Atlantis and the Creation of Races
The God Odin, Woden, or Wotan
The Anasazi
Human lifespan declines
This date corresponds with the recollection of past memories from Matias de Stefano, stating that the Aessir (Anunnaki) arrived around 20,000 BCE.
Aessir (in Old Norse)
The 12 Elohim
Vibrational change on this planet
Thalan was this Aessir with all these other Aessirs that before they had this idea of creating what after was Atlantis, they would spread their regions in the Middle East.
It was a long period of time in which the Aessir were trying what to do with this world and what was there purpose here.
The process of the Aessir was finished.
In our history when we listen about the Annunaki and the Aessir what we have in mind is that they came here to create the human experiment.
There were just hundreds of people from the Aessir.
But the Aessir wasn't.
Weather forced the Aessir to go underground.
Is there a symbol in the Sumerian tablets that can refer to Aessir?
First thought Loki -> Enki -> Introduction of the Aessir
3 Men are Aessir.
The Aessir landed on planet Earth in search of gold.
The Aessir were similar to humans, while advanced, in many ways, they were still tribal, there were conflicts, wars, and wrestles between the Aessir people.
Structures of the first temples with big stones, guided by Aessir, were built by humans.
Sumerian King List
If the Aessir/Anunnaki arrived around 20,000 years ago.
And since the Aessir arrived on earth around 20,000 years ago (according to Mathias de Stefano's past memories).
Therefore could there be another planet (within our Milkyway) occupied by the Aessir?
(see Atrahasis)It seems like the 'mother spaceship could only have been in one place, however, the Aessir could have bases (dynasties) in many places (on Earth or on planets).
In Atrhasis there is a mention of the Igigi who for 3,600 years worked for the Aessir.
The everlasting covenant
Assuming that the Aessir mixed with the humans, then it's a son of Shem who is next in line.
Age limit to 120 years
[1] And it came to pass, when men human began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,[2] That the sons of God Assendence of Aessir saw the daughters of men human that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.[3] And the LORD Enlil said, My spirit appearance shall not always strive with man altered humans, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be limited to an hundred and twenty 120 years.[4] There were giants, Nemhir, in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God Assendence of Aessir came in unto the daughters of men human, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men human which were of old, men human of renown - Methuselah, Lamech, Adam, Seth..[5] And GOD Anu saw that the wickedness rebellion of man altered humans was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.[6] And it repented the LORD Enlil that he had made man altered humans on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.[7] And the LORD Enlil said, I will destroy man altered humans whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man altered humans, and altered beast, and the altered creeping thing, and the altered fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.[8] But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD Enki.[9] These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man altered human and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God Anu.
The Nephilim were on the earth in the earliest days, and also afterward when the Aessir came into the daughters of humans and they bore children to them.
Genesis, in my opinion, describes the Aessir coming to earth to find gold.
The Aessir started to have children with humans (or homo sapiens).
Genesis describes the bloodline of the Aessir through humans.
This could explain why topics like expulsion, incest, and murder were common in Genesis; it was necessary to maintain the bloodline of the Aessir.
And Nammu told him that with the help of Enki (her son) she can create humans in the image of The Aessir (Anunnaki).