze-er?
 en: Labašer(?),
123. mu 9(disz) i3-ak
 en: 9 year he ruled;
124. en-nun-dara4?-an-na
 en: Ennundara’ana(?),
125. mu 8(disz) i3-ak
 en: 8 years he ruled;
126. mes?-he2 simug mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Mesḫe, the smith, 36 years he ruled;
127. me-lam2-an-na
 en: Melam-ana,
128. mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 6 years he ruled;
129. lugal-ki-du5? mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Lugal-kidu(?), 36 years he ruled;
130. ($blank space$) 1(u) 2(disz) lugal
 en: 12 kings,
131. mu-bi 3(gesz’u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 2310 years they ruled;
132. unu{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Uruk with weapons was struck down,
133. nam-lugal-bi uri2{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Ur was carried off.
134. uri2{ki}-ma
 en: In Ur
135. mes-an-ne2-pa3-da
 en: Mesanepada
136. lugal-am3 mu 1(gesz2) 2(u) i3-ak
 en: was king, 80 years he ruled;
137. mes-ki-ag2-{d}nanna
 en: Meskiag-Nanna,
138. dumu mes-an-ne2-pa3-da
 en: son of Mesanepada,
139. lugal-am3
 en: was king,
140. mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 36 years he ruled;
141. e-lu-lu mu 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: Elulu, 25 years he ruled;
142. ba-lu-lu 3(u) 6(disz) mu i3-ak
 en: Balulu, 36 years he ruled;
143. ($blank space$) 4(disz) lugal
 en: 4 kings,
144. mu-bi 2(gesz2) 5(u) 1(disz)? ib2-ak
 en: the years: 171(?) they ruled.
145. uri2{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Ur with weapons was struck down;
146. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
147. a-wa-an{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: to Awan was carried off.
148. a-wa-an{ki}-na
 en: In Awan
149. […] lugal-am3
 en: … was king,
150. mu n i3-ak
 en: … years he ruled;
151. […]
 en: …,
152. mu […] i3-ak
 en: … years he ruled;
153. ku-ul-[…]
 en: Kul-[…]
154. mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 36 years he ruled;
155. ($blank space$) 3(disz) lugal
 en: 3 kings,
156. mu-bi 5(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz)? ib2-ak
 en: the years: 356(?) they ruled;
157. a-wa-an{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Awan with weapons was struck down,
158. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
159. kisz{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: to Kish was carried off.
160. kisz{ki} su8-sud3?-da lu2 azlag2
 en: In Kish Susuda, the weaver,
161. lugal-am3
 en: was king,
162. mu 3(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz) n? i3-ak
 en: 201(?) years he ruled;
163. da-da-sig mu 1(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz)? i3-ak
 en: Dadasig, 81(?) years he ruled;
164. ma2-ma2-gal lu2 ma2-lah4-e
 en: Mamagal, the boatman,
165. mu 6(disz) szu-szi i3-ak
 en: 6 sixties years he ruled;
166. ka-al-bu-um
 en: Kalbum,
167. dumu ma2-gal-gal-la?-ke4
 en: son of Magalgal,
168. mu 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: 195 years he ruled;
169. TUG2-e mu 6(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: TUGe, 360 years he ruled;
170. men-nun-na mu 3(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: Mennuna, 180 years he ruled;
171. i-bi-x-x
 en: Ibi-[…],
172. mu 4(gesz2) 5(u)? i3-ak
 en: 290(?) years he ruled;
173. lugal-mu mu 6(gesz2) i3-ak
 en: Lugulmu, 360 years he ruled;
174. ($blank space$) 8(disz) lugal
 en: 8 kings,
175. mu-bi 5(gesz’u) 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 3195 they ruled;
176. kisz{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Kish with weapons was struck down;
177. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
178. ha-ma-zi2{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: to Ḫamazi was carried off.
