Flood Stories from Around the World
Then Ziusudra opened a window in the large boat, allowing sunlight to enter, and he prostrated himself before the sun-god Utu.
Ndengei sent his messenger Utu to find the bird.
Inanna and Enmerkar
Lines 11-15: "Enmerkar, the son of Utu, the king of Unug (Uruk), the lord of Kulaba, Enmerkar, the king of Unug, who made the neck-stock of the people of Aratta bow, He determined that the people of Aratta should be subjected to him, that they should bear the heavy yoke.
Lines 16-20: "Enmerkar, the son of Utu, called upon his minister, His minister who was familiar with the words of Aratta.
Say to him: "The lord of Kulaba, Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has sent me to you."' The lord of Kulaba has brought together the people of Uruk, who are numerous as the stars."
The sun Sol
Utu: God of the sun and justice, Anunnaki
Khem – Zep Tepi
Ra (Egyptian) - Utu/Shamash (Sumerian):
Ra and Utu/Shamash are both solar deities associated with the sun.
Sumerian King List
dumu {d}utu en-am3 en: son of Utu, was lord,98.
isz-me-{d}utu mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak en: Išme-Šamaš, 11 years he ruled;254.
ur-{d}utu mu 6(disz) i3-ak en: Ur-Utu, 6 years he ruled;304.
unu{ki}-ga {d}utu-he2-gal2 lugal-am3 en: In Uruk Utu-hegal was king,336.
Anunnaki gods list
Utu - God of the sun and justice