
Paschal Beverly Randolph

Cyclical Time in Ancient Legends

The most interesting numbers used are 360 and 432, along with their multiples, which form the basis for many mythological and historical chronologies.

Krishna’s city of Dwaraka was attacked by King Salva using advanced flying machines called Vimanas and powerful weapons.


Four Yugas

The Hindu Puranic King Lists are found in the Puranas, which are ancient Hindu scriptures written in Sanskrit.

The Hindu Puranic King Lists are found in the Puranas, which are ancient Hindu scriptures written in Sanskrit.


Padma Purana

Emergence of the cosmic egg (Brahmanda) and the subsequent division of the egg into various elements, leading to the formation of the universe.

Ahura Mazda, also known as Oromasdes or Ahuramazda, is an important god in Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion.

Sumerian King List

Sumerian King List

Antediluvian rulers 241,200 Years
First dynasty of Kish 24,510 Years
First rulers of Uruk 2,310 years