179. ha-ma-zi2{ki}-a ha-da-ni-isz
 en: In Ḫamazi, Ḫadaniš
180. lugal-am3
 en: was king,
181. mu 6(disz) szu-szi i3-ak
 en: 6 sixties years he ruled;
182. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
183. mu-bi 6(disz) szu-szi ib2-ak
 en: the years: 6 sixties he ruled;
184. ha-ma-zi2{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Ḫamazi with weapons was struck down;
185. nam-lugal-bi unu{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Uruk was carried off.
186. unu{ki}-ga en-szakkan2-sza4-an-na
 en: In Uruk En-šakkan-ša’ana
187. lugal-am3 mu 1(disz) szu-szi i3-ak
 en: was king, 1 sixty years he ruled;
188. nam-lugal-bi mu 2(disz) szu-szi i3-ak
 en: Namlugalbi, 2 sixties years he ruled;
189. ($blank space$) mu 8(disz) i3-ak?
 en: 8 years he ruled (?);
190. ($blank space$) n ib2-ak
 en: n he ruled (?);
191. unu{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-sag3
 en: Uruk with weapons was struck down;
192. nam-lugal-bi uri2-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Ur was carried off.
193. uri2-ma na-an-ni
 en: In Ur Nanni
194. lugal-am3
 en: was king,
195. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
196. mes-ki-ag2-{d}nanna dumu na-an-ni-ke4
 en: Mes-kiag-Nanna, son of Nanni,
197. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
198. […]-ak
 en: …-ak,
199. […]-x-ke4?
 en: …
200. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
201. ($blank space$) 3(disz) lugal
 en: 3 kings,
202. mu-bi n ib2-ak
 en: the years: n they ruled;
203. uri2{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-sag3
 en: Ur with weapons was struck down;
204. nam-lugal-bi adab{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Adab was carried off.
205. adab{ki}-ba? lugal-an-ne2-mu-un-du3
 en: In Adab Lugal-ane-mundu
206. lugal-am3 mu n ib2-ak
 en: was king, n years he ruled;
207. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
208. mu-bi 1(gesz2)? 3(u)? ib2-ak
 en: the years: 90(?) he ruled;
209. adab{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Adab with weapons was stuck down;
210. nam-lugal-bi ma-ri2{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Mari was carried off.
211. ma-ri2{ki?}-a? AN-BU
 en: In Mari, ANBU
212. lugal-am3 mu 3(u) i3-ak
 en: was king, 30 years he ruled;
213. AN-BA dumu AN-BU-ke4
 en: ANBA, son of ANBU,
214. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
215. ba-zi lu2 aszgab mu 3(u) i3-ak
 en: Bazi, the weaver, 30 years he ruled;
216. zi-zi lu2 azlag2 mu 2(u) i3-ak
 en: Zizi, the weaver, 20 years he ruled;
217. li?-im-er gudu4 mu 3(u) i3-ak
 en: Lim’er, the gudu(-officiant), 30 years he ruled;
218. lugal-i-ter mu 9(disz@v) i3-ak
 en: Šarrum-iter, 9 years he ruled;
219. ($blank space$) 6(disz) lugal
 en: 6 kings,
220. mu-bi 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: the years: 136t they ruled;
221. ma-ri2{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Mari with weapons was struck down;
222. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
223. kisz{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: to Kish was carried off.
224. kisz{ki}-a ku3-{d}ba-ba6
 en: In Kish, Ku-Baba,
225. {munus}lu2-kurun-na
 en: the alewife
226. suhusz kisz{ki} mu-un-ge-na
 en: who the foundation of Kish firmed up,
227. lugal-am3 mu 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak
 en: was king, 100 years she ruled;
228. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
229. mu-bi 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak
 en: her years: 100 she ruled;
230. kisz{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Kish with weapons was struck down;
231. nam-lugal-bi akszak{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Akšak was carried away.
