3rd Dimension

All things undergo a birth process and were brought into existence for us in the third world.

It was proven that the medium’s practice did not involve illusionism or sorcery, declaring that 95% of the medium’s diagnoses were correct and that operations carried out with a pocket knife

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been drawn to the mysteries of our world, especially ancient history and the idea of life beyond Earth. This curiosity was sparked by reading “Chariots of the Gods” by Erich von Däniken when I was twelve. The book suggested that ancient gods might have been visitors from outer … Read more


6th – Architects

Where light becomes a rainbow. One being becomes multiple beings. You are the creator but you are also transforming.

4th dimension is the process of experiencing, as to only one thing that spins – Mathias de Stefano 4th dimension is forever (no time). I can change and create these things in these shapes forever. But where can I experience these things? Because I’m not experiencing what I’m creating (3rd dimension) 4th dimension is about knowing how … Read more

3th Dimension – I will get inside the system that I create, I will become that, in order to exist. But the only way to do that is to separate my parts, because I am so huge, that I cannot experience everything all together, I have to divide myself into many (people, realms, etc).

A summary of the four dimensions and their characteristics as explained by Neil deGrasse: Matias de Stefano about the 9 Dimensions. Spiritual Light Realm 8th dimension – Light becomes spirit Free Form Realm 7th dimension – Spirit has form Etheric Realm 6th dimension – Form develops a purpose Etheric Form Realm 5th dimension – Form’s … Read more