September 2024 Update
6th Dimension
The Weaver or Spiders
3rd Dimension: Physical reality, human life, and material existence.
Zé Arigó – Dr Fritz
We operate in the 3rd dimension.
We operate in the 3rd dimension.
6th – Architects
Using the awareness of the 5th dimension, the spinning of the 4th dimension, the experience of the 3rd dimension and the polarity of the 2nd dimension, to transform the 1st dimension.
Matias de Stefano
4th Spiritual Awaking
The 4th dimension is where the 3rd dimension is projected from
Because I’m not experiencing what I’m creating (3rd dimension)
Some of us on earth now are already living/conscious of 4th dimension, while most are still perceiving in 3rd dimension only.
3rd Dimension is about the movement of duality, which creates a triangle.
Physical Creation Realm 3rd dimension - Physical is reality