232. akszak{ki}-sze3 un-zi
 en: For Akšak, Unzi
233. lugal-am3 mu 3(u) i3-ak
 en: was king, 30 years he ruled;
234. un-da-lu-lu mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Undalulu, 6 years he ruled;
235. ur-ur mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Urur, 6 years he ruled;
236. puzur4-{d}nerah mu n i3-ak
 en: Puzur-Neraḫ, n years he ruled;
237. i-szu-il mu n i3-ak
 en: Išu’il, n years he ruled;
238. szu-{d}suen dumu i-szu-il-la-ke4 mu n i3-ak
 en: Šū-Suen, son of Išu’il, n years he ruled;
239. ($blank space$) n lugal
 en: n kings,
240. mu-bi n ib2-ak
 en: the years: n they ruled;
241. akszak{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-sag3
 en: Akšak with weapons was struck down;
242. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
243. kisz{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: to Kish was carried off.
244. kisz{ki} puzur4-{d}suen
 en: In Kish Puzur-Suen,
245. dumu ku3-{d}ba-ba6-ke4
 en: son of Ku-Baba,
246. lugal-am3 mu 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: was king, 25 years he ruled;
247. ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4
 en: Ur-Zababa,
248. dumu puzur4-{d}suen-ke4
 en: son of Puzur-Suen,
249. mu 6(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak
 en: 400 years he ruled;
250. zi-mu-dar-ra mu 3(u) i3-ak
 en: Zimudara, 30 years he ruled;
251. u2-s,i-wa-tar mu 7(disz) i3-ak
 en: Uṣi-watar, 7 years he ruled;
252. esz18-dar-mu-ti mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: Ištar-mūtī, 11 years he ruled;
253. isz-me-{d}utu mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: Išme-Šamaš, 11 years he ruled;
254. na-an-ni-ia zadim mu 7(disz) i3-ak
 en: Nanniya, the stone cutter, 7 years he ruled;
255. ($blank space$) 7(disz) lugal
 en: 7 kings,
256. mu-bi 8(gesz2) 1(u) 1(disz) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 491 they ruled;
257. kisz{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Kish with weapons was struck down;
258. nam-lugal-bi unu{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Uruk was carried away.
259. unu{ki}-ga lugal-za3-ge-si
 en: In Uruk, Lugalzagesi
260. lugal-am3 mu 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: was king, 25 years he ruled;
261. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
262. mu-bi 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: the years: 25 he ruled;
263. unu{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Uruk with weapons was struck down;
264. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
265. a-ga-de3{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: to Agade was carried away.
266. a-ga-de3 szar-ru-ki-in
 en: In Agade, Sargon,
267. ab?-ba-ni nu-{gesz}kiri6
 en: his father an orchardist,
268. sagi ur-{d}za-ba4-ba4
 en: cupbearer of Ur-Zababa,
269. lugal a-ga-de3{ki} lu2 a-ga-de3{ki}
 en: king of Agade, man who Agade
270. mu-un-du3-a
 en: built,
271. lugal-am3 mu 5(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: was king, 56 years he ruled;
272. ri2-mu-usz dumu szar-ru-ki-in
 en: Rimush, son of Sargon,
273. mu 9(disz@v) i3-ak
 en: 9 years he ruled;
274. ma-ni-isz-ti-isz-szu
 en: Manishtusu,
275. szesz-gal ri2-mu-usz
 en: big brother of Rimush,
276. dumu szar-ru-ki-in
 en: son of Sargon,
277. mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: 15 years he ruled;
278. na-ra-am-{d}suen
 en: Naram-Sin,
279. dumu ma-ni-isz-ti-isz-szu
 en: son of Manishtusu,
280. mu 5(u) 6(disz)? i3-ak
 en: 56(?) years he ruled;
281. szar-ka3-li2-szar-ri2
 en: Šar-kali-šarrī,
282. dumu na-ra-am-{d}suen
 en: son of Naram-Sin,
283. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
284. a-ba-am3 lugal a-ba-am3 nu-lugal
 en: who was king, who was pretender?
