Matias de Stefano

Spirituality in Ancient Civilizations

In this podcast featuring Matias De Stefano, the conversation delves into ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria, exploring how these societies may inform our current understanding of spirituality and technology.

Next Level Soul Podcast: Matias remembers the fall of atlantis

Imagination and Spirituality in Ancient Civilizations

Matias emphasizes that imagination was a unique human trait that allowed ancient civilizations to connect with other realities and develop advanced understandings.

This imagination enabled humans to mimic and incorporate elements of nature into their lives, which led to the development of advanced technologies and spiritual practices.

Role of Spirituality

Ancient civilizations were deeply connected to spirituality, which Matias suggests was crucial for them to achieve advanced understanding and technology.

He describes how spirituality enabled them to perceive and interact with the universe, which allowed them to accomplish feats such as moving large stones with thought or healing through music.

Atlantis and Its Downfall

Technological Understanding

The people of Atlantis were said to be so advanced because they themselves were the technology, meaning they embodied the knowledge and understanding required to manipulate their environment.

They didn’t rely on external technology as we do today but were able to harness mental and spiritual powers.

Collapse of Atlantis

The downfall of Atlantis, according to Matias, was due to multiple factors including political and economic conflicts, climate changes caused by a comet, and internal divisions.

As colonies sought independence and resources became strained, the civilization began to decline over centuries.

Ancient Architectural Mastery

Integration of Knowledge

Matias describes how ancient builders, like those who constructed the pyramids, were not just architects but also musicians, mathematicians, and spiritual leaders.

They had to embody multiple disciplines to create structures that were in harmony with the laws of the universe.

Nature as a Guide

Ancient civilizations learned from nature, using the movements and behaviors of animals as guidance for architectural alignment and construction. This suggests that they had an intrinsic understanding of the earth’s energies.

Quantum Physics and Spirituality

Connection to Modern Science

They discuss how ancient spiritual understandings increasingly align with modern quantum physics. Concepts like quantum entanglement are seen as validations of ancient wisdom, showing the interconnectedness of all things in a way that modern physics is beginning to explore.

Antarctica and Ancient Knowledge

As Antarctica’s ice melts, theories about ancient structures are being revealed, which Matias acknowledges but suggests might be more modest, such as temples or pyramids, rather than sprawling cities.

Reflections on Life and Purpose:

Living a Fulfilled Life: Matias defines a fulfilled life as living authentically and coherently with one’s true self, thoughts, and actions.

Advice to His Younger Self: He advises his younger self to enjoy life more and find joy in the unfolding experiences.

Concept of God and Life’s Purpose: Matias sees God or Source as an embodiment of self (“I am”) and believes the ultimate purpose of life is to embrace simplicity.

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