  nu-lugal literally “not-king”
285. ir-gi4-gi4 lugal
 en: Irgigi was king,
286. i-mi lugal
 en: Imi was king,
287. na-nu-um lugal
 en: Nanum was king,
288. i-lu-lu lugal
 en: Ilulu was king,
289. n mu ib2-ak
 en: n years they ruled;
290. du-du mu 2(u) 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: Dudu, 21 years he ruled;
291. szu-dur-ul3 dumu du-du-ke4
 en: Šu-durul, son of Dudu,
292. mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: 15 years he ruled;
293. ($blank space$) 1(u) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 11 kings,
294. mu-bi 3(gesz2) 1(disz) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 181 they ruled;
295. a-ga-de3{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Agade with weapons was struck down;
296. nam-lugal-bi unu{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Uruk was carried away.
297. unu{ki}-sze3 ur-nigar lugal-am3
 en: To Uruk, Ur-nigar was king,
298. mu 7(disz) i3-ak
 en: 7 years he ruled;
299. ur-{gesz}gigir dumu ur-nigar-ke4
 en: Ur-gigir, son of Ur-nigar,
300. mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 6 years he ruled;
301. ku5-da mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Kuda, 6 years he ruled;
302. puzur4-i3-li2 mu 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: Puzur-ilī, 5 years he ruled;
303. ur-{d}utu mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Ur-Utu, 6 years he ruled;
304. ($blank space$) 5(disz) lugal
 en: 5 kings,
304.a. mu-bi 3(u) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 30 they ruled;
305. unu{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Uruk with weapons was struck down;
306. nam-lugal-bi
 en: the kingship
307. ugnim gu-tu-um ba-de6
 en: to Camp-Gutium was carried off.
308. ugnim gu-tu-um{ki}
 en: Camp-Gutium
309. lugal mu nu-tuku
 en: king and years had not.
310. ni2-ta-a lugal-am3 mu 3(disz) i3-ak
 en: Nitaya was king, 3 years he ruled;
311. in-ki-szusz2 mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Inkišuš, 6 years he ruled;
312. zar2-lagab-la-gab mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Zar-lagag-lagab, 6 years he ruled;
313. szul-me-e mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Šulmeye, 6 years he ruled;
314. se3?-lu-lu-me-esz mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Selulumeš(?), 6 years he ruled;
315. i-ni-ma-ba-ke-esz mu 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: Inimabakeš, 5 years he ruled;
316. i-ge4-esz-a-usz mu 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: Igeš’a’uš, 6 years he ruled;
317. ia-ar-la-gab mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: Yar-lagab, 15 years he ruled;
318. i-ba-te mu 3(disz) i3-ak
 en: Ibate, 3 years he ruled;
319. ia-ar-la mu 3(disz) i3-ak
 en: Yar-la, 3 years he ruled;
320. ku-ru-um mu 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: Kurum, 1 year he ruled;
321. a-pil-ki?-in mu 3(disz) i3-ak
 en: Apil-kin, 3 years he ruled;
322. la-e2-ra-bu-um mu 2(disz) i3-ak
 en: La-e-rabum, 2 years he ruled;
323. i-ra-ru-um mu 2(disz) i3-ak
 en: Irarum, 2 years he ruled;
324. ib-ra-nu-um mu 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: Ibranum, 1 year he ruled;
325. ha-ab-lum mu 2(disz) i3-ak
 en: Ḫablum, 2 years he ruled;
326. puzur4-{d}suen dumu ha-ab-lum
 en: Puzur-Suen, son of Ḫablum,
326.a. mu 7(disz) i3-ak
 en: 7 years he ruled;
327. ia-ar-la-ga-an-da mu 7(disz) i3-ak
 en: Yar-laganda, 7 years he ruled;
328. si-u4 mu 7(disz) i3-ak
 en: Si’u, 7 years he ruled;
329. ti-ri-ga u4 4(u) i3-ak
 en: Tiriga, 40 days he ruled;
330. ($blank space$) 2(u) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 21 kings,
331. mu-bi n u4 4(u) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 40 days they ruled.
332. ugnim gu-ti-um{ki}
 en: Camp-Gutium,
333. {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3?
 en: with weapons was struck down;
334. nam-lugal-bi unu{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Uruk was carried off.
335. unu{ki}-ga {d}utu-he2-gal2 lugal-am3
 en: In Uruk Utu-hegal was king,
336. mu 7(disz) szu-szi 7(disz) u4 […] i3-ak
 en: 7 sixties 7 … days he ruled;
337. ($blank space$) 1(disz) lugal
 en: 1 king,
338. mu-bi 7(disz) szu-szi 7(disz) u4 […] i3-ak
 en: the years: 7 sixties 7 … days he ruled;
339. unu{ki} {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Uruk with weapons was struck down;
340. nam-lugal-bi uri2{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Ur was carried off.
341. uri2{ki}-ma ur-{d}namma lugal-am3
 en: In Ur Ur-Namma was king,
342. mu 1(u) 8(disz) i3-ak
 en: 18 years he ruled;
343. {d}szul-gi dumu ur-{d}namma-ke4
 en: Šulgi, son of Ur-Namma,
344. mu 4(u) 6(disz) i3-ak
 en: 46 years he ruled;
345. {d}amar-{d}suen dumu {d}szul-gi-ke4
 en: Amar-Suen, son of Šulgi,
346. mu 9(disz) i3-ak
 en: 9 years he ruled;
347. szu-{d}suen dumu {d}amar-{d}suen
 en: Šū-Suen, son of Amar-Suen,
348. mu 9(disz) i3-ak
 en: 9 years he ruled;
349. i-bi2-{d}suen dumu szu-{d}suen-ke4
 en: Ibbi-Suen, son of Šū-Suen,
350. mu 2(u) 4(disz) i3-ak
 en: 24 years he ruled;
351. ($blank space$) 4(disz) lugal
 en: 4 kings,
352. mu-bi 1(gesz2) 4(u) 8(disz) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 108 they ruled;
353. uri2{ki}-ma {gesz}tukul ba-an-sag3
 en: Ur with weapons was struck down;
354. nam-lugal-bi i3-si-in{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
 en: the kingship to Isin was carried off.
355. i3-si-in{ki}-na isz-bi-{d}er3-ra lugal-am3
 en: In Isin, Išbi-Erra was king,
356. mu 3(u) 3(disz) i3-ak
 en: 33 years he ruled;
357. {d}szu-i3-li2-szu dumu isz-bi-{d}er3-ra-ke4
 en: Šū-ilišu, son of Isbi-Erra,
358. mu 2(u) i3-ak
 en: 20 years he ruled;
359. i-din-{d}da-gan dumu szu-i3-li2-szu-ke4
 en: Iddin-Dagan, son of Šū-ilišu,
360. mu 2(u) 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: 21 years he ruled;
361. isz-me-{d}da-gan dumu i-din-{d}da-gan-ke4
 en: Išme-Dagan, son of Iddin-Dagan,
362. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
363. li-pi2-it-esz18-dar dumu isz-me-{d}da-gan-ke4
 en: Lipit-Ištar, son of Išme-Dagan,
364. mu n i3-ak
 en: n years he ruled;
365. {d}ur-{d}nin-urta mu n i3-ak
 en: Ur-Ninurta, n years he ruled;
366. {d}bur-{d}suen dumu {d}ur-{d}nin-urta-ke4
 en: Bur-Sîn, son of Ur-Ninurta,
367. mu 2(u) 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: 21 years he ruled;
368. {d}li-pi2-it-{d}en-lil2
 en: Lipit-Enlil,
369. dumu bur-{d}suen-ke4 mu 5(disz) i3-ak
 en: son of Bur-Sîn, 5 years he ruled;
370. {d}er3-ra-i-mi-ti mu 8(disz) i3-ak
 en: Erra-imitti, 8 years he ruled;
371. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni mu 2(u) 4(disz) i3-ak
 en: Enlil-bani, 24 years he ruled;
372. {d}za-am-bi-ia mu 3(disz) i3-ak
 en: Zambiya, 3 years he ruled;
373. {d}i-te-er-pi4-sza mu 4(disz) i3-ak
 en: Iter-pīša, 4 years he ruled;
374. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga mu 4(disz) i3-ak
 en: Ur-dukuga, 4 years he ruled;
375. {d}suen-ma-gir mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak
 en: Sîn-magir, 11 years he ruled;
376. ($blank space$) 1(u) 3(disz) lugal
 en: 13 kings,
377. mu-bi 3(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) ib2-ak
 en: the years: 213 they ruled,
378. szunigin 4(u) la2 1(disz) lugal
 en: Total: 40 less 1 kings,
379. mu-bi 4(szar2) n 9(disz) mu 3(disz) iti 1(u) 2(disz) u4 ib2-ak
 en: the years: 14409+, 3 months, 12 days they ruled,
380. a-ra2 4(disz)-kam
 en: 4 times
381. sza3 kisz{ki}
 en: in Kish;
382. szunigin 2(u) 2(disz) lugal
 en: total: 22 kings,
383. mu-bi 4(gesz’u) 3(gesz2) 3(u) n 6(disz) iti 1(u) 5(disz) u4 ib2-ak
 en: the years: 2616+, 6 months, 15 days they ruled,
384. a-ra2 5(disz)-kam
 en: 5 times
385. sza3 unu{ki}-ga
 en: in Uruk;
386. szunigin 1(u) 2(disz) lugal
 en: total: 12 kings,
387. mu-bi 6(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) mu ib2-ak
 en: the years: 396 they ruled,
388. a-ra2 3(disz)-kam
 en: 3 times
389. sza3 uri2{ki}-ma
 en: in Ur;
390. szunigin 3(disz) lugal
 en: total: 3 kings,
391. mu-bi 5(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz) mu ib2-ak
 en: the years: 356 they ruled,
392. a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
 en: 1 time
393. sza3 a-wa-an{ki}
 en: in Awan;
394. szunigin 1(disz) lugal
 en: total: 1 king,
395. mu-bi 7(gesz2) mu i3-ak
 en: the years: 420 he ruled,
396. a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
 en: 1 time
397. sza3 ha?-ma-zi{ki}-a
 en: in Ḫamazi(?);
  n lines broken
398′. szunigin 1(u) 2(disz) lugal
 en: total: 12 kings,
399′. mu-bi 3(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) mu ib2-ak
 en: the years: 197 they ruled,
400′. a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
 en: 1 time
401′. sza3 a-ga-de3{ki}
 en: in Agade;
402′. szunigin 2(u) 1(disz) lugal
 en: total: 21 kings,
403′. mu-bi 2(gesz2) 5(disz) mu 4(u) u4 ib2-ak
 en: the years: 125, 40 days, they ruled,
404′. a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
 en: 1 time
405′. sza3 ugnim
 en: in Camp-
406′. gu-ti-um{ki}
 en: Gutium;
407′. szunigin 1(u) 1(disz) lugal
 en: total: 11 kings,
408′. mu-bi 2(gesz2) 3(u) 9(disz) mu ib2-ak
 en: the years: 159 they ruled,
409′. sza3 i-si-in{ki}-na
 en: in Isin;
410′. 1(u) 1(disz) iri{ki}
 en: 11 cities,
411′. iri{ki} nam-lugal-la ib2-ak-ka3
 en: cities that practiced kingship,
412′. szunigin 2(gesz2) 1(u) 4(disz) lugal
 en: total: 134 kings,
413′. mu-bi 8(szar2) n 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz)
 en: the years: 28,876+ they ruled,
414′. 2(u) 1(disz)
 en: 21.

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